*(Y/N) POV*
"In the name of Liones, we command you to surrender!" One of the Holy Knights bellowed, and I rolled my eyes so hard I thought they'd fall into my skull and pop out of my ear. Ridiculous bastards in even more ridiculous armour; not exactly something to be scared about.
"Oi, fucknuts! What's the big idea?!" Ban yelled out, kind of nudging me back through the door with his arm.
"You have committed heinous crimes against the kingdom and its people! For that, you must be stopped, Seven Deadly Sins!" Another knight exclaimed, and I clenched my jaw, whirling around and stopping at the foot of the stairs.
"Meliodas! What did you and your bitches do now?!" I barked, tapping my foot until the unphased blond descended the staircase, along with Elizabeth and Diane.
"Easy, (Y/N)! They probably haven't heard that we've been pardoned!" The brunette placed a hand on my shoulder to try and keep me from continuing, but I wasn't having any of that.
"Pardoned for what, exactly?" Narrowing my (E/C) eyes, I leaned in close to try and intimidate Meliodas, even though I knew it was a lost cause.
"You didn't know, (Y/N)..?" Elizabeth seemed shocked, as did Diane, but of course the captain was as casual as ever, giving my head a quick pat before walking around me.
"I'll catch you up on that later, okay? Let's just deal with this lot first."
Well...I suppose this is what I get for avoiding him at all costs for so long...
Following them outside, I hung back, not wanting to get involved in a brawl.
"What seems to be the problem, fellas?! I swear I've got a permit to run this joint!" Meliodas grinned down at the men, but that, of course, just pissed them off even more.
"Surrender, you murderers! By the King's orders, you must be brought to justice!" One of them stepped forward. Donning a murky brown suit of armour, he stood a little shorter than the others, but much, much wider.
"None of these guys seem to be all that tough..." Hawk mumbled, yet again confusing me. Meliodas turned to face us, and his gleaming green eyes locked onto me.
"Ban, King and I will sort 'em out...apart from the last one standing...That guy'll belong to (Y/N)!" He laughed cheekily, and I stumbled back a step.
"Like hell he will!" I snapped, feeling rigid all over. "I told you, I don't wanna fight! B..besides...I don't have Carnificare, so-"
"That doesn't matter! I'll just knock his helmet off, then you won't have to actually do any real fighting, right?" The way his lips curled into a knowing smirk made my blood simmer in my veins, and I almost had to physically restrain myself from sending one hell of a bitch slap into his chubby cheek.
"I clue about what's going on..." King piped up from above, and I nearly shat myself when I realised he was hovering over the top of me like some possessed child.
"Captain...what are you playing at? Let's just rough 'em up ourselves..." Ban added, glancing to me quickly.
Meliodas; ignoring the continued threats spouting from below, just waved them off.
"Nah, I wanna see if little (Y/N) still has what it takes! Can't let someone who has no idea what they're doing handle a sacred treasure, can we?" He hummed teasingly, and I gritted my teeth in anger.
"After this, I'm gonna beat your puny ass, got it?!" I snapped, rolling up my sleeves. "No killing, right?" The only one who seemed to be accepting of my reaction was Meliodas. The rest of the group looked entirely lost, and a certain someone actually appeared to be pretty ticked off.
"This is fucking ridiculous..." Ban muttered, placing a hand on his hip and clicking his tongue.
"Anyway, Ban, you hold her like she's our prisoner or something, while King and I clear off the others! Easy done! Let's go!" Without another word, Meliodas jumped down from the giant pigs back and landed before them, with a muttering fairy behind him.
"Whatever...Come 'ere, then..." I yelped as Ban hoisted me off the ground and tucked me under his arm; following his companions down to the ground. My heartbeat sped up, and a strange heat seemed to spread across my skin like butter. I didn't like that feeling, one bit.
"Wait! Holy Knights, I am Princess Elizabeth, third daughter to the king! The Seven Deadly Sins have been pardoned for the crime they did not commit! There's no reason to fight!" Elizabeth cried out from where we had leapt from, and my eyes rolled on their own accord. She was too pure for her own good.
"We have heard no such news! You may share the appearance of the princess, but I have no care for whatever nonsense you speak! We shall be the ones to bring down these criminals!" The portly knight responded, and I faked a gag quietly in response. I was mildly surprised to hear Ban snicker at this as he held my arms behind my back.
"Criminals? Guess you could call us that! Look at this little hostage we picked up!" Meliodas gestured to me, and I sighed, putting on my acting cap.
