🖌List of Fun: Outertale🖌
(This chapter was made by me and Weebyhumanbean go follow them!
Killer teleported back into the living room, now a crying mess.
Tar leaked down his face, and his body wracked with sobs.
Ink looked up from his sketchbook, glancing at the tar-leaking male,
"Oh? What happened?"
Killer looked at Ink, sniffling. "I don't matter to him." Ink's eyelights switched shapes and colors.
"Oh, man that sucks..."
Then, a timer rand in the artistic skeleton's pocket.
"Ah, it looks like it's my turn~! I'll see ya guys later~!"
Ink jumped up, giggling.
When Ink hopped through the portal, he smiled, his eyes already landing on the black skeleton.
"There you are, Blobby!"
Nightmare had been deep in his thoughts, quickly snapping out of them when he heard Ink's voice.
He sighed deeply, the flowers in his hands faltering a bit.
"What do you want?"
"It's my turn! You're comin' with me!"
Ink smiled happily, not even giving Nightmare time to hesitate as he was being tugged by the sleeve and into the portal Ink had created.
Nightmare grumbled, "don't drag me you fake idio—"
Before he could finish, he was looking at a sky. Not just an sky, though. The sky was scattered with specks of yellow, burning bright into the gravity around them. The sky was different shades of blue mixed with purple that made him feel like he was floating on nothing but air. In which case, he would've been not thanks to the magic.
"Pfft! You should see your face!" Ink laughed, pointing at how dumbfounded the other looked by some silly stars.
The prince scowled at Ink, and folded his arms grumpily.
"Aww, don't be so grumpy, look at the view!"
Nightmare rolled his eyes, "Something so stupid like this isn't going to make me happy, y'know—"
"—so what? Doesn't mean you still can't enjoy it, right?"
The prince stopped, and blinked. He grumbled something incoherent, then ignored the artist, focusing on the millions of stars speckling the eternal night sky.
"Pretty, right?"
Nightmare groaned, why was he still talking?!
The prince glared at the other's happy expression as he laughed,
"What's with the face, Nighty? Am I really that hard to stand?"
"On a scale of murder to drag to hell, I'd say I'd rather sit."
Ink made a pouty face, but it was quickly replaced with a teasing smile.
"Awww, don't be like that my little pinker!"
Ink teased as he scooted closer to Nightmare, his eyelights flickering for hearts for a moment.
Nightmare tried not to gag. Why was everyone so...
ever since he was caught trying to hang himself?!
Nightmare did scoot even farther, "Ever heard of personal space?" he scowled.
Ink hummed before going back to where he sat close to the prince like before, "nope!"
Nightmare would just let it be. This once. Though, another thought crossed his mind. "What the hell is a pinker?"
Ink didn't understand what he meant before smiling, "Huh.. I don't really know!"
He doesn't know? Then why would the idiot--
"But, I guess it's the best thing to refer to you as!"
Nightmare sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation.
If he wasn't already, he was sure Ink would drive him mad.
His irritation rose even further when the squid began to hum, and stick his tongue out at nothing.
'Oh gosh, when can I leave...'
Thought Nightmare, unconsciously dragging his fingers along his face.
"I mean.. the best way I can describe is that.. hm..
I think you're a really pretty shade of pink!"
Nightmare looked at him, even more confused by before. "But.. I'm not pink--"
"Yes, you are. At least.. to me you are."
Nightmare felt his confusion grow ever more. Why does Ink think he's pink when he has no pink on him? Does the pink represent something? Hell if he knew.
Nightmare wanted to forget Ink's stupidity and his own dumb thoughts, so he stared at the edge of the cliff, seeing the starry abyss below.
Ink frowned when he noticed the other didn't get the memo.
"It's.. hard to explain cause I don't know how to explain it.." he pushed both his index fingers together as he looked downwards.
"It's like.. I just.. associate you with--"
"Why are you still talking? I can't even have something as peaceful as this with your annoying voice budding in every 5 seconds. Can you just shut the hell up for once?"
Ink looked down, feeling slightly hurt and embarrassed.
The black one said no more, continuing to stare down the edge of the cliff.
If he could just wait until Ink is totally distracted... he could be free!
Nightmare glanced at Ink, who was looking down. It seems Nightmare spoke too soon, he could take his chance now!
it was so close.
So, so very close.
He started to scoot near the edge, almost smiling like an idiot from the sight of freedom.
