❌List of Fun: Books❌
(This chapter was created by me and my friend Weebyhumanbean go follow them!
Nightmare pushed open the large, dark oak-doors by the rusted golden handles and entered the large library, with Cross following suit. The monochrome one walked over to the table in the middle of the library, while Nightmare wasted no time in heading over to the "Mature Reads" section. Cross glanced at the prince, then went to look for some old folklore or fairytale to read.
Cross went ahead and finally found one. It looked pretty old from how it had dust all over the cover. Blowing it off, the monochrome male went ahead and took himself a seat on one of the cushioned pillows. "Hey, Senpai..?" He asked before going ahead and speaking again. "Have you ever touched this book?"
(Senpai refers to the member of higher experience, hierarchy, level, or age in the organization who offers assistance, friendship, and counsel to a new or inexperienced member, known as the kōhai, who must demonstrate gratitude, respect, and occasionally personal loyalty.
Basically, it means it's something to call someone older than you in a way of respect, friendship, or just as a traditional thing to say. In the way it'll be said, Senpai is referred about Nightmare because he's older.)
Nightmare rolled his eye, walking over to go see what he was talking about. When he got there, he scoffed. "I've.. read every book inside this library more then enough times to count... except.. this one."
Nightmare's eyelight dilated as he realized which book this was.
DreamTale; the story of him, Dream and his world.
"N O ! !"
Nightmare snatched the book from Cross, his tendrils sharpening, twisting and thickening threateningly. This shocked the other, and scared the shit out of Chara who hissed.
"Boss what-?!"
Cross frowned. Why was his Boss being so defensive over some dumb, dusty old book? Curiosity intriguing him as did Chara, he couldn't help but wonder what was so special about it.
When the prince did calm down, he took a deep sigh sinking into the cushion and trying to relax. He held the book with tight hands and a closed eye, still rather defensive about it.
Cross went back into the fairytale section. One way or another, he'd find out what was in that book, and why Nightmare was so defensive over it. He was determined.
Nightmare was sweating. If Cross found out... he'd be seen as weak. Cross and the others already knew too much, it'd kill him inside if they found out who he really was... a broken guardian who just wanted to feel loved and accepted.
Though, even though Nightmare wanted that. He did not want their sympathy or their pity whatsoever. That's the last thing he wanted.
Cross, on the other hand, was secretly eyeing the book as he watched the prince put it away. Maybe he could ask Dream about it. He and Nightmare were twins. Right?
The black one that Cross was walking was actually getting a real book. He was looking through the mature side. Which included some nice novels he could probably name by heart.
Cross approached the prince, and tapped him on the shoulder.
Nightmare jumped, and spun around.
Cross took notice of the stutter.
"Can we read together? Please?"
Nightmare just narrowed his eyesocket and thought before sighing deeply and nodding. "Fine.. if it'll make you leave me alone.."
Cross smiled happily, and waited for the other to pick a book. Once he did, They walked over to the couch they had and they both plopped into it. The monochrome skeleton getting a tad bit to close for Nightmare's liking..
The prince shoved him slightly making the monochrome skeleton move away but after that they did start to read. "That means you've read this book too, Senpai?" Cross asked.
The black one nodded, "Mhm. All of them."
"I've noticed you like reading a lot. Any favorites?"
Nightmare's dull eyelight brightened the slightest bit.
"Well, there's this one book called "The Final Exit", and it's about a guy who's faced many hardships, and he set himself free! Isn't it amazing? Oh, and there's this other one called "Falling Into A Different Destiny"! Where, the main character is tired of being assaulted, so he jumps into the void, but ends up somewhere much better. Then, there's this one..."
Nightmare continued to ramble about these book, the gleam of a mad obsession in his eyelight.
Cross couldn't help but notice all these books had to do with death and freedom, and Nightmare spoke so fondly of these, as though he longed to be the main character of these books...
'The reason he adored these book is not the plot, but...
It seemed all these books had in common was suicide in his eyes..'
Even if that disturbed Cross quite a bit, he still smiled. At least.. it made him feel better? Happy? Whatever emotion the other was feeling right now.
