chapter 1
It was a dark and beautiful night in New York city. You were with your friend on a rooftop looking at the stars.
"It's so beautiful " Amanda said
You didn't respond you were to busy looking into an alley with people.
"Look" you said pointing to the alley. Amanda looked and you both saw what looked like a gang cornering a boy. He looked about 12 years old. You and Amanda were both 15. You both lived together and with her boyfriend. "What should we do?"she asked. But before you answered you we're already heading down. You could hear her calling after you but you didn't listen.
"(Y/N) get back here!" But you still didn't listen you were halfway down when something caught your eye. You looked up to another building and saw a dark figure looking at you. You tried hard to get a better look but it went away. You being the curious,mean,tough,dare devil person went to go and see who was watching you. You put your hand in your pocket and felt for your pocket knife. You threw the knife towards the gang and they all scattered away like bugs leaving the boy alone.
You finally make it to the top where you saw the figure looking at you. You look around but didn't see anyone. You kept looking around for a while then gave up. You were about to jump off to the fire escape when someone cought you. You sucked in your breath and turned to see who it was. It was a person in a all black uniform, even the mask was black. You knew exactly who they were they have been after you for about 4 months. Why? I don't know.
"Amanda!!"You screamed as loud as you could. You tried fighting. You were able to free one hand and punched him in the jaw hard. He stumbled back and you made a run for It. You ran and ran and ran and eventually came to the edge. You looked at the other building and thought 'its not that far of a jump.' You got ready to jump when you were whipped around by a guy who you couldn't believe but was a over grown cat, you looked at him in shock until he spoke.
"Where is it?!"he said in a harsh tone
"Where's what?"You said confused.
"Don't play dumb girl, tell me where it is or ill have you begging for my mercy!"he said as he held a knife to your throat. You felt it cold against your neck. Then you felt prickled in your neck and you felt your blood run down your neck. You were trying to think of a way to escape but if you move front,left,or right he'll catch you. That only left you one way...back.
"Tell me!"he yelled angrier as he yelled the knife went in deeper. You held in your scream and he went in deeper. You let out a little yelp but he still went deeper. Then he had you more then where you were on the edge. He cut you hard and deep. You still didn't scream. In fact it didn't really hurt almost like as if you were used to the pain from your parents when they were drunk.
"If you don't talk right now I'm going to throw you down this building! " he said pushing you a little farther.
"Ok ok!"You finally said"what are you looking for exactly?"
"The gem!"he said
'Gem?' You thought. 'I've never had a gem'
"Oh that"you said acting.
"Yes now where is it!"he said impatiently.
You thought that if he let you go get it, you can make a run for it.
"I'll go get it" u said
"Liar!!" He said as he sliced you once again but across the stomach.
Then you felt yourself falling, falling
'He threw you off' You thought.
You knew you were ganna hit the floor and u had a 0% chance of living. The building was too high. Then as you were about to hit the floor someone caught you. And before you could see who you blacked out with just a pair of green eyes staring at you.
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