chapter 11
"Is she ok donnie?"
"She's ok for now mikey. She just blacked out. She should wake up in a couple of hours or so"
"Hey guys"
"Oh hey leo"Mikey said.
"We have to go train in a bit."
"Ok Leo me and Mikey will go soon."
"Leo she's going to be fine" Donnie said to him.
"I know it's just...if I didn't start that fight she wouldn't have gone up there..alone."
"Leo it's not your fault if that's what your saying no one knew this was ganna happen so you can't blame no one" Donnie said.
"Have you seen raph? I need to talk to him" Leo said.
"He's in the dojo I think"Mikey said.
Leo walked out of the lab and turned to take one last look at you. You were all bruised up. You had a really dark bruise on your neck from where the guy was choking you.
He continued to walk to the dojo.
He looked inside to see if raph was in there.
He was.
He was punching the punching bag. He looked mad. I mean. When isn't he mad. But he looked stressed. Worried.
"Hey raph"
He stoped and looked at Leo.
"What do you want?" He said as he turned back around. He continued to punch.
"I just wanted to talk to you...about (Y/N)"Leo said.
Raph froze and looked at him. again.
"Did you guys ever talk about shredder?"
"Does she even know who he is!?"
"Leo I do-"
"Does she!?"
"Leo! She had nightmares about him. About him killing her parents." Raph said defending you.
"So did you tell her who he was?"
Raph looked away. He never wanted to tell you. He didn't want you to be hurt. He..he cares for you.
He snapped out of his trance of thoughts.
"I'll tell her when I know I should."raph said.
"Raph, you like her?"
Raphs face turned a light red.
"You can tell me I won't tell"Leo continued.
"It's none of your business and so what if I do!"raph said.
Leo smiled knowing that that was a yes.
"Ok raph" he said and walked to his room.
Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours which turned into days.
It's been 13 days and you still haven't woken up.
Raph never left your side and he didn't sleep or eat. He was too worried.
Everyone was on patrol but raph refused to go.
He was alone. With you.
"I don't know if you can hear me but..please wake up. We are all so worried. We need you...i..i need you."
"Raph"you tried saying but nothing came out. You could hear him. You wanted to get up. Tell him you were ok. But you couldn't.
You tried opening your eyes. Nothing.
You couldn't move. You tried hard.
Then you started to see light. You felt a part of your hand wet. Then you heard sniffling. Crying. Raph. Raph was crying. He never cried. Hes..raph. Raph doesn't cry.
You saw raph he wasn't crying as much.
"Hey"you said as you sat up.
He looked up and smiled.
"(Y/n)!!" He yelled and gave you a big hug.
"Raph i-"you were cut off by lips smashed against yours. Raph. Was. Kissing. You. You smiled a little and blushed. You kissed back and he pulled back in shock and looked at you.
"I was so scared you would never going to wake up."he said hugging you again.
"Raph I'm ok now"
"I'm never letting you out unless I'm with you."
"Raph I'm ok really"
He looked at you in the eyes. He looked at your bruises and at your neck.
"(Y/n)...i need to tell you something."raph said in a serious voice.
"Whats up?"
"I..i like you."
"I like you too raph."
"No..not like that I actually like like you...I love you"
A smile grew across your face.
"Me too raph I love you too."
"(Y/n)..will You be my girlfriend?"
You were smiling like a dork. You were so happy.
"Yes raph"
He smiled and you both huged. But he didn't hug you tight. He didnt want to hurt you.
"How long was I out?"
"13 days" Leo said.
You looked at the door and saw Leo standing there along with mikey and Donnie.
"Hey guys"you said. You got off the table/bed you were on. When you got off you tried walking but you were too weak. Your legs gave up on you. Luckily raph cought you.
"Take it easy your weak you having eaten for 13 days. You need to eat. You too raph"Donnie ordered.
Raph carried you to the couch and Mikey went to the kitchen.
Leo and Raph sat with you while Donnie checked you.
Mikey came back with 3 slices of pizza. You only ended up eating one. Raph got one and Mikey got the other.
"Me and Raph are a couple"you blurted out.
Everyone looked back and forth at you and raph.
You looked at Leo and he had his dorky smile on.
Raph just stared at you and you could see his blush. You winked at him and he blushed more.
"Cool" Donnie said.
"That's awsome."
"I've always knew this day was ganna come."
You have Leo a death stare.
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