CHAPTER TWENTY: Sneaky Little-
Ban had left by the time I had woken up the next morning.
It hadn't come as much of a surprise, but it still bummed me out. Of course, we had been drunk. I couldn't blame him for wanting to escape an awkward situation. Still, I couldn't help but feel just a little disappointed.
I took my sweet time getting dressed, throwing on my only other (F/C) tunic and trousers before wandering downstairs. Nobody was around, besides a snoozing Hawk, so I walked over and gave him a scratch behind the ear.
"Itchy scratchy itchy scratchy!" He hummed, happily pushing into my fingers. "Oh, morning (Y/N)! Hungover?"
"You know it, Hamantha." I chuckled dryly, straightening up and peering around. "Where is everyone?"
"Beats me! Diane and King are off doing their own thing, I know that much. Meliodas is probably with Elizabeth around the castle...Oh, and Ban raced out of here not too long ago! The bastard tripped over me!"
Ah...That stings a little...
Ignoring the faint ache in my chest, I just huffed, settling my hands on my hips.
"Wanna come shopping with me, then? I need some new clothes." I glanced down to the pig, who perked up immediately.
"Absolutely! you even have any money?" The second he saw me round the counter and swipe the lockbox from below, he squealed out. "Hold up there, missy! You can't steal from that!"
"Believe me, he owes me more than a few gold coins...I'm gonna end up working here anyway, aren't I? Call it an advance." Rolling my eyes, I lifted the lid, internally noting that they didn't even lock it, and held up three coins, which barely dented what was within. Skeptically, Hawk nodded, closely watching me place the stash back in its designated place before following me out the door.
We made small talk as we wandered towards the bustling center of the capitol, mostly about King's glaringly obvious crush on Diane. I was glad to hear I wasn't the only one to notice.
"So, what kind of get-up were you thinking of getting? Gotta say, your clothes are pretty bland compared to the other Sins." Hawk pointed out.
"That's because these are obviously random hand-me-downs they threw on me when they found me." I sighed, glancing at each shop sign we passed. "If I'm being forced to be a part of their shit, then I need something that'll work well with what I can do, which means I need quick access to my body..."
Ugh, I'll probably end up looking like an unsexy Merlin...
"Well, good luck with three measly coins...You'll be lucky to score a loincloth with that!" Hawk snorted, trotting after me as I veered towards a food vendor.
"Make that two, cuz I'm hungry." Reaching into the pouch attached to my belt, I pulled out a coin and pointed to one of the many candied apples upon the table. "Just the one, thanks." The smiling woman handed it over, and I dropped the coin into her hand, receiving two silver coins as change.
"That's hardly a breakfast food, (Y/N)!" My porky friend nagged, but I just continued walking.
"It's still technically a fruit. I'll save you the core~" That shut him right up, and I accepted my fate of feeling mildly uncomfortable as he watched me eat my sugary treat.
All I can see are prissy dresses and men's tunics...
"I may just be a pig, but I think this would look nice on you." I stopped to peer into the window Hawk had his nose pressed up against, and tilted my head. It was a pretty decent outfit, and not painfully revealing. An olive green, split-seamed dress with a single sleeve. Sitting at the base of the wooden mannequin were a pair of matching ankle boots, too. I wanted it.
"Well, time to work the ol' charm-a-roo..." Cracking my neck, I pushed my way into the store, slapping on a fake smile when I was noticed by the owner.
"Good morning, Miss! Is there anything I can help you with today?" The portly woman asked, flattening out her poofy real skirt. Nodding, I motioned my hamd; still holding my apple, towards the dressed mannequin, where I could also see the front of Hawk's snout, still fogging the glass.
"Yes, actually. How much is that outfit in the display?" I silently prayed for a miracle sale.
"Oh, that one? Seventeen gold coins for the dress, and eight for the boots." She replied, pricing off the top of her head.
Well, fuck me with a footlong dagger...
My intake of breath sounded like a hiss as it filtered in through my teeth, and I took a step back.
"Well, darn...Looks like it's a little out of my range. Thanks anyway!" I took the opportunity to dash right on out of the store, slumping as Hawk came up to me.
"Pricy?" He questioned with a twitch of his ear.
"Whoo yeah..."
Suddenly, I yelped, feeling the stick of my candied apple slip from my fingers, but not through to the ground. To the side.
"Thought I heard your voice, Master~" Heat began to simmer against the back of my neck when I turned to spy Ban, crunching into my food and walking towards us.
"H..hey, that wasn't cheap!" I barked, narrowing my (E/C) eyes, but it was mostly to mask the fact that seeing him had made me rather flustered.
I bet he doesn't even remember what happened last night...