"You.. really liked those kinds of books, Boss."
Nightmare's face shifted back to his normal scowl. "And why do you say that? Is something wrong with what I like, Cross?" He growled.
Cross raised his hands in surrender, trying to calm or reason with the prince.
"No no, I'm just saying that you like the books, did I say there was a problem?"
The prince sighed deeply, muttering a mumbled apology before shaking his head. "No.. I'm just.. not having a good time today."
Cross nodded. He understood why. He'd be pretty shitty too if he was socializing all day.
"I understand.."
"...I still don't get why you guys even bother with me."
"We bother because you've done so much for us!"
"I never asked for you or this. When I have ever needed this, hm?" He asked, looking up from the book.
Taking in Nightmare's facial expressions, Cross responded, "Well, we needed you... and I can tell you need us... so, we're returning the favor."
"Wow, I feel so loved."
The prince rolled his eye, "are you going to read with me or not, Cross? It's not like we have all day."
The monochrome skeleton nodded, "yeah, right.. sorry, Senpai.."
They continued to read, but Cross struggled to focus on the book. He couldn't stop thinking about everything that had taken place so far. What if Nightmare was too far gone to be saved? Did Nightmare not care about him, or anyone else?
"Quit it, dummy. He'll sense your emotions." Chara said to Cross, folding his arms in disapproval.
He couldn't though.. If Nightmare really didn't care.. then what was the point of them caring either? He did manipulate them all into submission..
"Maybe that was an act of loneliness.."
Cross thought out loud.
He threatened us with torture or death.. He smiled upon our pain.. He never even looked twice to see if we were okay..
"He.. didn't know how to..-"
Would you really stand for someone who doesn't give two shits for you? Someone who won't even ask if you're okay? Someone who has taken you like a damn prisoner?
"..of course I would.." The monochrome one finally stated.
Nightmare looked up from his book with a confused expression, "Will you be quiet? All I can hear is you mumbling to yourself over there like an idiot. Stop it."
Cross felt slightly numb. He was trying so hard for his boss, but for what? Was there even a point in helping him?
He saw how Killer came home crying. Nightmare didn't even say sorry, or do anything to show even the slightest bit of sympathy.
"Oh. Sorry."
Cross responded, not feeling like being in the same room as Nightmare any longer. But if he left him, the prince would surely do something to himself. Something bad.
Cross then thought it all over again. Nightmare's been through a lot, he could tell. Maybe just doing something kind for him would help, if only a little? But what could he do?
It'd help alot more if he could get ahold of that book.. Though he probably wouldn't be able to, yet...he'd just have to wait.. and spend his time here for now. Maybe start conversation.
"Uh.. Killer.. he came back crying a couple of hours ago.. do you know why that is..?"
The prince scoffed, thinking back to it before answering. "He's weak. That's why."
"If he's "weak" then why'd you let him on the team? Why'd you let him stick around, huh?"
"Because back then, he was strong. He wasn't soft. He wasn't worried about any of you. Not even himself. He was my tool. A good teammate and a better prisoner. But now he's just some soft wimp that's lovestruck."
He growled, just thinking back to how Killer technically said he loved him.
"It's disgusting. And it's weak. I want no part in it whatsoever."
Cross gaped at Nightmare. How could he even say that?!
"How can you say that after all he's done for you?! After he said he LOVED YOU?!"
Cross got up in Nightmare's face, aggression peeking through his actions.
"We have feelings too. We deserve to have feelings. We are NOT your prisoners. DON'T YOU DARE TREAT US LIKE SOME DAMN TOYS! ARE YOU SCARED OF SOMEONE LOVING YOU? IS THAT IT?!"
"Get away from me you asshole! I'm not scared of something so stupid! I don't need love. I don't need sympathy. I just want your negativity. That's all."
His voice growing a bit more dark and sinister with his words.
"You're acting like I'm not afraid to kill you right here, Cross."
One of his tentacles grabbed him by the neck, holding and choking the poor Oreo infront of him.
