Shot 1 - When your husband is also your BOSS!!!
'These are beautiful and have their own value in the market. I think we must adore our traditional jewellery designs and encourage more such collections' saying I shut the file in the discussion room.
'But Inaayat everyone is going for global designs and it's not even the wedding season so I don't understand why do you still want us to dig in more of traditional craftsmen I mean it's a headache to get them all the way from small villages to Delhi and then it also takes them time to adjust to our company's culture and policies' said Rehmat my design manager
'Then what is Vinay's team here for Rehmat? I think Vinay's team can take care of all that right Vinay?' I asked looking at my HR head Vinay who nodded a yes with a smile.
'Look Rehmat...getting the traditional Rajwadi jewellery got our profits bumped up last quarter!'
' are asking for craftsmen from Tamilnadu, Andhra & Karnataka to come to Delhi...for god's sake language is a big barrier!'
'Then get them a transalator but have you seen their temple jewellery designs Rehmat! We will be an instant hit in the market and yes it's not a wedding season but why do you forget we are in a country called India where gold is auspicious in every religion. We still prefer heavy jewellery at any and every function and fair enough everyone is selling fashion and fancy jewellery but then why are you forgetting that Sheikhs have always been unique.
This year Ramadan is in July, followed by the Shravana month which most south Indians celebrate auspiciously happens to be post that, followed by Rakshabandhan where we again hit the highest business in Delhi where our business sky rockets and finally followed by Navratri which almost the entire India what more of a wedding season would you need Rehmat?' and she had shut her mouth. I smiled.
'You really go all swords and guns on me hannn?' Rehmat asked while taking a spoon of Maggi from my bowl and I giggled.
'Look! You are my friend outside the board room, inside...we are working for the growth of our organization and with this quarter I want us to be the best jewellery brand in India!' I smirked
'Inu you know na right or wrong your decision will again be challenged tomorrow when the board meeting will sit. You know Zafhar Bhai and Ashfaq Bhai will again challenge your ideas!!!' Rehmat said and I smiled taking a sip of my coffee.
'Whats new in that? They always have to put me down in every meeting and make it nasty and we all know it!!! The reason why I like it when you bring a different opinion on our discussion table and I exactly know what I would face in the board meeting and how to convince them for approvals!!!' saying I giggled
'You are one hell of a positive woman!!' she said and I smiled saying
'Im used to it now Rehmat! They bring the best out of me now! I try to kind of prep for their questions which indeed brings my very best on the table!!!'
'But why are they so jealous of you! You gave them everything they wished for! A seperate house in plush locality of Delhi but like greedy dogs they still stay in Sheikh Villa, a position in the organisation which they absolutely don't deserve after the amount of gambling they were involved with, absolutely no responsibility of your mother and aunt as they stay with you on ground floor and although these two ungrateful men stay with their wives who stay in the first floor of the house still never come to check upon their mother's health until and unless they need something from them or if they have to leave their children with their mothers when they have to go out with their wives!!! I mean why are you tolerating all this Inu???' Rehmat's anger and frustration was out again. She hated Zafhar Bhai and Ashfaq Bhai.
Honestly even I didn't know how come they changed so much over the years. Zafhar Bhai was my own brother, Ashfaq Bhai was my uncle's son and both of them had all that they wanted in life. All luxuries and no responsibilities but still they tried to keep away from Ammi (Mom) and Tayi Ammi (Father's brothers wife - Aunt).
I could see the longing in Ammi and Tayi Ammi's eyes for them. I tried to be with them most of the time but the feeling of ignorance from their own children inspite of staying in the same house was worst.
8 years back lives had changed for everyone in the Sheikh Villa. Although the wounds were stitched... scars remained.
Probably Rehmat understood my silence and changed the topic...
'Inu forget all that! Tell me have you done the shopping for Dharini's wedding?' and I gave her a goofy smile.
'Allahhhh!!! This girl!!! Don't tell me you really didn't shop anything. Kudiye (girl)!!!' she let out a irritated growl.
