- Chapter Twenty-Three -
Baekhyun's p.o.v.
When Baekhyun woke up, a piercing light blinded his eyes and he tried to raise his hand to cover his eyes, but discovered they were tied behind his back with what felt like zip ties. Baekhyun tried not to panic at the thought as he squinted against the light, desperately needing to see what he could see. Baekhyun peered around himself and noticed his was in a very big, empty, basement like room, with four concert pillars holding up the floor above. Groaning in frustration and anger, Baekhyun leaned back against the pillar behind him and bit his lip to hold in a sob. He was so mad with himself. He had managed to get himself kidnapped, and Chanyeol had no idea.
So how the hell would he get out of here?
Chanyeol's p.o.v.
Chanyeol woke with a groan and a sharp pain in his left shoulder. He tried raising his hand to see how much damage he had sustained, but then realized his wrists were tied behind his back with something rough and cutting. Screaming behind clenched teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, he thumped his head back against the cement post behind him.
Fuck! Chanyeol thought. How was he going to find Baekhyun now? Opening his eyes again and he glanced around himself, noted that he was in a basement with very poor lighting, and a rolling chair in front of him with a TV and a TV cart . . .?
Frowning in confusion at the chair and TV set up, Chanyeol suddenly heard a scrapping noise from his right, and jerked his eyes in that direction.
Yixing stood in the shadows, casually leaning against a cement pillar as he watched Chanyeol through narrowed eyes. Then he started to approach him. "Hey, Chanyeol, how's the shoulder?" Yixing asked with a smirk.
"Fuck you!" Chanyeol hissed behind his teeth.
"Chanyeol, don't say something like that to someone who's psychotic," Yixing reprimanded. "Why not?" Chanyeol muttered bitterly. "Because I'm crazy and . . . you know," Yixing muttered, letting his sentence hang because, yes, Chanyeol did know all to well.
"Where's Baekhyun?" Chanyeol suddenly said. Yixing grinned maliciously and purred, "Do you want to see him?" Chanyeol clenched his teeth and hissed, "Yes."
"Mind your tone!" Yixing suddenly shouted as he sharply slapped Chanyeol across the face. Chanyeol winced against the pain and opened his mouth to stretch out his jaw. "Are you done?" Yixing asked. "Nod if you are." Chanyeol nodded. "Good. Now, back to your previous question," Yixing said as he turned on the TV monitor that lit up to show a fuzzy, black and white picture of much the same basement, and further back in the room shrouded in light, was Baekhyun.
Chanyeol's heart squeezed, and although he knew it was futile, he couldn't help but ask, "Can I go to him?" Yixing just laughed as if Chanyeol had said the funniest thing in the world, but then his face became static and he said in a flat tone, "No, you can't."
"Did you hurt him?" Chanyeol whispered, a part of him not wanting to know the answer because he was afraid of what he'd hear. "No . . ." Yixing said, and Chanyeol sighed in relief, until Yixing continued by saying, "We were waiting for you."
Instant fury consumed Chanyeol as he stared daggers at Yixing and shouted, "You fucking bastard!" Yixing just grinned his animalistic smile and whispered, "Watch your tone," in the calmest, most deadly voice Chanyeol had ever heard. Chanyeol gulped. "Now, shall we start the fun?" Yixing asked sickly.
Baekhyun's p.o.v.
In another part of the basement, Baekhyun dreaded Yixing's return. He was afraid of what would happen when Yixing returned. He was so afraid....
After another ten minutes or so, Baekhyun heard the sound of rubber soles scraping against the concrete and the clatter of little rocks against the bigger rock. Baekhyun was instantly consumed in fear and he tightly squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to control his breathing. Then from his left, he heard a voice softly whisper, "Open your eyes, my little Baekkie," and obeying, Baekhyun opened his eyes.
He bit the inside of his cheek really hard, filling himself with pain as a distraction so when his spoke, his voice didn't wobble. "Yixing," Baekhyun said. "Whatever you brought me here to do, just do it!" Baekhyun hissed. Yixing approached Baekhyun very slowly and bent down, he put his face really close to Baekhyun's as he whispered, "Look over my left shoulder, Baekhyun." Baekhyun obeyed again. "Do you see that?" Baekhyun did — it was a red, blinking light from a camera. "The light means its on," Yixing muttered. "And that we have an audience. So, Baekhyun, be a good actor, okay?" Yixing had said gently before bring his fist with a metal knuckle guard down onto Baekhyun's knee.
