(1) Oh Battler...
Battler's POV:
Oh man, the final battle was intense but luckily I managed to beat it just in time to get the hood of champions! Unfortunately I didn't get first place as someone else got it before me, However I did get 2nd!
I saw the player who got 1st place, it was a guy with black hair and a red jacket, similar to Kreekcraft's classic jacket, he was accompanied by his friends. One with Blonde hair, wearing batman underwear and the other with black hair, a big top hat and an orange shirt. I went over to chat with them as they seemed pretty legit.
I slowly approached them, I didn't run as I was very tired and exhausted but I had my backpack with me with water inside. However all players weren't allowed to bring bags just incase there were cheaters, etc... But also to not take up all our energy as backpacks can weigh you down due to how heavy they could be depending on what you have. It was a good idea as I could've dropped my backpack when I kept doing parkour and dodging obstacles.
"Hey! Congratulations getting 1st place!" I happily shouted.
"Thanks dude! You too! 2nd place is quite impressive!" The red guy replied.
"Name's Battler! What about you three?"
"I'm Splash! And the guy with batman underwear is Michael, and the guy with the oranges shirt is Oscar."
(I didn't know the official names of Michael and Oscar so I just have them names based off how they would be named by their looks, I apologize if they do have names just let me know and I'll change it thank you 🤸)
"Nice names you got there, mines very strange lol"
"Yeah but it's unique!" Michael exclaimed.
"Hey, you're pretty cool, wanna be friends?" Splash suddenly questioned.
"Sure!" I replied.
It's been awile since I made friends, normally I'm a loner due to people being scared of me, I don't know why? The only friend I made was a guest, but sadly Roblox deleted guests, making me loose my only friend... It's been a few years since then and I never bothered making new friends as I fear I'll lose yet another one. My friend didn't have a name due to him being a guest but I called him Guesty. He was nothing like the other Guests as he was able to do things others couldn't, like actually speak!
Most guests could just write down words,sign language or use voice boxes. Guesty was different... He even looked different as I'm pretty sure while everyone was blue,grey or purple, he was associated with red. I figured the reason people avoided me because I hung around with Guesty but I'm not sure why? Yeah he was different but he was really nice! I also met someone that reminded me of Guesty although he was like a shadow figurine, the only thing I could say was that he had yellow eyes and that's literally it, I can't really describe him. He also didn't have a name so I called him Shadow. Oh I forgot to mention! There was a big war between Roblox admins and Robloxians which started because of Guests being deleted. There were many protests which led to a huge battle but no one died luckily. Unfortunately we lost as you could tell that guests were officially extinct...
I'm not sure what happened to them or where they go after being deleted but I'm sure they aren't gone forever! They can't be... right?
I wasn't there to witness the fight but I did saw on the news, the main fight was between Guesty and Roblox, apparently Guesty had powers that I never knew about. I have no idea what Roblox's reason was to delete them and I need answers. Guesty was associated with Guest666 and Shadow as Bloxwatch but that couldn't be true? They aren't Roblox Myths like them, they aren't hackers... What am I saying, they have so many similarities I'm so stupid but from what my parents told me, they were evil and nothing like my friends but who actually knows.
"BATTLER!!!" Oscar yelled, repeatedly shaking me out of my thoughts.
"S- Sorry i zoned out there" I replied, gaining focus on reality.
"It's good dude! You just zoned out for awile so we thought we'd snap you back to reality." Splash replied.
"Hey Battlers! Over here!" Said a feminine voice from behind us. I turned around to see one of the hosts, Sabrina from TeraBriteGames.
"WOAH! HELLO SABRINA!" Michael excitedly yelled.
"Michael, calm down!" Oscar whispered.
"Woah, Sabrina!? What's up?" I suddenly questioned.
"Congrats Battlers for completing the final battle! We're very proud and impressed by your skills! Also it's nice to see you again Battler!" Sabrina said.
Michael, Oscar and Splash all turned around, looking at me with a surprised but confused look.
"NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!?" Splash exclaimed.
"Yeah! I was one of the first people to watch and support RB Battles when it first came out! I got the shield of wisdom due to voting Kreek, see?" I replied, suddenly pulling out the shield of wisdom from my backpack.
"WOAHHH THAT'S SO COOL! I only saw it on TV as I never voted for Kreek, I voted Tofuu." Michael replied.
"I voted Denis." Oscar said.
"I didn't even get a chance to vote... I forgot :(" Splash uttered.
"It's okay, atleast you got first place!" I cheered.
"So why are you here Sabrina? Need anything?" I suddenly questioned.
"I just wanted to ask If I could exchange numbers with you guys besides you of course, I mean I already have you're number so it's fine!" Sabrina asked.
