New job, New Life?
Lolipop awoke from her long slumber, took a shower and she went downstairs to eat breakfast, she turned on the news, "Recently, four jammers have been murdered and bodies missing."
"*sigh* no one knows what the rest are doing about it..." lolipop said, suddenly a knock was heard on the door.
"Huh? Who can that be?" She questioned to herself, when she opened the door, she saw a wolf with things like black long, founder hat, beta tail, neon bow and arrows, and a black long wrist.
"Hello, lolipop." She said.
"Uhhh how do you know my name? And why are you here? Are you probably the coding jammers? I told you guys already I quit."
"Actually no. I work at the Rare factory."
"Well we're a loan business and we need more workers here.. so I have a job open for you." The jammer said, smiling.
"You want me to work at the Rare Factory?"
"Yes if your ok with it of course."
"Of course! This is an honor!!"
"Yes umm.. here's a number booklet and i'll call you tonight about the details and thank you for your consideration."
"Ok Bye!! Wait.. you don't know my number!! Hmm."
Phone call time!! Bold= lolipop. Regular= wisteriamoon
"Wow that's great!!"
"I know right!"
"Told you so we had to wait until the right job came through."
"Yea thanks Wisty I knew you didnt expect me to get an amazing job like this!!"
"You know what we should have a party this afternoon to celebrate this!"
Yea good idea!"
"Ok come over at 5 ok I'll invite you alright?"
"Yea ok see you then!!"
~hang up~
"Congratulations lolz!" Bepper said with a grin on her face.
"We just knew you'd get a good job with that talent you have!!" Lilacpetal then joined in on the chat.
"Yea its like the best job ever you get to see rares, betas, and possibly keep some!!" Said Winteryy.
"Ya we are so happy for you!!" Aparri, showing Derpy eyes.
"Y-yea, heh." Twinkle0122 said, but seemed a bit worried but no one notices.
"Aww thx everyone!" Lolipop said, everyone hugged her while Aparri gave her a playful punch.
"Well rares are beautiful." Then Winterjoy replied.
"Doesn't anyone else think it's kind of strange how they just went to you straight away to you when they need more workers?" Twinkle0122 then said, confused.
"What are you trying to say?" Lolipop asked.
"I mean, its just kind of weird. Don't you have to do some kind of test and stuff before you actually go into the factory?"
"Well I think the factory is more different, maybe they pick the right jammer for the job." Lilacpetal replied to twinkle.
"Yea, lol is just lust lucky enough to be one of them." Legitnick said.
"But it just doesn't seem right."
"I know if im sorry but it just sounds like your jealous."
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