I chuckled. And that's it Rehmat being Rehmat had dragged me to the nearest store to purchase a dress each for Mehndi, Haldi and Shaadi rituals. After all it was Dharini our childhood bestie getting married to her long term boyfriend Pearl.
'One more morsel just one more come on!!!' Tayi Ammi fed me another one while I tried to shove my face away.
'Tayi Ammi I'm getting late!!! I'm the Managing Director of this organisation and I can't be late. It's the board meeting!!!' I shouted.
'Inu! Look at yourself... Hadpinjar hogayi he kudiye (You have become a skeleton)...nothing doing atleast finish that glass of juice else I'm warning you neither me nor your Tayi Ammi will take our morning dose of medications!' my Ammi blackmailed me.
This is their ultimate weapon. Damn! And I surrender. I quickly gulp down the orange juice and pick a tissue to wipe my mouth when I saw Saira and Roshana walk downstairs. They both sent me a hesitant smile. They wanted to talk to me but they were bound by the rules that Ashfaq Bhai and Zafhar Bhai had put up on them. Although they were my Bhabhi but before being that we were all friends. Saira, Roshana, Rehmat, Dharini and I were a gang from childhood days.
We studied together, grew up together but both Saira and Roshana were married off to my brother and my cousin at a very young age. At 26 they had 2 children each and were barred from going to work by their husbands because my hypocrite of a brother and cousin thought that women must be controlled and kept under your elbow. Saira even wanted to be a doctor but my Bhai had slapped her just for expressing that wish. And I had stood up against my brother for Saira's sake that night which caused bad blood and since then Bhai stopped talking to me. Zafhar Bhai never really liked me from childhood days. He always thought I was too forward. He preferred women who covered themselves and stayed in limits. He never considered me his superior in the organisation too as he always thought 'I'm just a woman' and because I'm a 'woman' I'm not fit to be the Managing Director. But the board decided to pick me against him which was a slap on his face and since then although we stayed in the same house we stayed as seperate families.
'You both look beautiful' I said looking at Saira and Roshana. They both smiled. Saira turned around and saw if Bhai was around or not and when she saw no one around she asked...
'You are not coming for Dharini's Haldi?' and I smiled saying...
'Board meeting!' and they looked sad.
'But I will join in post the meeting. I have took off for the day. It's just this meeting and then three days of just our girl gang!' I smiled. They looked at each other and smiled too.
My brothers were not attending the wedding which meant after years our girl gang would have fun.
'This would increase our profit share by 30 percentage and our market va-'
'But what about our competitors!!! Every year coming up with similar ideas when our competitors are coming up with innovative schemes and ideas!!! I think our MD is out of ideas!!! Maybe she is loosing her charm!' said Zafhar Bhai with a smirk.
'I agree with Zafhar! I mean this is just the same strategy. We are not progressing!' said Ashfaq Bhai!
It hurt when your own people try to put you down and discourage you from growing in life. It was unbelievable as these both were the ones who protected me when I was learning cycling. Ashfaq Bhai was on my side encouraging me to peddle and make sure my frock never tangled with the cycle chain and Zafhar Bhai was the one who would grease my cycle, tighten the breaks and pump my cycle tyres whenever there was a puncture. Damn he even walked 5 kms with my cycle because I cried and got its puncture fixed.
Today money and position is all what they desire. At times I want to let go off everything but then my late grandmother's words ring in my ears.
'They will literally sell off everything and bring our family to rags! They are not good businessmen but they don't want to accept it. You have to be strong to make sure your ancestral business doesn't meet a dead end!' and I swallowed the insult. I can't let emotions overpower business.
'Mr Ashfaq...Mr Zafhar! Our company has made 70 percent more profits with the in price of shares sky rocketing since we have introduced our 'Vintage' range of jewellery. And yes we cannot experiment much in this domain because the authenticity is its beauty and how can you forget that we hit the maximum profits last quarter that we hit in last 20 years!!! Numbers are speaking for themselves Sir!!!' I said and both my brother's were clenching their jaws.
