There in the decadent light of twilight, neither day and not quite night. I stand upon the bridge, my eyes peering at the moon, that shines in radiance, casting its magic and feminine presence down upon the waters below.
The river ripples and shines, glinting in slow rippling eddies, as if communing with the planetary sphere adorned in its opulent silvery blue dress.
I feel as if both the river and the moon are smiling, sincere and warm, regardless of the chill January wind, and the temptation of snow that has yet to fall.
The warmth provided by my woolly mits and hat, seem to fall very short in comparison to the warmth that the universe projects and freely offers me in that moment. Magnificent really, I realize I have captured a rare moment, a heart felt photograph taken, to store away on my own personal and private collection of, wonder, and awe album.
I do not really give much thought to those milling around me, oblivious to what is omnipotent and eternal, as if I am selfish I take all that I can and silently give my thanks
I will light a candle in gratitude, to this twilight moment.
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