"Tell me, since you wanna be such a smart ass..
A r e y o u s c a r e d . . ?"
"N O ."
Cross quickly brandished his giant knife, slicing Nightmare's tentacle clean off. Of course it grew right back, but at least the monochrome one was able to get to a safe distance between them.
Nightmare was shocked but then laughed.
It was scary.. dark.. sinister..
"You dare go against me, Cross? Fine. Be that way!"
His tentacles were quick as well. Not to mention his guard was also up, attack everytime he saw a vulnerable spot open on the guard.
Cross knew of Nightmare's weak points. He had seen Dream fight him enough times to know the spots Nightmare couldn't defend from.
A tentacle whipped at his head, but he moved out of the way just in time, and jumped over one that tried to trip him.
floated by his side, tar leaking from his face. He and Cross were a team, whether they liked it or not.
Hundreds of little red knives were spawned into the air, as Cross deflected an attack with his giant knife which was now glowing.
Chara pointed at Nightmare, and within one fraction of a second they were launched at Nightmare.
The prince's smile only widened as his tentacles curled around himself like a protective ball.
They only took all the hits, thus when he uncovered himself they were all broken yet they only disintegrated. "Cross, if you think I'll die to someone like you? You're an idiot."
Nightmare wasn't going to die such a stupid death. To one of his subordinates? Hell no.
Though, both were distracted as someone burst into the room.
"What's going on up here?!"
Dream stood there, taking in the scene before him.
Nightmare growled at his brother, hate clear on his face for the two in the room.
Dream separated the both of them, "no fighting! Please.. this is supposed to be a bonding activity.. Nightmare," he looked to his brother, "I think.. you should get some rest for now.., Cross," he then looked to the soldier, "just.. go to your room..."
Upon seeing his brother leave, the yellow one's entire attitude changed.
Dream sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Cross... what happened...?"
The monochrome was still angry, out of breath.. but angry.
"Nightmare is a fucking asshole, Dream. I can't do this anymore." He cursed. He didn't care. He wasn't going to waste his time on someone who wouldn't care. Dream on the other hand, frowned. Not at his cursing, but at his words.
"Cross.. don't think like that, please..! My brother needs you just as much as he needs—"
"He doesn't need shit, Dream. I don't know what I have to tell you to get that through your oblivious, naïve, thick skull! He's just an asshole with no care for others! He's a self-absorbed, suicidal, douche—"
The room was quiet. Only the noise of the sound of something being hit just to find out Dream had slapped the piss out of Cross. The prince's eyes were full of sadness and anger. In all, he was pissed off. Not to mention he was crying bright, yellow tears. His face formed in a deep set of a scowl and a low growl in his voice.
"Then don't be apart of it.. but I WILL NOT let you talk about my brother in such a manner, Cross... don't ever describe him as something so horrible. Ever."
Cross snapped out of it, shock and hurt crossing his face. He hadn't meant to do anything harmful, but yet he did it anyway.
"Dream, I-I I'm sorry...!"
The monochrome felt his throat grow thick. So many emotions welled up inside of him, making him dizzy.
Dream didn't even respond to his apology, "..I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, Cross."
When the positive prince was about to go on his way, across stopped him. "Wait.. Dream.. I need some answers from you.." Dream sighed deeply, turning back around, his glare hard and cold. Which was unlikely for him. "What is it?"
"It's...about Nightmare.."
Dream crossed his arms."Go on."
"What was Nightmare like before this...? What happened to him...?"
The positive prince sighed,
"Cross.. have you heard of the Apple Incident?"
That thing? Cross had heard the brothers say it from time to time but he didn't know what they meant. How was this related to Nightmare?
"What's the apple incident...?"
He was finally going to find something out. He was excited. He looked Dream dead in the sockets, waiting patiently.
Dream inhaled,
"Long ago, me and Nightmare were the guardians of a large tree that gave everyone in the multiverse feelings. We are the keepers of the balance between positivity and negativity.
The tree we guarded bore fruits; Nightmare took care of the negative apples, and I had the positive apples.