I smiled internally celebrating no counter attack from their end. Anyways I wanted to get over this meeting ASAP as I had to leave to Agra which would take me atleast 4-5 hours in this peak traffic time. But I really wanted to reach for lunch else both Rehmat and Dharini would kill me.
'So if everybody is good with the plan? Could you please look into the documents in the file and give me your approvals please!!!' I said and everyone began looking into the respective copy of files placed infront of them when I got a call and I looked at it. It was Dharini.
'Excuse me ladies and gentlemen! I will have to take this' saying I walked out of the meeting room.
'Hellooo Suicide bomber!!! Howz it going!!!' I asked while I could imagine her rolling her eyes.
'Where the heck are you? Don't tell me you are working even today Inu! You know it's my Haldi today. You know Pearl's family has also reached. Rituals will start in an hour maximum and you aren't here! Everyone is here only you aren't here!!!'
'Calm down bridezilla! I am almost done with the meeting and I will be starting in another 30 mins from now. Anyways your Haldi will begin only post Pearl's Haldi! So take a chill. I will be there don't worry!' I tried to calm her down.
After convincing my angry bestie I went back to the meeting room although the smile never left my face.
'So ladies and gentlemen...if you are done analyzing the documents and if there are no queries or concerns please sign the documents so I can send them over to Mumbai for final approval!' I announced but my heart shuddered as I heard a certain someone.
That certain someone who's voice I hadn't heard in last 8 years.
That certain someone who had exited our lives 8 years ago.
8 big years and he had visited only once when Daado expired and that too had left Delhi overnight without even seeing my face. Or shall I say avoiding meeting me.
My throat dried up. My hands sweated.
Being the CEO of the organisation I would face him during online meetings but never had he ever spoken or addressed me ever. It was always his secretary who would convey his message to me and here...Rehmat would do the job.
'I think we must revisit the idea and revise the plans to maximize profits for this quarter!' again I heard the voice and I was sure it wasn't a video call. I slowly lifted my eyelashes and looked straight and there he sat on the head of the table leaning onto a chair, in a blue suit, clean shaven with the file in his hands and his green eyes targetting the file in his hand.
Those eyes now held a layer of glass with a blue frame.
In one go he lifted his gaze and shot me directly in my eyes making me gasp.
He...was back!
My lips parted as I saw him infront of me after eight big years. Nothing really changed. He looked the same. The same thick eyebrows, same face cut, perfectly carved jaws, milky white complexion and those fierce green eyes.
For a moment I felt the time stopped.
But there was something missing in that gaze. Softness! Kindness! It wasn't gentle anymore. It was fierce... emotionless.
Those eyes which always shined whenever I met them either with surprise, shock, liking or anger were emotionless. It's like they didn't care to express anything anymore
'I think we must innovate. I agree we have made a lot of profit but for how long will we sustain with the same idea. Although I like the concept of going handcrafted it's also too expensive!'
'So what do you suggest Sir?' asked Jaspinder one of our board members.
'I think we must also have an affordable range of these traditional temple style jewellery for those women who come from the middle class background too or for those young boys and girls who are purchasing for the first time from their first salary or maybe that husband who is buying a gift for his wife first time in years!' he said the last line eyeing me which caused a current pass through my spine.
Damn! Why am I getting so worked up. I let out a breath and still couldn't have the guts to meet his eyes again.
'But these jewellery have extremely complicated work and they can't go cheaper than this price!' I spoke looking elsewhere.
'Then don't go for a completely traditional one...go for a mixed range. Like day to day jewellery...small ones... maybe a ring...a bracelet... mostly the kinda jewellery which miss Inaayat wears!!!'
As much Inaayat sounded good to me from his mouth that much that 'Miss' pricked me in my ears. My eyes met his yet another time but this time he broke the eye contact.
