Chapter 20
Play song when told X) the song is just for fun. I had to put a song in and I've liked this song for a while :) enjoy!
Soon I'm going to stop the book....
Third POV:
Vanoss sat on a log in the middle of the forest, he stared at the ground as he waited for his pals. He pulled out his phone, as he was checking it a stick snapped in the trees behind him. Vanoss stood up and turned around, "Delirious?" Vanoss asked. No response, Vanoss started towards the trees where the noise came from. "There's nothing to be of, you're one of the scariest creatures alive" Vanoss whined to himself. Vanoss touched the trees as he walked in, he turned his eyes red and his vision looked like a hunters. He saw no movement, the trees shined black, some deer ran in the distance that were yellow. He didn't notice any human or danger animal in range. Vanoss stood up straight, "Must of been my imagination". He turned around to see Mini with his wings spread, Vanoss jumped back. Mini giggled, "Did I scare you?" He asked. Vanoss grabbed his heart, "You did, I thought someone was out to get me". Mini laughed and walked out of the woods to where the rest of the guys were.
Vanoss walked over to the log he was sitting on and stood on it, "Today, we will be blindfolding you and the rest will attack and you have to use your hearing to detect were they are" He smiled pulling out a white bandana out of his pocket. "I'll demonstrate" he smiled as he threw the bandana to Mini. "Didn't the doctor say you shouldn't be doing this?" Delirious asked. Vanoss shrugged, "I'm fine, and if I do get hurt Some of you are healers anyway" Vanoss smirked staring at Delirious. Vanoss turned around so Mini could put it on him, "Shouldn't Delirious be doing this, or is he bottom?" Mini said smirking as he put the bandana on him. After Mini tied it on him Vanoss turned around, "Good" Vanoss elbowed Mini in the stomach. Mini fell to the ground, "Now let's start!" Vanoss smirked as he stood in the middle of the opening in the forest. "I'll sit out until I see how to do this" Gi said as she sat down on the log Vanoss was standing on. Vanoss shrugged, "Don't hold back". Vanoss cracked his wrists, "Oh and one thing. When you're fighting you can only use your powers without changing. But if you're attacking you're changed into your creature" Vanoss smirked as he could sense Lui to his right.
The guys circled Vanoss, Vanoss turned his head trying to sense them. Nogla quietly turned into a wolf, he was light brown with bright yellow eyes. Vanoss turned his head to the left, he knew where Nogla was. Delirious have the okay for Nogla to charge. Nogla ran at Vanoss at full sprint, Vanoss ran at Nogla. Nogla jumped to grab Vanoss, Vanoss slid under Nogla before he could grab him. Nogla landed on his side and slid into a tree. Vanoss smirked, the guys looked at eachother as Nogla got up to his feet. "Really? You're like a ninja!" Nogla whined as he got back to the circle. Delirious smirked looking at Vanoss, Vanoss turned around and looking forward at Delirious. "Come on, let's get this son of a bitch" Wildcat said jumping up and down, Wildcat looked straight at Vanoss. His eyes turned and claws grew from his hands, a tail grew. His ears rounded and fangs grew like a saber tooth. He grew cream colored full with tiger stripes, "Give me your worst Wildcat" Vanoss smirked.
Wildcat looked at Mini, Mini nodded and grew his wings quietly, he pulled out his fangs and his eyes changed. Wildcat circled him, Mini circled him also. Wildcat found an opening as Vanoss looked towards Mini. Wildcat ran in tackling Vanoss from the side, Mini rushed in. Vanoss landed on his side and turned onto his back quick and put his hands on Wildcats huge jaws, Mini flew in the air. He looked for an opening between them, Vanoss used every bit of strength he had to stop Wildcat to bit him. Wildcat knew he was winning, Vanoss closed his eyes under the blindfold, he opened them fast and they turned red a deep red. No one could see it but it brought power to him, Vanoss pushed Wildcat off of him. Vanoss stood up, Mini saw the opportunity. Mini flew in circling Vanoss fast spinning him, Vanoss spun around and circles fast. Lui walked over and sat with Gi, Gi looked at him. "Wanna tag? Cause I don't have a fighting creature, more like a stealing one" Lui whispered. Gi looked at Lui with a smile, "Why not". Gi gave a high five to Lui and walked away into the fight. Terroriser watched, he knew where his weakness was. Terroriser looked over at Delirious, "I know Vanoss weakness" He whispered to Moo. Marcel walked up to them, "I'm not ready" Marcel whined. Moo laughed, "Get ready cause you're next" Moo said pushing Marcel into the circle.