"Sharing is caring~" The goliath teased, his nose scrunching as he shot me a grin. "What are you two doing, anyway? I thought you were supposed to be manning the bar, Master?" As Hawk explained, I eyed my glistening apple, considering making a jump for it. That thought quickly became a reject once I calculated the difference in our heights.
"...and then we ran into you! Hey, you're a cheapskate, Ban! Know any good places to buy decent clothes for next to naught?"
Snorting, Ban shook his head, and I couldn't help but study the lengthy scar that trailed down the side of his face and neck. I made a mental note to ask him about it later on.
"I ain't cheap. I'm a thief. Big difference." He chuckled, kind of leaning around us to glance into the window, even though he could have easily seen over the top of my head. "I could just swipe it for ya?"
"Uh...thanks, but no thanks..." I mumbled, trying to avoid any and all eye contact with the greedy sin. "I'll just find something else...or work until I save up the money." I didn't want to work, but I really did want that outfit.
"Boring, but suit y'self. It'll probably be gone by that point." Ban was right, but there wasn't much I couldn't about it. Getting a reputation for stealing would just make my life that much shittier.
Dammit...why did he have to sound so sexy when he offered?
"Well, I better get goin'. Work to do, and shit." Ban sighed, giving me an unexpected bump with his hip before starting to stroll off. "I'd hurry up and choose something, cuz you two need to get back to the bar." My entire body felt hot after the minor contact, but I still balled up my fist and shook it in the air after him.
"You owe me for that apple, beanstalk!" He just waved it above his head, not even bothering to turn around, but I knew he had that shit-eating grin plastered across his face.
Yeah...He doesn't remember a thing...Probably for the best...I guess...
"How about we try again another day? We really do need to get back before people start coming in." Hawk suggested, his curled tail wiggling behind him like a cut worm.
"Yeah, you've got a po-" As I turned, a loud jingle caused me to pause. Not only the noise, but the new weight pulling down on my hip. (E/C) eyes narrowing, I glanced down at my belt, reaching down and pulling off my pouch, which was now much more swollen than I remembered it. "That sneaky son of a bitch..!"
I crouched down so Hawk could see as I opened the pouch, and we both spluttered out when we saw just how many gold coins were inside.
"Wow! That's gotta be enough for at least two or three of that outfit!" He gasped, but all I could do was stare.
Why the hell would he do something like this? Not out of the goodness of his heart, that's for sure...An apology? Pity? Maybe he actually likes me..?
Quietly, I snorted to myself, disregarding that last thought.
"He probably stole all of this..." Rolling my eyes, I glanced into soft brown, giving Hawk all but half a second to give me a reason not to spend it. "Well, I mean, it's not like I did anything wrong..."
"Oh my gosh, (Y/N) I can't believe how pretty you look!" Diane continued to gush over my new outfit as I manned the frying pan, and I was kind of amused that she kept saying it even though I was mostly covered by Ban's oversized apron.
"I really don't look any different..." I chuckled awkwardly, tipping the diced beef into a bowl and handing it over to her. "...but thanks. Again." She came right back over once she had handed it over to one of our customers and came to join me on the other side of the counter.
"Hey, you've been at this all day, right? Want me to take over? Elizabeth is gonna be here any minute to help out, so you can take a break!"
I won't be around at all if she's gonna show up...That means Melly will be coming too...
"That would be great, thanks Di." I thanked her with a small smile, stepping back as she took hold of the frying pan handle. "I was hoping to get a walk in before sundown, anyway." Of course, I wasn't quick enough. Just as I was pulling off the apron, Mr and Mrs Dead-To-Me walked in, smiling and laughing between each other.
"Hi Diane! H..hi (Y/N)..." Elizabeth greeted us, and I really had to grit my teeth so I wouldn't cause a scene in the middle of the busy bar.
There was no way I could have missed the strange, almost sad look Meliodas gave me, but it was all behind his eyes. His face was as smiley as ever.
"Thanks for taking charge here today, (Y/N)! Maybe I should start you on a wage!"
Maybe you should crawl into a hole and die...Actually, no, I'd much rather be the one to do that...
My lip twitched in an attempt to curl back, but I fought that urge quickly.
"Didn't have much of a choice, now did I? Next time at least plan for someone to pick up your slack." Oh boy, was there tension building up fast, and I was kind of hesitant to count my lucky stars when Ban strode in, immediately picking up on it.
"Number eight, Merlin's look'n for ya." He thumbed over his shoulder, and I quickly hurried to the door, carelessly tossing the apron over Meliodas' head so I wouldn't have to catch one last glimpse of his face.
It took me a few moments to realise that Ban was following me once I had left the bar behind, and I slowed my pace down even though he would have had no trouble with catching up.
"She isn't looking for me, is she?" I sighed, keeping my eyes facing forward so I wouldn't get myself flustered again.
