🌑Rewriting History🌑
(This chapter was made by me and my friend @WeebyHumanBean go follow them! :)
Horror, Cross, Error, Dust and Killer were all devising a plan to retrieve their tiny boss from the clutches of the Star Sans'. They knew it could be risky, but they were prepared to unleash HELL onto them.
"How could that bastard do that to us?! We help him, we feed him and we do a truce and he breaks all that.. that act just to take our boss?!"
Killer growled, slamming his foot down on the ground.
Error growled, "don't act like you are completely innocent. You held him down while Dream did what he did to him.."
Horror wasn't very happy either. Tapping his very sharp phalanges in the couch's armrest, he narrowed his eyes at the glitch. "...didn't know.."
Dust knew a fight would break out if they kept going and that was NOT what they needed right now. So, he spoke up."Don't argue, that'll get us nowhere. We need to come up with a plan to get Boss back. Any ideas?"
The tar-leaker crunched his knuckle into his palm. "Let's just go invade their base and beat them all to a pulp! Why the fuck do we need a plan?! We need some blood shed!"
"...where would... they hide.. anyway?" Horror grunted, crossing his arms.
"If I can somehow get into the Doodlesphere, I'd be able to track them down..."Error muttered, seeming deep in thought. Ink had talked about that back when he was trapped in the empty space that was once his world.
Dust growled. "Well what're we waitin' for?! We're gonna track those assholes down till the end of the multiverse! No matter the costs!"
Killer nodded, "exactly. We brought them fire and they rained down on it. So that just means we're making a storm!" He yelled.
Cross growled, "grab your weapons. We're going harder then we ever have. They messed with the wrong team. And they took the wrong fucking person."
The team let out a war cry, and Error ripped open a portal. Everyone jumped through, adrenaline taking over their systems, fueling their rage even further.Dream and Ink wouldn't see it coming, they'd make sure of that.
Dream soon made his way down the stairs after having a conversation with Ink in private, the artist following suit. "It appears you and Blue are getting along well?"
The prince's entire personality faltered and he whipped his head around. "Yes. We were having a nice little chat before you rudely interrupted, brother."
The yellow guardian hummed, "I'm sorry for interrupting but we've got some things to do. I can sense the growing negativity in the air a bit. Your men are close and they are coming."
Nightmare felt hope rise inside of him, but then it was quick to falter. They pinned him down, allowing DREAM to turn him back.
"I don't want to 'do things' with you, Dream. Bug off!" He growled, crossing his arms and trying to look as intimidating as possible though his soul was racing.
The yellow guardian only sighed, "I'm sorry, Nighty. uBt you don't really have a choice. Ink." Turning to look to the artist, Ink only nodded and grabbed Nightmare's hand.
When the purple prince went to yank his hand away he found he couldn't, ink holding onto him securely as he tugged him to the guest room and put him inside, locking the door as the artist guarded the door.
Nightmare gasped, quickly going to bang on it with fists. "LET ME OUT!" He yelled. Though, the artist only replied with a nonchalant, "sorry."
Blue looked shocked, yet his face quickly forming into one of anger. Though, before he could speak, Dream was walking off.
Dream sighed, "we don't have time for this. Ink, watch over him. I'm taking Blue with me for the time-being."
The artist smiled and nodded, "aye aye, Captain!" He gave a little salute before grabbing his sketchbook and heading back up stairs. Nightmare was still banging on the door, though Ink's weight kept it closed.
"LET ME OUUUT!!" Nightmare kept screaming, trying to bust out. Ink just stayed leaning against the door, sketching a cursed orange eating a yelling flower.
Nightmare's body began to feel sore, and he tired himself out. He slumped against the door, sliding down and panting heavily.
Though, he was quiet before thinking of something he knew for a fact the dumb squid would fall for.
Nightmare was quiet before he started to talk again. "Ink.. you can't really wanna do this right?" He asked. "You're a... good person. At least I think you are."
Ink raised a metaphorical brow and closed his eyes, setting his sketchbook on the side. "What're you gettin' at, Nightmare?—"
"—ive always been having some very... complicated feelings.. which I think you're going through as well.." Ink's eyes widened. He was listening now. "What does that mean..?" He asked, feeling confused but also intrigued at the same time. The prince was quiet before speaking up again. "I.. could teach you how to feel.