'It would cost us more to get a new range designed!' I said
'Doesnt matter! Innovation requires a few risks taken. Sheikhs should have jewellery for every individual from a rich business woman to a school teacher...from a man who wants to gift it to his mother to a man who wants to gift it to his first Valentine. Affordable to everybody. Something for everyone. I don't care if we make lesser profit in next quarter but in a longer run when we are expanding we will have a wider audience and more customers..which means more business eventually for a longer run!
We must build relationships rather than just doing business!!!' he said firmly while I felt his sharp gaze on me. I gulped.
And everyone agreed to what he proposed. My brothers smirked and looked happy not because he was here. They hated him as much as they hated me.
If I became the MD taking away opportunity from them, he was given the charge of the entire business at a minor age of 22 when both our brothers were more experienced than him. But still Daado had announced him as the CEO. The board had supported my Daado's decision as they blindly trusted in Ruqaiyya Bano Sheikh. My grandmother who ruled the jewelry industry for decades.
My brothers were happy to see my idea being rejected by a superior force which happened for the first time in 8 years. Till date anything I sent to Mumbai came back with a simple 'Approved' seal and signature. But today here he was ...with an opinion.
The man who stayed away from us...for ages.
He stood up and buttoned his suit. My eyes helplessly roamed around his perfect body.
Stop it Inu!!! What are you doing!
I shook my head and he spoke up. I expect the updated report by today afternoon. I will be taking the meeting room 309 today as I don't have a cabin here.
I swallowed a lump.
Without looking at me he says...
'I will be working from Delhi for next two weeks!!!'
And my breath hitched.
Two weeks??? Of him in Delhi???
Tayi Ammi and Ammi would be happy to meet him. It's always they going to Mumbai once in 6 months to meet him but this time he is here after years.
In Sheikh Villa!
Which means I would see him regularly for breakfast lunch and dinner for next 15 days??? Allah!!!
I was prepping the report but somehow I was not able to concentrate on anything. I was unable to work. And here I kept getting non stop calls from Rehmat and Dharini. I was supposed to reach by lunch time and here I was still sitting and making a report when I was on a day off.
By 2pm I managed to remake the report and e-mail him while to my ultimate shock my desk phone rings and I hear his voice...
'Come to Room number 309!'
My hands started getting clammy, I was sweating when the central AC was on 21 degree temperature, Delhi was in its peak winter and here I was sweating like a pig.
As I stood infront of his cabin. What if he speaks about that? About what happened 8 years ago? We never really spoke post that...I never had the guts to... what if he initiates the conversation? Am I ready for it??? Ya Allah !!!
Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door and I heard his deep voice 'Come in'
While I kept thinking how to answer if he initiates something unknown I was instead shocked seeing him Mr Mehtani and Mrs Chopra our clients.
He was in a discussion with them about a deal post which he shook hands with them and they left the meeting room leaving him and me alone in the room while my throat began drying up. Damn this is tough.
'Can I have the file please' he broke the silence and I nodded.
I walked closer to him when the same old brute fragrance hits my nose. That cardomom flavoured perfume which I hated during my teen suddenly entered my lungs and to my surprise I didn't hate it anymore.
After a few minutes he said...
'Thank you. Looks good. I will approve it.'
And he got busy with his work.
That's it??? Like after 8 years we meet and he says only so much???
What were you expecting Inu? Him to lock gazes with you and a Arijit Singh song to play in background???
'Sure!!!' saying I was about to leave when I heard him say...
'Miss Inaayat!!!' and I stopped on my tracks.
'Please make sure to take a compensatory off on monday morning' and I don't know why it felt good.
'I see your Out of office email which means you were on a leave but you continued working half day today. And next time kindly turn over your work if you are in vacation. I expect a work life balance in my organization!' he says in an extremely professional way and suddenly it hits me hard. He is just being a good boss.
'Sure Mr Sheikh!' I say and leave the meeting room.
Driving towards Agra my head still was in Delhi. I couldn't understand how could he be so normal. He didn't ask once how was I doing...I mean we have spent our entire childhood together... although things screwed up 8 years ago but then wasn't it a big deal that we met after ages.
Atleast he would have smiled at me.