Baekhyun heard a snap before he felt the pain, and then he screamed as the tears filled his eyes and he hissed through clenched teeth, "Fucking bastard!" Yixing laughed humorlessly as he said, "You know, that's the second time someone's called me that today." Then Yixing smacked Baekhyun across the face, knocking Baekhyun onto his side. "And that was for your tone, something I also reprimanded someone else for."
Baekhyun tasted blood, and spit it out onto the floor near Yixing's shoe. Yixing glanced at Baekhyun with venom in his eyes as he muttered, "Baekhyun, do you never learn?" Then there was another snap, and Baekhyun was screaming out in pain again.
Chanyeol's p.o.v.
Baekhyun's screaming Baekhyun's screaming Baekhyun's screaming, Chanyeol kept thinking. How do I help him? He's in pain. What do I do? What do I do? Oh fuck, Baek, I'm so sorry.
Chanyeol squeezed his eyes shut and tried to block the sounds of Baekhyun screaming in agony, but he couldn't. He would hear those sounds in his nightmares — they would haunt him.
Baekhyun . . . I'm so sorry.
Baekhyun's p.o.v.
Baekhyun was laying on the floor on his back, his tied hands pressing uncomfortable into his spine as he sputtered blood and gasped, trying desperately to catch his breath. His eyes were starting to flutter and Yixing whined, "No, don't past out on me yet! The fun's not over with!" Baekhyun blinked his eyes open and grimaced against the stabs of pain he felt all over his body. "Yixing, please," Baekhyun gasped. Yixing just smiled and brushed a hand over Baekhyun's bleeding forehead as he whispered, "Baekhyun, I promised your father I would kill you, so what do you think I'm doing?"
"Playing!" Baekhyun sputtered, and gasped in another breath. "Oh, Baekkie, you know how I love my games," Yixing whispered lovingly. He kissed Baekhyun's forehead and played with Baekhyun hair as he muttered, "So, what bone do you want me to break next? We still two hundred and six-six to go . . ." Baekhyun squeezed his eyes shut as he waited for the next spike of unbearable pain, but it didn't come. Baekhyun peeked his eyes open and they instantly filled with tears as he saw Yixing twirling a knife between his fingers. Yixing looked up at Baekhyun with a smile and muttered, "Don't be afraid, I'll be gentle," and with that Baekhyun burst into tears as he gasped, "You mean . . . you'll draw it out." Yixing just smiled as he leaned forward and kissed Baekhyun's forehead. "Yes, Baekhyun," he whispered. "Because you've caused me so much trouble." Yixing brought the blade down to Baekhyun's stomach and grabbed the hem with his other hand, he ripped Baekhyun's shirt open with the knife then dragged the cool metal across Baekhyun's stomach; making an invisible, spine-chilling trail all the way up to his throat. Yixing pressed the tip of the blade against Baekhyun's throat as he whispered, "Do you have any last words, Baekhyun?"
Baekhyun inhaled a rattly breath before saying, "Yes, I do." Baekhyun closed his eyes as he whispered, "Chanyeol, I love you, and I'm so sorry. Forgive me."
Yixing laughed and asked, "Are you done now?"
Baekhyun exhaled and opened his eyes as a cold resolve settled in his stomach, and he hissed, "Yes," before quickly and swiftly kicking Yixing in the chest and knocking him back. Baekhyun winced at the pain in his leg but pushed through it as he kicked his leg out again and collided with the underside of Yixing's jaw, snapping his head back and knocking him down.
Groaning and hissing, Yixing screamed, "Oh, I am not going easy on you!" before he lunged at Baekhyun and a sharp bang filled the air, the sound ricocheting off against the walls.
Baekhyun gasped at the unexpected sound as he watched with wide eyes as Yixing crumpled to the floor, a pool of blood collecting around his body.
Chanyeol's p.o.v.
Chanyeol had his eyes tightly squeezed shut as he listened, and when he heard what Baekhyun said in reply to Yixing asking if he had any last words, Chanyeol heart squeezed and he gasped in pain. Baekhyun's words rang through Chanyeol's head, "Yes, I do. Chanyeol, I love you, and I'm so sorry. Forgive me."
Baekhyun . . . I do, too. Of course I forgive you, Baek, you are my one and only love and you always will be. I love you so much, Chanyeol thought, then he heard the gun shot, and a scream ripped from his throat along with a stream of tears. Baekhyun, oh God, no . . .
Chanyeol kept his eyes closed, and didn't open them even when he heard the approach of footsteps, but then a voice said, "Chanyeol?" and he finally opened them.
Author's Notes
Hello, my lovely readers! The next chapter is better, I promise!
Any ideas on who's with Chanyeol?
Also, despite all the sadness, I hope you enjoyed today's update! Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends. 😊
Anyway, until next time.... 🌸🌸
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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