(2) Pinky Promise
(This chapter is basically Battler's backstory, they're currently in grade 8/2nd year. Sorry guys I'm quite sure if it's correct as I'm not American and I have no clue what grades they'd be in I just based it off on the research I did! Im in Europe so we have years instead:'D However the country is set in America.)
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Battler's POV:
It was a pretty cold, gloomy afternoon , as expected since it was a Monday. Personally I hate Mondays and I think everyone agrees which sets aside our differences. We were supposed to be going home since it's currently 2:55pm, the bell rings early therefore giving us more time to pack our things before we leave the school, however the principal announced on the intercom that my base class should meet in our main classroom. I had my head wrapped around my arms on the table as I quietly observed our teacher entering the room, she stood Infront of the class, looking quite excited but nervous. Intrigued, I sat up in my chair and for once I actually felt interested as school was awfully boring for me. I was quite smart due to Guesty always tutoring me about different types of subjects I struggled with. The teacher cleared her throat, catching everyone's attention.
"So today is a special day, mainly towards you all!" She began.
That was our teacher, her name was Miss Smith. She then trailed off explaining what the important news was.
"You have all been chosen, out of all the schools in the whole country, city and classes to participate in the... TIMSS EXAM!" She explained, her voice changing from a nervous to an excited tone.
Everyone was confused... Except me. I was well aware off the TIMSS exams.
I raised my hand up high in the air as Miss Smith spotted me in the corner, giving an approving look for me to speak.
"Judging by everyone's confused expression... I'll explain. The TIMSS exams are chosen every year for different schools and different classes, usually for 8th graders such as ourselves! How this works is that the government will choose which school and class stands out to them the most from the rest, the ability and experience presented during school is being recorded by the teachers as they examine how well we're doing, doing this helps keep a record of each student as teachers make copies to hand to the administrator of the government to examine which class has the best students, if all students are doing well then they'll be picked without hesitation. It seems we caught their attention as we've been picked to compete. This is an exam based off science and maths but the good thing about this exam is that the results won't be given back to us meaning no one will know the results except the government. They do this as they want to see if students in high school are having good quality education and if the teachers and the whole school itself is being a good influence. The scores will possibly be added to see what the ranking of our country is at. Every country in the world is doing this and currently I think we're doing quite well. We don't need to study for anything as what's on the exam is unknown as it tests our knowledge on different variety of topics we previously learned, some may be from last year. If you need me to repeat anything just ask." I answered, finishing it off with me quickly sitting down in my seat.
My teacher look astonished at the information I knew, as well as everyone else. Few of the students started to slowly applaud at my speech as the clapping gradually became louder until the teacher raised her hand in the air, signalling for the class to be silent.
"What an amazing, accurate explanation! How'd you know all of this?" Miss Smith questioned.
"When I was little, I had a friend who was quite a nerd and had a dream of participating in the TIMSS, unfortunately I'm unaware about their whereabouts since they left... But I know this due to them always talking about it until it got into my brain." I explained.
"Ah I see! Hopefully they'll have an opportunity to attend it some day!" She replied.
"Yeah..." I answered, trailing deep into my thoughts until she spoke again.
"Here is some information about the exam, along with you're timetables, it's been rescheduled as the exam should only last for 4 hours with 2 long breaks in between. So you all will be absent during your regular classes until the exam is done, all teachers and staff have been informed as every student here is slowly being notified to clear up confusion, don't stress out as the exam is possibly the only fun exam as you will not have any results as it's just a test on your knowledge! I hope that relaxes everyone!" Miss Smith explained, finally finishing the information that needed to be said. She then began handing out the small booklets, taking her time to examine it to check if everything was there, and if she handed out the right booklets to the right students. She finally reached my desk as she gently placed the booklet on my desk. She then turned around and made her way to her desk, as she quietly sat down. The silence filled in the room until Miss Smith spoke once again.
"You guys have 10 more minutes until class ends, so once you're done examining them you're free to do whatever you want, I'd highly recommend studying or revising a few notes, just to be prepared for your summer exams which will be starting next month." She continued, letting the silence fill the room once again. I'm starting to make assumptions as to why my class was chosen, I wouldn't be surprised if they chose us due to how quiet and possibly well-behaved we were. 5 minutes have passed until a few students started to break the silence until everyone in the room started chatting about random topics or hobbies. I took out my headphones and plugged them into my phone, which was hidden inside my school bag as I played my favourite music from a playlist I made on Spotify which was filled with different types of songs I enjoyed listening to. (Recommend some songs for Battler to listen to as it's technically also you, the reader. Thank you!)
I leaned against my chair as I was silently vibing to my favourite music (your choice/music) until I got interrupted by the bell ringing. Time really went by huh. I took off my headphones and placed them inside my bag as I was afraid of losing them. I grabbed my stuff, such as the booklet and packed them inside by bag as I carried my bag and strolled outside. I was wandering around the hallway as I carelessly watched everyone avoid me anyway they could, they stood as far away from me as possible as I watched the hallway clear into a straight line, my very own pathway. I listened to the mumbling that filled the air until it faded into the distance as I exited the school and embraced the fresh,open,cold breeze that sent shivers down my spine. I loved the peace and loneliness that surrounded me, but at the same time it didn't.
I was on my way home until I spotted a familiar figure which lightened my day.
"SHADOW!!!" I screamed in joy, sprinting towards the shadowy figure.