I was disturbed.
'Why did you come? No tell me!!! You should have launched your ass on my honeymoon na Inu??? The busy MD of 'Sheikhs!!!' huhhh!!!' Dharini was pissed while Rehmat was helping her dress up.
Saira was pinning her Dupatta and telling...
'What is new about Inu being late... remember she was late even for our tenth standard final exams!!! I mean imagine public exams those were and she was late for that too?! Reason...this fat ass was sleeping!!!' and my eyes grew wide. It actually felt like our college days were back. At home Saira had to look around here and there to talk to me or Ammi but today I felt like my old Saira was back.
'Eyyyy!!! It's not like that ok! I was studying overnight so I was late for the exams!'
'Such a liar! She was busy playing DotA!!! Remember she was addicted to that game' Rehmat said
'Lol!!! I know right! She even bribed Ashfaq Bhai to get her the cheat codes such an addict!' Dharini said
'Oh Helloooo atleast I wasn't sending candy crush requests on FB or like this stupid Saira those Farmville requests to grow pineapple and strawberries. Damn she used to wake up at 3 in the night to water those virtual daffodils saying they will rot otherwise. Stupid girl...if she had ever given this much importance to real garden then by now she would have had a dozen full off her own daffodils' I said winking at her.
She blushed like a rose and threw a pillow at me...
'Allah!!! Sharam kar kudiye (Don't you feel ashamed girl) you are talking about me and your brother!' she said while I giggled saying...
'Exactly that's why I know the amount of time my brother spent in his washroom before your marriage is perpendicular to the amount of time you both spend taking these mini honeymoons every now and then! I wonder how you and Bhai stopped at two!' I said running around the room while both Dharini and Rehmat burst out laughing and Saira kept hitting me with a pillow but suddenly I crashed into Roshana. She looked slightly tensed up.
'All ok?' I asked and she looked at me with a slight forced smile.
'Ummm the Mehndi function I guess would get a little delayed...there is a mess outside!' Roshana announced.
'What happened?' Saira asked...
'Ummm there is a big uninvited media crowd which our folks and trying to clear.
'Media??? Damn!!! I didn't know Inu you were that famous that media even followed you onto my wedding alter' Dharini said chuckling while Roshana looked at me saying...
'Its not for Inu! It's for someone else!'
'Woahhh do we have some other celebrity as well at my wedding?' Dharini asked and Roshana said..
'Pearl's best friend. Abeer Bhai is here!' and suddenly there was pin drop silence in the room.
Dharini and Rehmat stood up at once.
'You mean??? Ab...Abeer as in Inu's Abeer!'
'Rehmat!!!' Saira spoke up at once pressing her hand and suddenly everything was uncomfortable.
'He is back Inu!!!' Roshana said and I closed my eyes at once taking a deep breath I added...
'I know! He joined the office today. Next two weeks he is in Delhi!' I announced literally dropping everybody's jaws in the room.
I pressed my forehead slightly and said...
'But I didn't know he was Pearl's friend!'
To which Dharini looked at me asking...
'Are you dumb or are you dumb you stupid girl! Did you forget just like how we were classmates...he and Pearl were classmates too. But honestly I didn't expect him to come for the wedding. This was a shocker. Will you be ok?' Dharini asked me and I blinked saying...
'Why won't I? I ...I am perfectly fine! It's all in the past!' I said while Roshana added...
'But that past is still your present Inu! That bond tied still exists! Remember?' she said and I looked elsewhere
My heart was beating really loud...
And then she said it...
'With or without your 'Raza' (Acceptance) you are still in his Nikaah (marriage)!!!
The world may not know...but that doesn't take away the fact that your current boss before being your boss is your husband.
And you accept it or are still...
Mrs Inaayat Zoya Abeer Ahmed Sheikh!!!
You are his Begum! His legally wedded wife!'
I closed my eyes! Damn that name still gave me goosebumps.
And what shuddered my soul was the truth which was now into my face that my boss is also my HUSBAND!!!
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