Taehyung was walking back to the library with Jungkook, he only now came to notice that Jungkook looked different than him, He himself was wearing a grey shirt with blue pants while Jungkook had no color besides his skin and eyes. His favorite color was most likely black. But it was expected knowing jungkook was a black raven, as black as his hair was.
"I have been thinking Taehyung" jungkook started.
"oh, about what?"
"i want you to meet some people, more like...me" jungkook looked at the other to see the reaction. Jungkook was ont sure if he should do this now or later but time was running out, the hunters were getting more violent each day and he couldn't risk taehyung getting harmed by them. He had to secure Taehyung's safety until the day arrived. the day he had been waiting for. Jungkook didn't want to be alone anymore, he can't lose the boy now...
"Uh.. is it.. safe?"
"Of course, they are my friends. they won't raise a hand at you or anything that is close to you. A friend of mine is a friend of them, so you have nothing to worry about''
"Sure, I guess. As long as you're coming too, I don't trust all your kind yet...."
"As you should, there are many who are not living in peace and just are here to kill and satisfy their own pleasure. But do ont worry, I am not one of them, nor are my friends. they are good people or.. demons"
"Okay, I will meet them. i trust your word '' taehyung smiled looking at jungkook, the raven's blank face slowly changed into a small smile which disappeared as soon it came and he looked away.
They continued walking alongside each other until they arrived at the library gates. Jungkook halted in his steps which taehyung noticed after entering through the gates he looked back surprised and wondering why jungkook stopped.
"you're not coming inside?"
"I shouldn't," Jungkook said. "It's not my place to be there now. "
"why not?"
"I have to go, I will meet you later today when you finish work." Jungkook ignored the question and turned around, leaving back onto the path through the trees back to the city.
"such an odd man sometimes" taehyung mumbled, he wanted to know why jungkook wont come with him inside. It was just a library. "oh well, i got my books" he entered the hall and almost immediately namjoon stood in front of him with a smile.
"Welcome back." Namjoon said and peeked past Taehyung outside to the gates, no one was there.
"What are you looking for?" Taehyung frowned while looking back.
"oh, nothing. so, you have the books?" Namjoon smiled again and took the books from the younger walking away. "thank you for the trouble"
"no..problem" taehyung said looking at the man who was acting again so odd...
"Jimin what did i tell you" jungkook said as he entered their shared house, they lived outside the city in the forest, it was an old mansion they renovated using maybe or maybe not some of their powers. the house was basically an illusion for as long they were alive, once they die the house will return to their original aged old shape. it looked real but it actually wasn't.
"what did i do?'' Jimin asked, looking up from his book.
"You tol taehyung too much, he can't know it now. he won't trust us. we need him to trust us before taking next steps. we will lose him the other way" jungkook frowned his purple eyes glowing. he was angry at jimin putting their progress so far on risk.
"But I just answered his question.
"You told him too much, he shouldn't know everything now. it's better to have him be clueless for some longer, what if the hunters find out?! what if they catch him, they will think taehyung is fooling them and kill him! It's better if he doesn't know things until we can assure his safety!"
"Yo kook why are you so angry?'' Yoongi walked inside the living room seeing the raven angry at his feline.
"He told Taehyung too much. dont tell him more than i allow you to, we just need a few more days. Don't answer anything that is related to him, don't speak of anything we know about him, got it?" jungkook pointed his finger at jimin who quickly nodded, he didn't want the raven's anger to burst as it can be dangerous for not only him but for jungkook himself as well. Jungkook was already holding himself back and not using his powers to the fullest.
"good, now i will go pick up Taehyung from the library. Can one of you run to the store and get some food? I don't think he will appreciate our food, "Jungkook said, making Yoongi chuckle.
"I can understand why. dont worry i will stop by the store, i got to deliver a report to the hunters."
"Are you going there again? How are things?"
"good, they are preparing new members for the job. They are growing bigger jungkook. I don't think they will back out of this now"
"Okay, we will find a way. if i have to i will kill them all" jungkook muttered the last part to himself while leaving the room. Jungkook wasnt a violent person by nature but he wont hesitate to murder if it comes to it. He wants to be left alone, but that isn't possible when you have a group of people always hunting for you.
Meanwhile a bird was flying through the air. Taehyung was emptying the water in the sink after mopping the tiles floor in the main entrance hall. Namjoon asked him to clean today because tomorrow there will be a reading here with a group of people, it has to look clean and professional.
"Finally done, my hands hurt" Taehyung complained, looking at his hands that felt sore from all the cleaning, all the rough cloth hurt his fingers, and the constant touch of soap. they did not have waterproof gloves here sadly, he should just but then himself if he needs to do this every week he wont have any more hands left next year. He sighed and left the back room to tell his boss he finished for today.
"Namjoon-ah!" he shouted, not seeing the man at his desk.
"I am here," Namjoon said, appearing around the corner of a book with a cart. a few books were placed there.
"oh, what are you doing? did i forget some books?"
"No no, i am putting these away"
Taehyung walked to the man and looked at his cart, seeing dark colored books. one caught his eye specifically. It was a book about the demons.
"huh.." he looked at the others seeing more titles like, 'Shifters and their origin', 'creatures of the void' and also one titled as, '?'. taehyung frowned and reached for the book but namjoon started walking again giving him an smile.
"Where are you taking them, and why do they need to go?"
"I don't need these here, they shouldn't be on the shelf in the first place. i don't know how they got there," Namjoon replied, continuing with walking. Taehyung sighed seeing the other didn't want to talk and he stopped asking. But before the older left the hall to the storage he turned around. "Oh Taehyung, if you're done you are free to leave. i will handle the rest"
"Okay '' Taehyung replied, gathering his things and leaving the library. He didn't have many things, only a jacket and a small bag with his money and some other small things he might need. When Taehyung left the big two doors of the library he heard a bird calling.
A bird flapped towards him and sat on his shoulder.
"Hello bird- oh it's you!" Taehyung recognized the purple eyes of the bird and smiled. The raven got off his shoulder and shifted behind his back to its human form. black ghost like feathers faded into the air revealing a tall raven haired man, his beautiful purple eyes looking at taehyung.
"Are you ready to come with me?"
"yes, i just finished work"
"Great, It's a bit of a walk. I can't fly you there as I do myself. my bird isn't that big '' Jungkook said. kind of a lie.. He could get bigger, but he doesn't use his full power. so he doesn't shift to his original form.
"That's fine, I don't mind walking a bit," Taehyung smiled and followed Jungkook over the path. Both unknown of the pair of eyes watching them..
thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter. things are gong to be revelaed soon👀👌
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