Shot 4 - Listen to your heart
'Is this some joke Abeer? You have come home after so many years because you want a Talaaq (divorce) from her and you Inu...I thought you learnt your lesson... Divorce isn't the solution to any of your problems... attempting to give your Nikaah a fair chance is called maturity. When you convinced Abeer to come home after so many years we thought you want this to work but you both come to us saying you are planning to divorce each other. I can't! I just can't digest this' said Zafhar Bhai and I didn't know what to say.
'Bhai...the marriage didn't have Inu's happiness and neither her acceptance. We were just cousins...will always be family...but I don't think a marriage can be forced upon a couple! Zoya doesn't love me!!! She hated me for all that happened between us so many years go...and no I don't want her to suffer silently' Abeer said at once and I don't know why something broke inside me. I don't know why but love felt like a big word here. However I certainly don't hate him.
But then I heard Ashfaq Bhai's voice
'And what about your happiness Abeer? Come on don't tell us you want this too. We all know how much you always wanted to be with Inu! Everybody knew you had a huge crush on her since childhood!!!'
And I was shocked. In one go I turned around and looked at Abeer who looked slightly embarassed. His green eyes met my black ones. I could see the way he looked uncomfortable at the sudden clash of our eyes and to add on what Ashfaq Bhai said kept ringing in my ears
'Bhai... that...that was know it was too silly. We...we were kids then. Infact I don't even have any feelings for Zoya. Honestly speaking she's not even my type. ' he said casually and I don't know why I didn't like the way he said that.
'What do you mean by your type?' I couldn't help but ask that question to which Abeer gulped saying
'I mean...I don't know...You are not the shy kind, saree kind, making tea for your Shohar types. You are more the dominating business woman and although I respect you I prefer my Shareeq-eHayat (better half) to be a little more soft, sweet, polite and balanced. I would love a woman who can run our business but at the same time take care of my Ammi and Chachi. Handle business meetings and conferences but also take efforts to call and find out if I could come to pick her up so we could go on a ice cream date. May know to prep presentations and may not know to cook but atleast call up the cook and make sure to discuss and ensure the menu for the day is right. You see...a matured balanced one.'
And I clenched my hand. I took a step closer to him and asked him
'And you think I can't handle all this? I'm not matured?' to which he cleared his throat saying
'Nnno...I maybe matured but not my kinda girl you see! You are still our Zo and this is too much for you. I mean you dont need to modify yourself. You are not what I want in my wife and my wife's title doesn't fit you!' saying Abeer left me speechless.
Our parents weren't happy with our decision but understood as Abeer explained how this wasn't going to work out. But what I wondered was how can Abeer decide if it will work or not. We haven't even tried to attempt this.
Would you really want to attempt this Zoya???
And that question ringed loud in my head and I didn't have an answer to this question.
But that's when I heard my mother say...
'Do whatever makes you both happy Abeer-Inu!!! If it's a divorce that makes you both happy go ahead with it' she said it in one go and I was shocked.
She is my mother! Isn't she supposed to shout at us both, give us a tight slap and object our opinion. I mean that is what mom's do both in tv serials, bollywood movies and even novels but here my mom was what??? trying to be a cool dude??? No!!! You can't do that Ammi!!!
But that's when I heard...
'What nonsense...No ways Adila...How can our children seperate like that. Talaaq is an option but never a solution and these both haven't even given their marriage a try! I am not supporting this madness' said Abeer's mother. Tayi-Ammi you rock!!!
'But Bhabhi...there is no future for them both. Years together they have been away from each other. I mean this girl didn't even agree for her Ruqsati to be done!!!' my mother blamed with angry tears in her eyes. Gosh she is really upset.
' what! They were kids then...and they didn't want to communicate. Now they both are matured enough to take the decision if they want to give this marriage an attempt and then divorce each other. I mean they should atleast try!!!' Tayi Ammi suggested.
But before anyone could say another word Abeer jumped in saying
'There is no need to attempt anything. Zoya and I want a divorce and that's final!' Abeer announced ruthlessly leaving everyone shocked, his mother pissed, my mother upset and me...numb!
I walked into Abeer's cabin as he had called me and when I entered I heard a
'Thank you Shaqeel Sahab (Sir)!!!' and Abeer smiled. Was he always this handsome or is there something wrong with me?
And Abeer asked me to take a seat. I nodded and Abeer offered me a file.
'Ummm Zoya I have spoken to my lawyer Mr Shakeel Murad. He said he will get all the paperwork ready for application of Talaaq by Monday morning' and somehow it made me upset. I don't know why ever since he has offered to let me go off his life it's making me uncomfortable.
I mean this is crazy. All these years he was my namesake husband. All I wished was how we wouldn't have got into this mess and if there was a way out of this and now that there really is one I am chickening out. What was wrong with me.
'Zoya???' Abeer's voice brought me back to my senses.
'And I wanted to discuss with you if you could have a discussion with Actress Sharmishtha Sinha if she could be the show's topper for our latest jewellery collection which I was thinking of putting up for a display in the fashion week we are participating next week!!!'