"P..please, Sir Knights! This little pervert has been so inappropriate with me! He stole every pair of panties in my hometown, and he threatened to deflower me if I didn't do as he said!" I wailed, struggling pathetically.
"Fucking hell, kid...That's borderline believable..." Ban whispered, keeping his crimson eyes dead ahead. Drawing his sword, along with his comrades, Sir. Portly Knight took a heavy step forward and pointed his blade towards Meliodas.
"No longer shall you threaten the people of Liones, you vile predator! Swarm!" As he cried out, an insanely large influx of bees appeared, and I looked to the side.
This is so stupid...There's absolutely no point to this...He just wants to screw with me...
"Full counter!" I mouthed the words along with Meliodas as the swarm was sent back, ten fold. As I had predicted, it was an immediate knock out. Some Holy Knight he was.
"Whirling Pools!"
"Razor Leaf!" (Pfffft)
This next combined attack, coming from two of the Knights, looked a little more threatening. It looked like a monsoon, having just swept through a jungle, with water and greenery flying every which direction. I threw my head back, to check if King was being thrown around in the air, but my mouth ended up popping open into the shape of an 'o'.
He had a spear. A floating, glowing spear, and it seriously looked pretty epic. He may have been a tad wobbly in the rush of the attack, but the little guy was holding his ground. Or sky, rather.
"Chastiefol, first configuration!" He yelled, sending it out into the fray. Studying it, I found it to act like some kind of homing device, whipping and weaving through a flurry of leaves and liquid until it slammed into one of our attackers. The knight flew backwards, ending the onslaught of water, and rendering the user unconscious.
"Oof...How did these piss-asses end up as Holy Knights..?" Ban scoffed, tugging me back a little as a stray leaf; looking a little too solid for normal, rushed past my face.
"Uh...thanks..." I murmured, suddenly starting to feel a little uneasy. They were dropping like flies, and I would soon be called into the mix.
During our exchange, Meliodas had sent that leafy attack right back, leaving three to pick up the irredeemable slack.
"You bastards! Molten Earth!" Knight number four did something a little differently, ramming his sword into the earth. I soon realised why, though, as the souls of my shoes began to heat up at a rapid pace.
"Ow ow ow, fuck!" I hissed, relieved when Ban jumped up and back, landing on mother pigs snout. Even though I was grateful, I wasn't quite sure about how I felt standing on someones nose with smouldering shoes.
"Again...thanks...and sorry, Ms. Pig..." My voice came out in a higher pitch than normal, and I knew exactly what was to blame for it. Instead of just holding my wrists behind my back, Ban had his arms around my middle, having changed his hold when he pulled me out of range.
Don't you dare get flustered, (Y/N)!
Again, I seemed to have missed something. Strange little kunai blades were returning towards King, and the floor-is-lava knight was down for the count. Two remaining, and one before i had to prove myself to the prick of a captain.
"Sir. Reefus...Return to the capital immediately and report this. Have them send reinforcements." The taller of the two spoke in a calm, orderly fashion, and I groaned in defeat.
Make that none...Fuck.
A squeak crawled out from my throat something squeezed my body a bit too hard. Ban was glaring down at the others, and I quirked a brow.
"Uh...grip's a little tight there, buddy..." I whispered, trying to show him my discomfort. Instantly, his hands returned to my wrists, and he coughed awkwardly.
"My bad...Wasn't paying attention..."
"Release the hostage at once, and I shall consider taking you in alive!" The leader of the small troop bellowed, and I bit my lip as I watched the other knight run for the hills.
"On one condition! I wanna see the face of the man who finally caught us Seven Deadly Sins!" The blond replied, and if my hands hadn't been out of commission, I would have smacked myself in the forehead.
"Very well, I shall allow you to gaze upon the face of the Holy Knight, Fabian!" I almost spat all over the place at the sheer cockiness of the guy. How anyone; a Holy Knight no less, could fall for such an obvious trick was beyond me. When the helmet came off, I related to Diane on a personal level when I could hear her chanting the word 'ew' over and over.
The man looked like someone had pulverised a bar's face and slapped a dead squirrel onto his top lip. I didn't want to get near him at all, but I had done far worse with far uglier people.
"Okay! Ban, release her!" Meliodas smiled, folding his arms as his opponent nearly fell over. Hesitantly, Ban let go of my wrists, and I heaved a long, weary sigh.
Even though it was easy to get down, I sucked it up and let myself get a little battered during impact. Scrambling to my feet, I sprinted towards Sir. Fabian, or whatever his name was, and inwardly screeched in disgust as I found myself into his arms.
