Everything was calm and quiet that morning as Phoenix Rose went out to get the mail. When he saw a letter with a certain seal, a proud grin formed on his lips. "You got accepted... but I knew you would, sweetheart." He whispered to himself as he walked back to the front door. Before he could even get inside, screams of pain suddenly ripped through the house. His blood ran cold and he ran upstairs to his daughter's room.
Phoenix panted as he saw his daughter curled up and withering in pain in Akana's arms. "Momma make it stop! My back! My back hurts so much!" Little Alyssa cried out and sobbed. Her mother watched worriedly and carefully lifted her shirt to see if something was going on. Faint whip-like bruises were forming on her back and Akana watched in horror as more and more bruises appeared each one making his baby cry out in agony.
He hugged his precious daughter gently and a faint white magical glow formed on his left hand where he was touching her back. "Cessabit. Sana." He whispered the calming and healing spells gently. He was able to soothe her and make the bruises fade slightly but they didn't disappear completely. They never did.
Ally slowly calmed down and held onto her mother with a small whimper. She had been blissfully sleeping dreaming of her father's wonderful singing voice and her mother's sweet and delicious honey cakes when the sudden pain snapped her awake.
Ally didn't know when this would happen or why it even did, but it had been happening all her life. At first, some people thought the couple was abusing their daughter, but when she suddenly collapsed in public crying out bruises appearing all over her body while playing with her friends, they quickly changed their minds.
"It must be the twin bond." Ally has heard that from others. Everyone knew Akana had given birth to twins because the young couple had searched everywhere for their missing child even asking people for help. When their search came up cold with no leads, they decided to focus their attention and energy on their little girl.
Akana was still haunted by that night and refused to have anymore fearing he would lose the baby somehow some way, or he would have another set of twins. This was a true fear as Phoenix was a triplet and Akana had been born a twin as well.
"Are you alright now baby?" Ally looked up as her mother whispered to her. There was so much worry in his expression and love in his eyes that would melt anyone's heart. He was a natural mother.
"Yeah... thank you momma... it stopped now," Ally said and leaned into his warmth sniffling. "I'm sorry for scaring you."
Akana shook his head and brushed some of her messy blonde hair out of her face. "Don't apologize. You can't help that this happens to you." He looked up and locked eyes with his husband for a moment.
Phoenix walked over and smiled. "Come on you two. Your ma has made your favorite for breakfast. Oh, and you finally got that letter you've been hoping to get." He told his daughter gently.
Ally's head shot up and her eyes widened. "My letter." She slowly got off her mother's lap and ran out to the living room her moment of agony gone from her mind.
Akana stood up and gently hugged his love gently hiding his face in his strong chest. He hated seeing his daughter like that in so much pain without a clear answer to what was the issue. Phoenix tucked some of his black hair behind his ear and whispered. "I know. Everything will be fine. Let's just go downstairs and see how happy and excited she is." He gently took his hand and led him downstairs.
Ally was looking through the mail that was scattered on the floor where her father had dropped it in his rush to get to her. Her eyes landed on her letter and she squealed in excitement as she grabbed it. "I did it! I get to go to magic school!" She ripped open the envelope and read its contents.
Dear Parents of Alyssa Rose,
I wish to congratulate you on your daughter's acceptance into Raven's School of Magic. We look forward to getting to know her and teaching her in the years to come. Please bring her to the front gate by 7:30am on July 20th. Attached is a list of several supplies that will be required for all first-year students. Books will change into the appropriate text for whatever school she is chosen for.
We look forward to seeing you for these next six years and we hope your daughter will enjoy her time here learning the wonders of magic.
Yours truly,
Professor Sophia Magnolia
Headmaster of Raven's School of Magic
Ally's honey-colored eyes sparkled happily and she held the letter close as it was so precious to her. She always dreamed of being able to go and learn more about magic. Both of her parents were wizards and her mother was even a rare one who had a magic hand.
This meant that he could perform magic without a wand and such a skill was not something one could learn. Usually one had to be born with this unique skill and Ally hoped she inherited this skill too.
"We'll have to go out and buy these supplies and get you all packed up. Oh, my little girl is growing up so fast." Ally smiled at her mother's words and ran over to him hugging him gently.
"Don't worry momma! I will always be your little girl!" She giggled and hopped up and down in excitement. Just because someone has magic abilities doesn't mean they'd get accepted into Raven's. Only children with good magic promise would be accepted and very rarely would a powerless child be invited to come learn through their scholarship system.
"I know baby... I just wish I could keep you small so I could protect you forever." Akana said and smiled gently as he ruffled her hair. "Now let's go and enjoy some breakfast." He told her and smiled when she cheered happily and ran into the kitchen.
His lips twitched into a sad smile. He wished their firstborn was here as well getting ready for the day and excited to be attending Raven's along with his sister. He could picture him now... he had a clear picture of what he would look like too. A child who was just like him... Such thought made him tear up as he wished he could hold him once more as he only got to hold him for a moment after he was born.
"Don't be sad, my love." Akana was brought back to reality by Phoenix who wiped away a stray tear from his cheek. "Come on." He gently kissed his hand and led him to the kitchen where their daughter waiting on them about to burst with excitement. Soon she would be off in the world without them to watch over her. Akana wouldn't be able to hover and make her she stayed safe and the thought terrified him.
When Phoenix went to the stove to plate Ally's food while she hopped up and down waiting, Akana whispered a silent prayer under his breath. "Please... don't let anything happen to Ally... please watch over her. Let this be a good year for us all." He closed his eyes. "Please keep her safe. I can't lose her too. Please..."
"Momma come on! Daddy already made you a plate! Let's eat!" Akana opened his eyes and smiled fondly at his baby. "Coming baby," he whispered and sat down while Ace brought them their plate.
As they ate Akana couldn't help but feel uneasy like something would happen. He didn't know if it would be soon or in years to come. However, one thing was for certain: he felt like a piece of his heart was elsewhere, somewhere he couldn't reach it, somewhere so far away yet so close at the same time. He wished he could find it and hoped for it to be the one thing he always longed for... all he wanted his child to be alive and to come back to him.
Akana sighed and spoke with his little family while they ate. They were blissfully unaware of the shadow that always watched them. The only thing on their minds now was to get Ally ready for the next chapter in her life and she couldn't wait either. She felt that this would be the biggest and best year of her life.
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