"Yeah of course, it would be an honour! But what for?" Splash questioned.
"Well we needed a few more players to Collab with for our future battle next year, and besides you guys seem cool, you all have potential to help us either way!" Sabrina replied.
"Yes! Of course!" Splash exclaimed.
They all exchanged numbers while chatting about how much they admired Sabrina and the rest. They all seemed to have fun which made me smile a bit without me realizing. I suspect she took interest in them like how she did with me. Possibly because of all the rumours but I didn't care, YouTubers inspired me to be who I am today, I really respect them and would do anything to help! Sabrina then waved goodbye to all of us as we waved back in return.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE FRIENDS WITH HER! I WAS A BIG FAN OF HER FOR A LONG TIME NOW EVEN TILL NOW! Is this a dream!? Someone pinch me, I can't believe this!" Oscar yelled with excitement.
"GUYS CALM DOWN, this is real but keep your act together! You're all being loud!" I instructed, trying to convince them both that this isn't a dream.
"Sorry, they're both overreacting, I mean who wouldn't but that's basically just them on a daily basis." Splash interrupted.
"It's all good man, I find it quite funny, I hadn't had this much fun in awile!" I joked.
"Say you're that player that knew Guest 666 am I correct?" Splash suddenly questioned.
"Yep, hopefully that doesn't scare you or anything, believe me I didn't know." I mumbled, but loud enough for them to hear.
"Hey, don't feel upset it's all good, we don't care about the rumours that surround you, you're really nice!" Splash confessed.
Both Michael and Oscar agreed with Splash.
"T-Thanks guys..." I stuttered. I felt like I was going to cry of happiness. The feeling of having friends again hit me in the heart. Nostalgia of me and Guesty. I truly missed this feeling. However I wasn't completely alone as YouTubers such as Sabrina and Russo would check up on me, even some of the season 1 competitors did after Sabrina introduced me to them. They were all so kind but the reason I'm crying is because I finally met people that didn't judge me because of my past. This doesn't include the YouTubers as I knew very well they had a kind heart and would never judge anyone. Maybe I'm just happy to know there's players out there just like me who would accept me.
I felt my vision get blurry as I felt tears form in my eyes, I tried wiping them away but they just kept coming back, which I reluctantly allowed them flow down my face. Splash and the others all embraced me in a tight,warm hug as I just stood there, eventually hugging them back. I'm happy to know I have people to trust and feel happy around, I swore to protect this friendship, I won't lose them like I lost Guesty and Shadow. Suddenly I felt a weird feeling... I felt concerned. I felt like someone was watching us, especially me but maybe that's just my imagination... Or was it..?
3rd person POV:
Battler started questioning about this strange, ominous feeling, however someone was indeed spying on them. In the dark, a mysterious person was watching them from a far, especially at Battler. Though this figure wore black clothing just to blend in the void of darkness.
"So you're famous Battler I've heard so much about... Seems like things will get more interesting for my plan..." The mysterious figure thought. However they weren't the only one watching Battler as someone else had their eye on them too.
I wonder who those people are... And what do they have with Battler...?
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating my stories recently, the truth is I've been very busy lately which led to me losing ideas but don't worry I'm still working on the next chapter of my RBB story! I wrote this book as
1. I always wanted to write a story about Battler and I had so much ideas so why not write about it?
2. To update you guys and to keep you guys entertained while waiting!
Also this story will be connected with my RBB story! Also this might be discontinued for awile as I'm mainly working on the RBB story but who knows? Maybe I'll update once in awile, and I've been working on my YouTube channel for as well because it's kind of dead- lol, but I also wanna make some RBB lore videos ahhh- but I need to write because yes. Anyway hoped you enjoyed this chapter, have a great day/night! Take care I love u all ❤️
Fun fact: when u enter the library, as soon as figure comes and turns, the reason he turns left is not because he's crazy but because guiding light pushed the lamp to fall alerting Figure to run to that direction instead of coming at us, reason due to this because figure has good senses and once we opened the library, he comes and tries to attack us but guiding light pushed the lamp over, if you listen closely u can hear something fall and if u turn to the left fast enough where figure ran, you'll see a bit of blue light aka guiding lights blue light, I got this information from a roblox doors YouTuber named Kreekcraft, the video I found it from was him reacting to MatPat's/Game theories new video on doors!
Time: 18:28
Quote of the day:
"Im not the greatest, I'm the double greatest" - Muhammad Ali.
♡For my fellow Christians here's a quote for you! Skip if you're not Christian or if you want to skip, it's all up to you I won't force you♡:
"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy." —Psalm 94:19
The friends we made along the way music video:
Total word count: 1995
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