"Th..thank you, Sir. Knight! My hero! You saved me from this cruel, perverted little heathen!" I cried, curling my arms around his neck and hugging him.
Oh fuck me, he reeks like old cheese and spoiled fruit..! Nasty ass creep...
I ran my hand through his greasy ashen hair as he set me on the ground, looking down at me past his bulbous nose.
"It is merely my job. Now, run along and get away from these bastards. Wouldn't want you getting injured as I cut them down!" His pride was sickening, and I resisted the urge to knee him right in the prick as I took a step. A step back towards the Sins.
"Nah, I think I'll stay." I said nonchalantly, kicking a stone as I continued backwards, stopping a few feet ahead of Meliodas. The Knight looked beyond puzzled, and downright maddened by my stunt.
"A trick?! What kind of childish nonsense is this?! There is no point! What could a frail little bitch like you do against the holiest of knights?!"
Shut it, you turd.
"You're right. There is no point." I ended my sentence with a harsh slap to my left cheek, sending my face flying to the side.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Diane cried out from above, horrified by what I just did. That soon petered out, though, as they slowly came to realise that Sir. Fabian's head was now facing the left too, and his cheek was a stinging red.
"Well, that was kind of anticlimactic..." Meliodas stated, and I shot him a dirty look.
"Fuck off. It's been a while." I hissed, turning my sights towards Ban and King, who were looking like stunned mullets. "Would one of you be so kind as to beat the ever-loving fuck out of me? I'm looking at you, Ban. You've got the muscles for it."
"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Ban howled, completely disgusted by my request. "I AIN'T BEATING ON A CHICK UNLESS SHE'S AN ENEMY!" His flawed logic wasn't unexpected, but I was still disappointed.
"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" King, the poor boy, was floating upside down, pulling at his ginger hair. The Knight was already on the move, heading towards me fast, so I didn't have any other choice.
This is the absolute last thing I wanted...This is gonna suck.
"Roger that!" The cheeky little shit had already reeled his fist back, and I barely had enough time to brace myself for the punch that sent me flying into a nearby tree. The cocky knight let out a gasping wheeze, dropping to his hands and knees as a small amount of blood came spurting from his lips.
"By my calculations, the captain only used zero point seven percent of his power."
I pouted as Meliodas walked up to me, leaning over my dusty body and tilting his head like a puppy.
"He's already getting up. Any ideas? Don't wanna push you too hard after so long." I snorted in annoyance, shifting to sit on my knees and squinting to see through the dust. The fucker was standing, alright, and he was limping in our direction.
"Just break my arms or something, I guess." I shrugged, pushing my sleeves as high as they could go. "Go for the humerus, it'll hurt more." I offered him my right arm, and he took it gently.
"No clue what that is, but okay!~"
*S N A P*
Meliodas had snapped an entirely different bone than what I had intended, but it still had one hell of an effect. I could quite literally hear the clang of bone against the inside of Sir. Fabian's armour as his arm twisted into an unnatural position, sending him to the ground again.
"Wh..what even are you?!" He shrieked, still heading towards us, but at a snail's pace.
"One more? He's not symmetrical anymore." Meliodas took the liberty of grabbing my other arm, and I let out a huff, nodding and watching the show as yet another snap rang through the air. This time, when his face hit the dirt, Mr. High and Mighty Knight didn't get back up.
"CAPTAIN, I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA KICK YOUR A-" Everyone rushed through the settling dust, but Ban stopped dead when he witnessed Meliodas helping me to my feet with an outstretched hand. "Oh."
" are you not..?" Diane began to circle me, checking each of my arms for any sign of damage. The only thing wrong with me was the fact I was covered in dirt.
"(Y/N)'s power! It's called Reflect, right?" Meliodas looked to me for confirmation, and I scoffed, rolling my stiff shoulders and starting back towards the bar.
"That's what you wanted me to call it...I just call it Voodoo. It makes more sense..." I explained dryly, spitting out a puff of grit. "Anyway, could someone find a lake or something? I'm covered in crap and I'm exhausted."
"I..I will...I need to, like...process this shit..." King murmured vaxantly, hovering off as he mumbled about his brain hurting. My attention was drawn to Ban, who was looking between me and Meliodas with an unreadable expression. It was a concoction of perplexity and rage, but I chose to ignore it, for the time being.
This is why I don't want to be here...Too many questions...that I don't see the point in answering...
***Yeah, I used the same power as my discontinued Sero x Reader, cuz I'm lazy and I also like it. It's late as hell and I'll probably edit this wreck in the morning***
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