Chapter 1. The Number one Priority...
"Kill me or I will most certainly kill every single one of you..." - U.S.S Command to enemy hostiles.
"I am you're Leader, I am not you're father, I am not you're brother. But most importantly I am not you're protector... you were assigned to this squad for a reason, the best of the best."
"Yet don't let that cloud you... being the best means nothing to me nor should it to you. Doing what you need to do no matter what it is shall always be the most viable and logical option."
"We are Delta team."
"We are always successful"
"We are the Elite forces of U.S.S..."
"But do you want to know something we're not? No? Too bad..."
"We aren't here to play games or play around, we came here to get the job done and leave."
"Get in and get out, all that's necessary. Umbrella didn't send us without a good reason. When everything else has failed, even the B.O.W's... we are sent to deal with the problem."
"We aren't tyrants"
"We aren't hunters..."
"We're the most tactically adept people in the Umbrella Special Services. Intimidation is irrelevant, Delta Team is simply here to fulfill our number one priority..."
"Strong suggest, get out of our way when we're in a mission, or you'll be fighting me on the field. Watch yourself..."
"We don't serve Umbrella blindly... we're aware of what they want and we continue. I'm perfectly fine with their intentions, and even if I wasn't it wouldn't matter..."
"Those who do not understand the dedication and the amount of loyalty to this company the U.S.S has then get you're brain tested on."
"Even if they're family to you, close friends, the number one priority shall always be the mission..."
{And yes that is him, next chapter will go more into detail about Delta Team. If they could choose between being heroes and villains then they as well as their Commander would be Chaotic neutrals. Their theme song screams it just as it is amazing, I'll show it in part 2}
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