'Ohhh Shar... Sharmishtha Sinha is a big name and I don't know I heard she's pretty demanding. Do we really need her? I mean our designs are the best! Anyone can run the show's topper and come on the super model Radhika Narayanan...she has been our face for so long...I think she should be doing fine!!!' I pitched
'Agreed! But Sharmishtha is a global star. Sheikhs will have a bigger market and come on have you seen her participate in the fashion parade in Milan...Man she's sexy.' he said and I raised an eyebrow.
What did he just utter?
'What???' I asked and he casually said and showed me a catalogue where the bitch was standing wearing a bra like blouse and a skirt leaving all her curves for a perfect display making me completely conscious.
'She has the perfect body to carry our latest ethnic gold collection. Specially with that sexy waistline I suggest we even introduce our latest 'Kamarbandh' (waistchain) collection. I mean wedding season is on and mind you we can mint money if someone like her will introduce our latest design.' said Abeer still staring at the catalogue.
I looked at the way Abeer was scanning that picture, so in one go I pulled the catalogue to me and said
'She... she's average! I think we don't really need to you kn-'
'Zoya! I have already discussed this with Ashfaq Bhai and Zafhar Bhai and they also agree with this suggestion!!!' he said
and I was shocked
'I thought you had your own differences with them both' to which he smiled saying
'Business brings in discussions and arguments does family and relationships...if everything is handled in a matured fashion everything can be sorted. Both our brothers needed acknowledgement in the business, a little appreciation, a little importance...that is all I did... everything can be sorted with a little attempt to adore. Both our brothers are into this business for longer than us. They may have took wrong decisions in life but that doesn't make them bad businessmen. Like how our marriage was an immature decision, them investing into their own businesses and trusting wrong people were their mistake. And just like how we are correcting our mistake by divorcing each other...I'm involving our brothers in taking decisions like these where their experience counts in and with that we can have more hands helping you run Delhi better as I'm going back to Mumbai this weekend.' he said leaving me shocked.
'Whattt??? are going back??? Why...I mean so soon???' to which he smiled saying
'Pearl got married, I got my family back, our divorce proceedings will also be taken care by Shakeel Sahab. So with that I'm sorted. There is nothing left for me here in Delhi. So I'm going!!!' he said leaving me speechless. I could feel my eyes glistening and as much I tried that much my tear glands were all set to betray me. My throat felt constricted.
He was leaving...yet another time and somehow my heart wasn't ready to accept it.
'Can you tell me what happened? You are scaring me Inu' said Rehmat as I was having my third tub of ice cream.
'Oh my god ..stop this girl...' saying Saira pulled the tub from my hand. I was currently sitting in Rehmat's room trying to calm myself. But even after eating three tubs of Death By Chocolate ice cream I wasn't able to calm myself.
When I was about to go for the fourth one is when a bangle cladded hand stopped me and I saw Dharini. She was huffing angrily.
'Tonight I am leaving for my honeymoon. My lingerie isn't packed hair isn't straightened and I have not even purchased other necessary 'stuff' and here you are creating a scene...what is it..if you won't tell us now I am going to stuff this icecream scoop into your ass!!! Mind you!!!' Dharini sounded really violent.
I had no one else to confess the turmoil happening inside me so I told them all.
'Finally!!! So you want to give this marriage a chance?' Roshana asked and I nodded a no.
'So you don't want to give this a chance then why don't you want to divorce Abeer Bhai?' Dharini asked and I bit my lower lip saying
'I don't know... because maybe I don't like it!'
To which Rehmat shot me a scowling look and said
'Because you don't LIKE it??? Really girl??? Do you realise how much fucked up you are? A man waits indefinitely for you all these years, now is ok to even divorce you for your happiness, and you say you don't want this marriage and don't want a divorce too...then what do you want? What is wrong with you??? I think I need that ice cream tub now!!!' said Rehmat rushing towards the fridge while I pouted and Saira huffed saying
'This won't do must decide what you want. No one waits this long. You know Abeer Bhai need not have waited for that long but he did and you must know why he did?' and I looked at Saira asking 'Why?' and she slapped her head saying
'No one gives this much time to a woman indefinitely until and unless there are feelings involved!' said Roshana and I asked
'Feelings as in???'
'Can I get a tub too BP is shooting' said Roshana and I sat there trying to simply absorb what they were trying to say when Dharini sat next to me and explained
'See here any religion... any relationship...letting go is was also tough for Abeer Bhai. I can say...but if you have noticed he hadn't even complained once. He didn't question anything before and when now he wants to simply let you go so you can lead a happy life you aren't happy. Think why you aren't happy Inu. Do you really want to seperate from your husband. And about Abeer Bhai ..the man who didn't give you a divorce for last 8 years now wants to let you go when he still is single and still sees your happiness what do you term this emotion???' she asked and my eyes filled up.