Mini stopped flying around Vanoss, Vanoss fell to his knees from being dizzy. He held his head, "I'm not done" Vanoss spoke softly. Delirious watched, "Find my weakness" Vanoss said holding his ground. Terroriser walked over to Nogla, he tapped on Nogla's shoulder. "His weakness is Delirious go for him or act like it" Terrorisr said with a smile. Nogla moved his eyes to Delirious with a smirk, "Tell Delirious so he doesn't think we are trying to kill him" Terroriser nodded in agreement and walked away.
Delirious was circling Vanoss, Wildcat went back in after Vanoss. "Hey" Terroriser said to Delirious. Delirious turned his head towards Terrorisrr, "Hey, what's up?" He asked. Terroriser was about to answer but Wildcat was thrown and missed Terroriser by an inch. Wildcat got back up and ran in, "Not fighting, that's for sure" Delirious laughed a bit. Terroriser whispered into Delirious ear, Delirious nodded "Alright". Terroriser looked at Nogla and nodded in agreement. He turned back into a werewolf and ran towards Delirious, Nogla howled. Vanoss whipped his head towards Delirious, he ran as Nogla ran. Vanoss slid and stood in front of Delirious, he put his hands up catching Nogla's paws. Nogla growled at Vanoss, Vanoss growled back. Nogla used strength to put his mouth by Vanoss's neck. Nogla didn't want to bite, just scare. They were fighting for dominance, as they pushed against eachother a blue orbs flew around their hands. Vanoss's fangs grew as he growled. Vanoss screamed as he gave one final push against Nogla's paws sending him backwards onto the log where Lui sat. Lui moved away fast and stood behind Moo, "Shit!" Lui said in a scared voiced.
"Time" Marcel said as he walked in taking the blindfold off of Vanoss. Vanoss turned around, he saw he was standing in front of Delirious. "You protected me?" Delirious said confused, Delirious knew that he was Vanoss's weakness. Vanoss started blushing, "It was a nature reaction I guess". Delirious smiled, "Who's turn next?" Delirious asked wrapping his arms around Vanoss, Vanoss looked around. "How about Gi?" He smirked lookin at her, Gi shrugged "Um, okay. Go easy? I'm not that powerful" Gi started rubbing her arms walking into the middle. Marcel walked up to her and put the blindfold on her eyes, "Don't hold back" Marcel whispered into her ear. She smiled, "okay" her sweet innocent voice said. Delirious knew what she was up to.
Delirious POV:
I knew what she was up to, she was more powerful than me. She got my mothers speed and stealth and my fathers powerful grip and strength. She's very fast, she has fast reactions, she's learned how to use her senses very well. When she was little she's catch the flies during the summer out of straight air, she may be 16 and short but looks can be deceiving. Don't let Gi trick you. When she runs her hands threw her hair it opens her senses and she can practically see everyone like she doesn't have a blindfold on. My parents don't know how she does it but it's awesome, it's like the hunters vision to see the good and bad.
Third POV:
Play song X)
Gi ran her fingers threw her hair and then she cracked her knuckles. "Go" she smirked, Mini smiled and flew up in the air. He got up right above her, he dropped down on her shoulders. She grabbed his thighs and threw him off of her. He stood up and walked close to her, "oh Mini" she smirked. Mini saw her smirk and was terrified, "shi-" he didn't get to finish, Gi took her legs and wrapped them around his neck, she twisted causing him to flip him on his back. She leaned over him, "I'll leave your breathless" she got inches from his face, "oh leave a nasty scar" she smirked. He was terrified, he knew she could see through the blindfold. "I can make all the tables turn" Gi shouted and she stood up holding her arms out, "Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a day dream" lighting struck a tree behind her. Wildcat ran at her, she jumped up onto his back and grabbed the fur by his neck causing his body to become paralyzed as long as she held it. He fell to the floor, she stood letting go. She looked around at the guys, "That's my sister for ya" Delirious smiled leaning against a tree. The guys looked at him, "How, how?" Mini asked as she crawled over to Delirious. Delirious laughed, "Our parents did this to us but they used flaming arrows and bullets" Delirious walked over to Vanoss.
"I got a blank space" she looked at Terroriser, "And I'll write your name" she smirked. "Fuck that! Take the bandana off! She's fucking creepy!" Terroriser cried as he jumped in Moo's arms. Delirious walked over to Gi and took the bandana off. She turned to Delirious and hugged him, "Your name fits me too" she smiled. "One on one?" Delirious asked Vanoss. Vanoss's eyes got big, "Show me who is more dominate" Delirious whispered into Vanoss's ear as he nibbled on his ear. Vanoss's face got red, "For dominance?" He asked. Delirious nodded, "Yeah, dominance" Delirious had an evil smirk. "Blindfolded" Delirious added quick. "What?" Vanoss complanined.