"Hey there Battler." Shadow replied, giving me a warm smile.
I embraced him in a warm,tight hug, I missed my best friend so much.
"How's school so far?" He asked.
"My class was chosen to participate in the TIMSS exam!" I announced.
"That's exciting!" He replied, looking proud of me.
"Yeah, what about you?" I questioned.
"Everything's been alright as usual, I don't go to school anymore so what's it like?"
"We just have the same daily routine, but there's slight changes to our timetable." I replied.
"Seems complicated for people your age." He noted.
"Don't worry, we eventually got the hang of things!" I replied.
"Do you wanna watch some movies today?" Shadow asked.
"Of course-" before I could reply, I heard screaming from within the buildings. Startled, I ran inside to see what the commotion was about as Shadow followed behind me. I turned around to see some students crying over some guests fading out of existence. I ran to one of the students to ask what was happening.
"I- I DON'T KNOW! I WAS HANGING OUT WITH MY FRIENDS UNTIL ONE OF MY GUEST FRIENDS STARTED FEELING SICK AND STARTED TO FADE AWAY!" One of the students screamed, panicking as they watched their friend disappear like dust being blown away. Half the guests were... disappearing. The hallway was filled with despair and panic as many students cried and screamed over the chaos. Shadow then carried me and teleported me on top of my house as he placed me down on my feet to stand on the roof.
"W-What, YOU CAN TELEPORT!? Wait why, what, WHAT IS HAPPENI-"
"ONE MOMENT! I have something to tell you!" He interrupted.
"Go on?" I replied, awaiting his answer.
"I'm an Astral human, you probably know what they are right?" He answered, looking hesitant but straightforward.
"Astral human beings, of course! I've studied about them since I was a kid! I've also found them fascinating... I didn't think you were one despite your unusual activity. Legends say that they have the ability to manipulate the laws of physics, like moving objects with their minds." I stated.
"That is indeed correct-"
"However, despite all this, even though this didn't cause harm, there was one particular being who had the potential none others could possess. A dark astral that was rumoured to be in search for all the power to himself. His name was-"
"Bloxwatch..." Shadow interrupted.
"Yeah, you know him or something?" I questioned.
"No... I don't personally but I do know him, say... do you actually think he's evil?" Shadow asked, looking at me with curiosity.
"I don't think anyone is truly evil, there must be a reason... right?" I answered.
"That's good, you're really a great person Battler..." Shadow responded, returning a gentle smile at me which made me feel better.
"Any idea on what's happening?" I interrupted.
"Roblox just announced they're deleting all guests... and many robloxians are fighting for justice to bring back guests, one by one they're... dying..." Shadow replied, pausing to look in front of him in horror.
Oh how I wish I never turned around but due to curiosity and worry, I turned around. I stared blankly at the horrific sight I was witnessing, Guesty looked corrupted and beaten up so much as he fought with Roblox.
Shadow then interrupted me by placing his hand gently on my shoulder. I turned to face him in confusion as he gently smiled at me in hopes to calm my stress.
"I'm sorry, but I can't let you get involved... I'll handle this as me and Guesty swore to protect you... friend." He whispered. Before I could respond, Immediately felt myself getting teleported inside my room, however there was some sort of shield outside my and many others houses to prevent us from escaping. Roblox then spoke which made everyone stop and listen.
"Good evening fellow robloxians, unfortunately due to some protests, we advise you all to immediately return to your homes as we place a protective barrier around your homes to shield you from the chaos and to prevent you all from escaping and getting involved, however we expected most of you all to be disobedient so I have teleported you all to your homes, let us take care of the unnecessary conflicts, have a great evening."
I dashed downstairs as I flung my door wide open as I charged at the barrier in hopes of me breaking out to help my friends. To my despair, I just straight up ran into it as it bounced me back, causing me to collapse onto the cold, ground floor as I fell on my butt which didn't hurt as much as how heartbroken I felt. Desperately, I kept charging at the force field only for me to fail miserably. Soon enough I gave up as I fell into my hands and knees as tears flowed down my face. I cried on the floor as I banged my fist against the floor in frustration and despair, I laid there as my mind repeatedly played the moments of Shadow and Guesty. I screamed in pain as I just lost my only friends. I stopped crying as I heard someone get teleported behind me. I slowly stood up, hiding my face with my hands as I stared at the person in front of me. It was my sister, well technically I was adopted by her family but she was still my sister.
"Battler...? Are you okay?" My sister asked softly, slowly approaching me. Her name was Thea (totally not a future, secret character from my other story that I haven't revealed yet).
"Yeah...I'm good, I just need some fresh air!" I softly responded, trying to hide my true feelings by acting okay. I jogged upstairs and entered my room as I shut the door behind me. I fell on my bed as I buried my face into my arms, this day is officially going to be in Roblox history, and the day that changed my life forever...
Hey everyone! Zane here! Many others including myself agree Season 1 of RB Battles is underrated and therefore might make an RP for it? Should I? Have a great day/night ily💞💞💞 (also if you're wondering why there's no YouTube links or images attached to the story, it's because there's a bug on my phone which makes me not able to attach anything:<)
Quote of the day:
"The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune."
–Pope Paul VI
Head of the Roman Catholic Church 1963–1978
♡For my fellow Christians here's a quote for you! Skip if you're not Christian or if you want to skip, it's all up to you I won't force you♡:
"The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets." — Psalm 50:1
Word count: 2402
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