His were dark, and everyone found them ugly. However, mine were golden and radiant. Everyone loved mine, and loved me too. Nightmare, however... was hated by everyone but me.
The people of the village got close to our tree were terrible to him, but I was oblivious to the harm they were doing to my little brother.
Nightmare was beaten, insulted, and much much more. Then, he just... snapped. He couldn't take the unfair abuse anymore.
He ate his negative apples, and slaughtered everyone. He turned into the goopy being he is now. He changed so much, Cross. My sweet, innocent brother..."
Tears flowed down Dream's face.
Cross felt horrible now, "I.. I'm sorry—"
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Dream only repeated a bit more stern. "If that is all, I will be leaving now to go check on my brother. He can't handle himself sometimes.." he sighed.
"W-wait! One more thing!"
Dream turned to him.
"U-um well... what did Nightmare look like, before?"
Dream smiled gently from remembering.
"He looked like me, but had slightly rounder cheeks, wore purple, a crown and he was shorter than me."
Cross tried imagining this, and just ended up slightly confused.
Dream chuckled, "it's hard to explain but basically, just imagine me but purple. I do think I have a picture from a few decades ago I keep somewhere... if I ever find it, I'll show you."
And like that, the positive prince was gone on his merry way to check on his brother he hoped wasn't hurt. And if he was, Cross was going to get a good knuckle sandwich.
Dream approached Nightmare's room, and gently opened the door. He saw him sitting up, with his back faced to him. The positive could hear his negative counterpart muttering to himself, and scratching at something. Dream walked over to the bed, and Nightmare quickly rolled up his sleeves and faced him.
Dream noticed the look on Nightmare's face. The black one still kept glancing at the corners in his room, and in his eye, he looked disoriented, and somewhat crazed.
Dream sat beside Nightmare, taking his little brother's hands into his own. "Hey, Nighty, just calm down, everything's okay..."
The prince scowled, taking his hands away and looking to the other angrily. "Don't talk to me like I'm some fucking five year old. What do you want?"
"I.. am merely checking on you.. You and Cross did get a tad bit violent."
Nightmare then huffed in a crazed amusement. "He got what he deserved. I told him my honest words and he got angry for it. It's his weapon that drew. Not mine." Dream frowned at that, "Nightmare.. —"
"—I don't want anything like that anyway. I wish they'd all get off my ass about it. I don't need something as gross as love in my life. Why can't they understand that, Dream? Forcing me to some shit I don't even.. understand."
Dream took Nightmare's hands back and held them firmly.
"Brother. We're doing this for your own good. Love wasn't... on the agenda, but I'm not expecting you to engage in that if you wish not to.
As for your fight with Cross... maybe I should heal you."
The black prince growled, really snatching them back for real this time.
"Well tell them to stop it. It's getting damn annoying. You are to, Dream. You say this shit is good for me but is it really? You should know I HATE socializing.. I'd rather be reading a book right now or something.. ALONE, but no, instead you force me into something I hate and tell me to cheer up.
It's the equivalent of giving me a sticker that says good luck and that I should stop being depressed. It never works.. you think you're so great but you aren't. You've always been a little bitch that's never been able to help anyone! Not even your own brother. You know what happens to those worlds that Error erases.
You give people hope for useless situations that they will end up dying in anyway.. it's happened to me.. I can tell.. you're utterly useless, Dream."
Dream felt himself begin to cry, but he pushed it back down. He was speechless. Maybe Nightmare was right- no! He wouldn't give up now... not when he had a plan to fulfill.
"So, you don't like the activities, then? What a shame. You said I'm useless, right...? I'll do better. I'll find a way to end your depression. I'll stop giving false hope.
You'll see, brother."
Nightmare cringed from how much the other was literally radiating a soft, faint glow.
"Fine. Be that way. It won't work. You can keep living in some hallucinated fantasy land but don't include me in it. Because I know what's reality.
Now get out."
Dream got up, not speaking another word. He gave Nightmare one last look, and left the room. However, he peeked his head back in.
"Try and get some rest, you'll need it."
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