Before Ink started talking again.
"Well.. If I put it like this! The nickname is really because I.. uh.. I'm...It's hard to explain but I swear when I find out how to say it, I'll tell ya!"
Nightmare growled lowly, scooting back away and rolling his eyes.
"Whatever, Ink. You're head is full of nothing but empty space."
"Heheh, I know!"
Chirped Ink, who was smiling like an idiot. He was completely oblivious to Nightmare trying to slide himself off the edge.
Nightmare sighed, slumping over. He hoped this would end soon.
"Anyways... As I was saying about the nickname--"
"--CAN WE PLEASE.. just.. talk about something besides your confusing wording?"
So they just looked to the stars in a peaceful silence, Ink talking about things to him every once in a while then shutting up when he was told to. Which...
Ink was being pretty well-behaved compared to different times besides this.
Nightmare had laid down on the grass at some point, staring at the stars, smelling the air.
Ink was painting the stars. He had summoned a bunch of art supplies a few minutes or so earlier.
"Ya ever just.. think about life and what it would've been if none of this had ever happened?"
Oh brother, give him a break. Was the squid about to have a journey through a midlife crisis? INFRONT OF HIM?
"Just think about it, won't ya? If I never would've been in the doodlesphere or met Error and if you hadn't eaten that apple, I wouldn't have met two of my best friends in the entire world, really."
"How does this concern me?"
"Cause, Pinky. Maybe, this is fate. Maybe we are fate."
Nightmare scoffed at his stupid statement,
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Are you saying that I wouldn't have had my men if I hadn't had did that? I wouldn't have revolted against everything? That they'd all be living peacefully? That nothing would be wrong with me?"
Ink stopped at that one, turning a bit more serious as he looked to the prince,
"Nothing is wrong with you, Nightmare."
"Oh, I know that all to well! You're the one that's wrong, Ink."
"...that.. wasn't even the point of my words, Blobby.."
Nightmare scoffed, "You never make sense."
"But.. I guess In a way, I understand what you are saying."
Ink turned to him, surprised to hear such a genuinely calm answer from the normally angry prince. "Really?" His voice was as soft as he could make it, even if he was getting excited.
"I mean.. yeah. What you said made some lick of sense. Even just a bit. In a way, we are fate."
It was quiet before Ink's face turned a bit rainbow and he got a cringed expression.
"What the hell is that look for—"
Nightmare couldn't even finish before Ink had thrown up.. well.. ink.. all over the space between them, making the goopy one back away in instinct, looking understandably disgusted. "What the hell?!"
"Whoops.. got to excited.. hehe.. sorry, Nighty!"
"Ugh, first of all, EW, second of all, don't call me that!"
Nightmare expressed, his irritation growing once more.
Ink burst out into laughter. Nightmare's reaction was so funny, and so...
Ink couldn't help but stare dreamily at the disgusted prince.
Nightmare looked at the way Ink was staring, his face scrunching up.
"Why are you so weird?!"
Ink only snorted, "I dunno, my middle name is weird!"
Nightmare just brushed it off, oblivious as he was and pulled his knees up to hug his chest. His mind couldn't really get off of the whole pink situation from earlier but he didn't want to overthink something so stupid.
"Do you have a favorite constellation?" Ink asked.
He actually asked an interesting question for once.
"Mm...no. I don't get a lot of time to come out here to...think. Do you?"
"Yup! Orion!"
"Why so simple?"
Ink looked to him and smiled,
"Cause it makes me feel like a fit in a lil bit more with the world then I don't as is."
"Ah..." Was Nightmare's response.
He really thought about what Ink said, and the fact something that came out of Ink's mouth wasn't stupid for once.
"I get it." Nightmare's final response.
The prince couldn't say he didn't feel the same.
Him and Ink may be more alike then he always thought.
"Hm.. when I think about it like that, I feel like I'm understanding you a tiny bit more."
"JUST a bit.."
It was silent. Though it wasn't really an awkward silence like last time.
More like a friendly silence that resulted in slight conversation here and there. It wasn't much, obviously. It was never going to be more then this probably anyway. But, hey, at least Ink's bluff was working, right? But, was it really worth it? Lying for the sake of changing someone? Would he lose the little understanding he got with Nightmare, even if only for a second? Maybe so. But being able to cherish it, even if it'll end one way or another..
Ink really couldn't be happier. Even without his vials.
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