Happiness, anger, sadness, fear...love.."
The artist couldn't believe what he was hearing. He wanted that a lot. To learn. "You'd.. teach me..?"
"Of course I would! I want... I want you to be able to love me such as how I love you, Ink. You just.. you have to let me out of here."
Ink was about to open the door before stopping. "How.. do I know I can trust you?"
"How would you know I am lying?" Nightmare countered back.
The manipulative way of speech would be enough for Ink to take the risk. He knew for a fact because Dream had always did it to him.
Ink instantly let Nightmare out, eager to learn.
"So! Can you teach me lo- HEY!" The prince bolted, running down the hallway as fast as he could, with Ink hot on his trail. Nightmare jumped down the stairs, taking a quick left down a hallway, hearing the artist yelling and running even faster. However, Nightmare was faster. How far would his stubby little legs carry him?
He was so close!
Who knew all he had to do was spill a few lies? Coming towards the door, he pulled up a chair quickly, unlocking the lock and opening it. Ink had his hand outstretched and Nightmare closed and barricaded the front door. A big thud was heard as the artist fell to the floor, pounding on the door to be let out.
"Nightmare, you lied to me!"
The prince growled, "guess it's nice to have a taste of your own medicine, huh? Fuck you, you little.." he growled. He wasn't going to waste his breath on such garbage. He was leaving.
Nightmare walked away from the HQ. He went into the forest beyond, drifting off into the shrubbery.
The prince gave a small, quiet little whoop for his success. He felt proud that he escaped. Now... how would he get out of this place, and find a safe place to hide?
He couldn't go to the gang.. those assholes were apart of it, and he obviously couldn't go back to the HQ with his brother and their lunatic friends..
Blue was okay..
But he could always also just be in on it.
Damnit, he didn't think this far ahead! He always used skill and pre-meditated strategies to do his missions with the gang! He couldn't make it up as he went along!
"Think, Nightmare, think.. what is one place that's you've been able to call home your entire life that isn't the castle..?"
He couldn't even think of one!
He'd never been able to call any place "home" except for the castle, with his men... his men who betrayed him...
'I'll have to make a new home... wait... New Home... THAT'S IT! NEW HOME!'
Nightmare felt his SOUL beat in excitement. There was NO WAY Ink and Dream would find Nightmare in a crowded place, in a different timeline where tons of monsters lived at the ends of the caverns! He'd just need a disguise, so if they came looking he wouldn't be recognized.
This was the perfect plan!
'Now, I just need to figure out how to get there... I can't use portals nor magic...'
Nightmare looked around, his small feet padding on the grass and leaves.
He just had to find a weak area inside this AU and create a rip of sorts. Letting his purple eyelights scan the area, he was easily able to find a save star. Golden and bright.
"This'll do.." Letting his hands out infront of him, he let the black goop cover his hands and grab onto the soul. Starting to absorb it's power and life, turning it into a black smudge. The file was his now. Spreading it apart with his power, he opened it to an AU easily.
Nightmare ended up exactly where he wanted. New Home, timeline #52. Score!
As he could see, he was in the outskirts of Snowdin... Now, the only problem was he had no clue how to get there. And even if he somehow was able to sneak in and spent the night in an Inn, where would he go from there? Would he get a job? Move to a new AU?
So many questions...
With Error, having devised a plan that'd be able to lure those damned stars out of their hiding. The gang had agreed on it and now it was finally happening.
Letting his eyes pull out strings, he got to work on destroying the same AU Nightmare was in. He obviously didn't know his friend was there but it was to late to stop. He was already getting to work on destroying the code as the world started to fade.
Nightmare gasped as he saw some of the surrounding world around him fade away.
'W...what?! I thought I chose a stable timeline-?!'His thoughts were interrupted as war cries sounded out. One of them sounded... glitchy?
'Oh hell no. Those bastards came looking for me...!'
Nightmare thought, taking cover in a shop that hadn't faded into a blank white abyss yet. If Error was destroying this world, he'd be taken with it. If he hid for long enough though, surely he wouldn't be discovered, right?