'Well as per my thoughts I would call it love... indefinite...Sufi (devotion) like love. Pure! An emotion which sees your loved one happy even if it destroys you... that's love! Abeer Bhai loves you Zo! He may not tell but he does...he always did...we all knew but it's just that we couldn't tell you because we didn't want to hurt you!' she said and I broke down badly. I don't know how long they consoled me...sleep consumed me.
When I opened my eyes I saw the clock was ticking 8 pm in the night. My eyes popped out practically. In exactly 1.5 hours is Abeer's flight to Mumbai.
I hugged my mother and Chachi who read a dua and blew against my face leaving a tint of smile on my lips. I could see tears in her eyes. My mother was still angry with me.
Chachi cupped my face and said
'Not everyone can treasure a diamond. My Inu is a fool. She didn't value what Allah gave her' and my smile vanishes.
I didn't have an answer to that question because I didn't know if Zoya didn't value my emotions or I never understood what my Zoya wanted. For my selfish reasons my Daado got me married to Zoya. How I wish I wouldn't have confessed to my Daado when she asked me the truth that night but what could I do...I was helpless. Sitting in the car which drove me to airport I recalled what happened on that dreadful night.
Flashback begins...
'Abu...I think the angels are coming for me!!!'
she confessed while still on the hospital bed. She was just been rushed to the emergency ward. I had got the news already that I lost my Chachu and my father was serious too. They were operating my father simultaneously prepping my grandmother for a surgery too.
Overnight things had messed up in our happy household.
'Mam you can't talk ..we have to take you for a surgery!!!' the duty doctor said when my Daado simply said
'I need to talk to my grandson before we go for the surgery. I don't know if I will survive this...but I need to do this' she said and I was shivering.
No I wasn't ready for this. It's too much for me to take. Yes I'm a man but even I can't be this strong. I feel like everything is like sand... slipping away from my hands.
'Abu...come here Baccha (child)' she whispered and I bent closer to her. With blood and dried blood still on her arms she cupped my face and said
'Your brothers are good from heart but I don't trust them after the mess they created with the business. Adila and Nafisa can't run the show alone. I regret not letting them study after marriage and now that both my son are on the death bed I don't know what would happen to them both. are my only hope Abu. I know I'm leaving the biggest responsibility on the youngest shoulder but are my hero Meri Jaan (my life).' she said gasping for air
'But Daado...'
'Shakeel Sahab knows everything. Talk to him...and... there's one more thing I want to ask you...'
'Do you love someone?' and I didn't know what to say
'Daado you know it's Haraam to-'
'Allah says you always say the truth Abu...let me ask this way... do you love your Zoya?' she asked leaving me stumped
'Daado...I ....I...'
'Abu... My Inu is the youngest in the house... she's carefree and this will hit her hard son...I need someone to always protect and keep her safe. Give her all she wants... happiness... education... independence...all of that what I couldn't give Nafisa and Adila...and I know you are a fine gentleman Son...tell me Abu...will you marry her and keep her happy forever?'
My tears kept rolling nonstop but how could I deny? Ever since I was into my senses I was in love with just one girl
Inaayat Zoya Ali Sheikh... How could I deny...
'But Daadi Zoya...I don't know if Zoya also...'
'She is a kid Abu...she may not know now... but gradually she will realise...Tell yes to this marriage my son...this could be your Daado's last wish and I know your father and Chachu would also want this to happen!!!'
And I kissed her hand.
Flashback ends...
But little did I know my one yes would destroy Zoya's dreams and happiness. All these years everyday I cursed myself to not consider Zoya's opinion before saying a 'Qubool Hai'. How the fact that I didn't consider her 'Raza' in this marriage as important as my Daado's last wish. How I became selfish thinking I would loose Zoya. How selfish can one be...I would every day recite Astagfirullah (Asking for forgiveness to Allah) for my this Gunah (Crime).
But even then I didn't have the courage to give her a divorce. Like a coward I sat in Mumbai all these years. Her one glance during our meeting would erupt a thousand emotions inside me but then I would again curse and punish myself because although she was my better half it felt so wrong to desire her because I got married to her against her wish.
But when this time I gathered courage and decided to face it. I saw her at the office then at Pearl's wedding, all these days with her felt so dreamy but then I knew it wasn't right to keep one to themself for their one selfish needs.
If Zoya wanted to be set free. She would get that too. No matter it killed me from within but her happiness is all I need to be sane.
Unloading my luggage I was about to walk into the airport for my security checks when I heard a loud voice...
And that voice is something I could never ever not recognise.
I turned around to see a panting Zoya standing there with a backpack gasping for air. I offered her my bottle of water which she finished within seconds. Damn she was thirsty.
'Zoya ...what are you doing here?' I asked as she cleared her throat.
Don't tell me she needs more water.
But next second she stepped closer to me and said
'I want to go to Mumbai with you?' and I was shocked.
'And why so?' I asked when she gave me an insane answer...
'Because I want my Ruqsati done before you give me a Talaaq!!!'
What??? Has she lost it???
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