"Nope~" He chuckled, kicking a loose pebble with the toe of his boot. "I couldn't just let ya blow up at the Capt'n like you were about to. Nice dress, by the way~"
Recollecting his generous, yet immoral financial support, I spun on my heel, grabbing the slightly lighter coin pouch and pressing it into his chest.
"That reminds me! How the hell did you manage to take this, fill it, and put it back without either me or the pig noticing?!" He looked incredibly amused, opting to hold his hands up in mock defense instead of taking the pouch.
"What can I say? I'm good with my hands~" A fire erupted in my face when he laughed, and I turned away, still pressing the collection of coins into his person.
"W..well good for you! I don't want them!" I huffed, biting my lip when I feel him rattle with another chuckle.
"Then why'dya spend some of it?"
Ah, fuck knuckles...
"Call it...uh...repayment for the apple you stole...and..."
The kiss you stole...
"...for the hangover you caused me!" I was back to glaring at him again, but he didn't seem phased in the slightest. Sure, that look could kill, but why would an immortal be worried about that?
"Hey, I didn't funnel those drinks down your throat, missy." He rebutted, using his much larger fingers to push the pouch away, though leaving the tips pressed to the side of my hand. "Besides, you had a blast until the Capt'n started complaining."
So he does remember...
I snatched my hand away from his a little too quickly, kicking up a tiny cloud of dust as I spun and continued on walking.
"Yeah, obviously got a little more out of it than I did..." I muttered sourly, cringing when I realised he hadn't fallen behind at all.
"You mean the kiss?"
Tripping on air, my movement stopped, and I had to take a deep breath to compose myself.
"Th..the what now..?" After cursing my voice for failing me, I cringed, hard.
"Don't read too much into it. You were feeling shitty, so I thought I'd cheer you up." Hearing the shrug in his speech hurt, sure, but it didn't match the anger I felt.
"Cheer me up..?" Turning slowly, I locked eyes with him, and it was obvious he realised he'd done fucked up. "You can't be that fucking stupid, can you? Seriously? In what way is that an appropriate way to cheer somebody up?!" I wasn't sure why I was getting so riled up. I didn't want a relationship. I didn't want to catch any form of feelings. Hell, I definitely didn't want to catch anything for Ban, of all people.
"Look, it wasn't completely to cheer you up..." The platinum haired man rubbed the back of his neck, looking off to the side with a bored expression. "We were drunk, and you've got a pretty decent face...What am I supposed to say? I was curious?" He took a step back as I began to make wildly exasperated hand gestures, sputtering unintelligible syllables.
"Tha...I...You...It...What if I liked you, huh?! How do you think that would've made me feel, getting hopes up 'n shit?! You really need to polish that fucking braincell of yours!"
My nose was scrunched up as I shot daggers at him, but again, it was pretty useless against someone such as Ban. Indifference seemed to be his middle name.
"So, do you?" He tilted his head, and again I nearly choked.
" I what?" Perhaps I was the one in need of a good polish of the braincell.
"Like me. Is that why you're so bent out of shape?"
Raising my finger, I so wanted to tell him off, but nothing would come out of my mouth. I could almost hear myself deflating as he chuckled, but I wasn't going to give him a chance to confirm the fact out loud.
"You..You're really up yourself if you think that's the case..." I muttered, quickly turning to skulk away before he could continue our conversation, but of course he caught up with those leggy legs of his.
"Wow, you've got horrible taste~" He teased, purposely insulting himself in the process. I was mildly offended, but I wouldn't let him realise that. I didn't want to dig a deeper grave for myself.
"I don't like you. You're the one who kissed me. You have terrible taste, not me." I growled, confident that I could at least beat him in a game of self-depreciation.
Ban's hand came down atop my head, squeezing my skull, though not at all hard.
"First of all, I'll have you know my taste is top quality. Second of all, who said that it meant I li-"
"Wow, you can count to two?! Good job, buddy!" I cut him off with a sarcastic snap, not wanting to hear what he was about to say. "Look, it was nothing, right? Let's leave it at that. I don't exactly want to waste my time talking about stupid shit like this..."
There's no point. Now I know where you stand, and that's the end of it...
The pressure on my head remained, but I couldn't make myself look up at him. If I were honest with myself, I would have admitted I felt like shit, but there wasn't anything that could have been done about it.
"Hang on. You sure you're okay with leaving it at that?" Ban questioned, his voice taking on a more serious tone than I was used to. Nodding almost violently, I stepped out from beneath his hand, continuing on my way to goodness knew where.
"Absolutely." I called back curtly, oblivious to how stiff I must have appeared whilst walking away. "As I said, I don't have time for pointless shit. I have stuff to do." This time Ban didn't move to follow me, but it didn't stop him from responding.
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Literally anything but this! Seeya!"
***I was healthy for a hot minute then BOOM, leg pain and exhaustion pffft***
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