꧁Part Five꧂
It was time for Norman and Emma to go to Sister Krone's room to get information from her to earn her trust. I already knew that Krone just wanted to remove Mom from her place at this house and take the position for herself.
There probably isn't any information that Krone would give them that I didn't already know so listening in wouldn't do me much good.
Especially since Emma and Norman will probably end up telling Ray, Gilda, Don, and I tomorrow anyway. Once all the kids were in their beds and asleep Emma and
Norman quietly got up and left the room, glancing at me on their way out. I was tired and kinda stressed with what's been happening lately and lying to everyone so I was really tired and decided to go to sleep like everyone else.
I kept tossing and turning in my bed but to no avail, I couldn't sleep. Minutes turned into hours and I eventually just gave up on trying to sleep.
The only sound that could be heard in the room was breathing and some soft snoring. Emma and Norman came back into the room not too long ago and went straight to their beds.
Quietly, I got out of bed and left the room. It was kinda dark in the hallways at this time at night but I could still see where I was going.
Usually when I couldn't sleep I would just read so I made my way to the library. Krone's room was right next to the three Children's rooms so I had to make sure not to make any noise.
I feel like the floorboards in this house never creak unless you don't want to be heard, then they're louder than Emma when she's excited about something.
Soon I made it to the library and walked in. My book was where I had left it before, on the table. What confused me was there wasn't a F/C book mark sticking out of it.
The book was around 530 pages and I had no idea how far through it I was. "What're you doing up at this hour?" I heard a familiar voice ask from my right.
When I turned my head I saw Ray standing there holding my bookmark. "Couldn't sleep." I answered, trying not to show my anger towards him for making me lose my page number.
"I figured. I saw you leave the room." Ray said which confused me. "Then how did you get here before me?" I asked, looking him up and down.
He had previously been laying in bed and his hair was slightly messed up. "I have my ways." He responded and started walking along the bookshelves, examining all the books he passed.
"Why did you take my bookmark?" I questioned, walking towards him. "The book you were reading wasn't that good anyway. Haru doesn't actually love Aoi and was just using her for information, In the end Aoi finds out but doesn't do anything which results in her getting killed by Haru." Ray explained, ruining the book for me.
"Ray! First of all, never try to ruin a book for me ever again. Second of all, you are very lucky that I've already read it, multiple times." I said hitting him on the head. "I know, I just wanted to see if you'd lie about it." Ray responded and plucked a book from a shelf.
Ray walked over to the back of the library where a small couch was and sat down. "What are you waiting for? Sit down dummy." Ray grunted and patted the spot next to him on the comfy surface.
Hesitantly, I took a seat next to him and looked at the book he chose. "Maximum Ride? I didn't take you for the manga type." I stated, slightly taken off guard by this information. "Just shut up and read with me." Ray scoffed and I complied, leaning my head on his shoulder.
Ray tensed up at first but calmed down after.
"Hey, I have a question." Ray spoke up, taking my attention away from the book. "What is it?" You yawned and glanced at him.
"How did you know you were non binary?" He asked, it wasn't at all what I was expecting. Well, I didn't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't that.
"Oh um. I don't know. I guess I just did a lot of reading my entire life and never really felt like a girl or a guy." I explained. "Why do you ask?" I questioned and took my head off his shoulder to get a better look at him. "What's your sexuality?" He asked, ignoring my question.
"Y/S (Your sexuality)." You replied and Ray just grunted in response. "Wanna tell me what this is about bedhead?" You sighed, not liking not knowing what was going on.
Usually I was very smart but this isn't a question I was ever really asked so it caught me off guard. And out of all people I especially didn't expect Ray to ask.
"I've just been thinking about it and I don't think I'm straight." Ray said, avoiding eye contact. Even if I wasn't the biggest fan of Ray because he, Emma, and Norman were always the 'star of the show', I still had a heart. Ray definitely can't be trusted by Mom, but I think she already knows that.
"Have any sexualitys in mind?" I asked, grabbed the book that we had previously been reading and put the bookmark where we left off and put it down. "Pansexual. And he/they pronouns." Ray answered.
"Thank you for telling me about this Ray, it means a lot to me." I said, not completely lying. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get all mushy on me." Ray huffed with a light pink color tinting their cheeks.
I was pulled away from my conversation with Ray when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and heading toward our direction.
999 words
Me? Actually updating? Yes, finally. Sorry for taking so long. I'm currently having a gay crisis and my emotions are all over the place. School is shit and I hate it.
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