Delirious put on his blindfold, everything was in hunting vision. "Bring it babe" Delirious smirked as Vanoss was putting his on. "Don't let me distract or trick you" Delirious smiled. Vanoss smirked, "Whipe that smirk off your face!" Delirious said pointing at Vanoss. Vanoss's face went straight, "I'm so dead" Vanoss said quivering. Vanoss put the blindfold on and took a deep breath. "It's now or never" Vanoss mumbled to himself. Vanoss felt hopeless against Delirious, he knew the guys moves cause they used them all the time. Delirious saw Vanoss hesitate to move around, he knew he wasn't a match for him. Delirious walked over and circled Vanoss and when Vanoss would turn to attack Delirious would duck and walk the opposite way. Delirious got close to Vanoss, he stood right behind him. Delirious took his hands and put his right over Vanoss's shoulder on his chest and his left under his arm and onto his stomach. "Don't let me distract you" Delirious whispered into Vanoss's ear. His face started turning red, the guys watched how Delirious was trying to break Vanoss. Vanoss knew what he was doing, Vanoss grabbed his hands and flipped Delirious over his head and onto his back. "You don't fool me" Vanoss said standing over Delirious. Delirious smirked, Vanoss walked backwards giving Delirious and chance to stand up. Delirious stood up fast and looked towards Vanoss, "I'm trying though" Delirious smirked.
Vanoss grabbed Delirious's shoulders, and growled Delirious growled as he put his hands on Vanoss's arms.
Delirious tried pushing against Vanoss tried pushing against Delirious. Their strength was equal and they were going nowhere. Vanoss's foot slipped a bit, Delirious threw Vanoss against the tree, Vanoss got up and felt an open cut on his cheek, blood started dripping from the cut. The cut healed after his fingers traced the cut, "oh you're getting it now" Vanoss said walking towards Delirious. "Give me your worst babe" Delirious smirked, Vanoss walked over to Delirious. Delirious went to punch but Vanoss grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind Delirious's back. Vanoss leaned in and kissed Delirious cheek from over the shoulder, Delirious smiled. "You can't break me" Delirious said biting his lip. Vanoss knew he had Delirious. He slowly kissed Delirious's neck, "can I?" Vanoss smirked as he gave a love bite. Delirious's knees got weak, Vanoss smirked. Delirious elbowed Vanoss and turned and faced him. "You're strong" Delirious smiled, Vanoss smiled at Delirious or where he thought he was. Delirious walked over to Vanoss, he went to hug Vanoss but Vanoss reacted and flipped Delirious. "Okay, we are done" Delirious said gasping for air. Vanoss took his bandana off and leaned down and kissed Delirious on the lips. "Good" Vanoss stood up and walked over to the guys and looked back at Delirious who was still on the ground.
Stop song X)
Third POV:
The guys walked down into the basement of Delirious's house, Ohm was pale and his eyes were a pink. "Hungry?" Delirious asked. Ohm nodded his head, "well, before that happens give us information" Delirious said pulling a pocket knife out of his pocket. Mini came down the stairs with a blood pack, Ohm's eyes got big. "I can't tell you anything" Ohm said turning away from the blood pack. Delirious got to the cage door and growled, "Yes you can" Ohm turned and looked at Delirious. Delirious's eyes turned red, "You're challenging me?" Ohm growled as his eyes turned red. "Yes I am" Delirious snapped.
Ohm stood up and charged the gate, he snarled at Delirious. Vanoss stood in the back so he wouldn't get involved, Ohm and Delirious were face to face. Delirious reached into the cage sliced Ohm's cheek open, Ohm fell to his knees. "Now look who's not healing" Delirious growled. Ohm's cut wasn't healing due to the lack of food, the blood started pouring from his face. Delirious opened the cage took his claws and slapped it across his face. Tears came to Ohm's face, Vanoss rushed in and grabbed Delirious hand in mid swing. "Stop Delirious" Vanoss growled glowing his red eyes. Delirious looked at Vanoss, "Fine I'll tell you!" Ohm cried holding his face. "Darth Claw sent me to poison Vanoss with the Inferior again." Ohm said backing against the cage. "Again?" Vanoss asked. "The first time it wasn't me" Ohm held his bloody hands up in the air blocking his face. "Then who was it?" Delirious asked. Ohm put his hands down and looked at them.
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