If the gang was here, the Stars would follow suit. Dream had a chance of sensing his aura... unless, if the gangs' negativity tainted the area so bad, Dream wouldn't be able to sense him?
This could work for now.
"Error!" Ink yelled angrily, his brush summoned. Blue and Dream were there as well, their weapons draw as well.
The gang was also there, swords and knifes, and other weapons drawn. Angry expressions lied on their faces.
"WHERE THE HELL IN NIGHTMARE?!" Cross yelled, pointing his blade at Dream. The yellow prince moved it calmly, "And.. why should I tell you? He is with me. Safe and sound."
Dust growled, "We ain't stoppin' nor are we leavin' till you give him back!"
Ink felt a bit. Dream had no clue Nightmare had gotten away, and Blue didn't know either. Blue wasn't interested in fighting the gang, but even if Ink and Dream had done wrong things, he couldn't just abandon his teammates.
"ATTACK!" Killer exclaimed.
Error and Dust fired the first blasters at Ink and Blue, who both jumped to the side.
A barrage of bones was hurdled at Ink, who leapt over them, flinging blue paint at Killer. Error tried to trap Dream in his strings, but the yellow prince dodged them with ease, using his staff to block sharp bones that rained down on him. The taco-addict went up against Dust and Horror, sidestepping to avoid an axe then ducking out of the way of a blaster beam.
Nightmare could hear them fighting. Would he be able to get out of here dead? As the post he was hiding behind started to fade, he moved. Though, that's when Blue crashed into a wall.
He saw him, but kept quiet. "Nightmare..?"
The prince flinched and his eyes widened. "Blue.."
"Nightmare, come with me. I'll get us out of here!"Blue whisper-yelled. The negative prince narrowed his eyesockets at the other, backing away slightly and shaking his head 'no.'
Nightmare growled, standing in a defensive position. Blue felt himself begin to panic. Now was not the time for Nightmare's damn trust issues to come in!
"Nightmare please, I'll get you to safety!-"
"I said NO."
That's when a bow was shot straight the prince, knocking him out instantly.
He just hoped it'd kill him....
When he came to, he was... not in HQ nor was he in the mansion.. what the hell? Looking around as he sat up, he could perfectly see he was.. under a tree on a hill..?
"Ah, you've finally awaken." Dream greeted, sitting down right next to him. His clothes were all torn, bruises on his body while his skull had a very cracked mark and blood coming from it. How long was he out?!
"What the hell happened?! Where are we?! Why are you here-?!"Dream hushed him, putting a hand over Nightmare's mouth.
"Look around, Nighty... I'm sure you'll recognize it..."
The prince got chills.
He looked up, seeing the tree of feelings... which bore no fruit.
Off in the distance was... "Th-...the village...?"
The home of all the people who made him insane, broke him... the people that Dream seemed to like more than him.
"Timeline, #3004 to be exact." The yellow prince stated.
Tears streamed down Nightmare's face, indescribable dread washing over him.
He would have to relive that all over again?
Dream could see the dread on his brother's face and smiled softly, shaking his head. "No, no, brother! It WON'T be like last time, I promise!"
The eldest wiped the tears away from his eyes. "We won't tell them about what this tree is. We won't tell them what we represent. We won't-"
The yellow guardian was taken aback at his brother's yellow. His eyes widened and he was.. surprised.
Dream watched as his brother broke down sobbing. He hadn't seen Nightmare do that in centuries. The last time he broke down like that was when he told Nightmare he didn't believe him about the bullying.
"Nighty don't cry, it's all going to be okay! I re-created it all just for you, so you could have a second chance, so you could see what it's like to feel accepted! You've always wanted it, right?"
Dream hushed, and Nightmare shook his head violently, tears getting flung from his eyes.
"NO... NO! N-not like this..."
Nightmare sobbed, curling up in a ball. The amount of panic, dread and betrayal he felt all at that moment was sickening.
He should've gone with Blue.
Dream hugged the crying ball, a smile on his face. Whether Nightmare liked it or not, they would have their second chance.
To Nightmare, it seemed things would go downhill for him once again...
But of course, Dream was oblivious to what was to come as usual.
Both were going to face consequences.
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