I had made true of my promise to Ban that night.
By the time the bar closed, we were snapping sloppy insults back and forth over who got to ride Hawk, who had apparently grown back to his original size. I was so intoxicated that I didn't even spare Meliodas a second glance when he had showed up to do a little work before closing time, even though I felt my spirits lower thanks to his presence.
"Nuh-uhhhhhh, Master is for me!~" Ban barked, batting me away as I tried to reach the hog, who had decided to just play along with our drunken idiocy. "And 'sides, your tits'd be too heavy for his lil back!" I gasped in offence, drawing it out a lot longer than I really needed to before grabbing the hem of his undersized leather top, yanking him backwards and out of my way.
"Fuck right off with that..!" I huffed, swaying a little before I steadied myself on Hawk's pink rump. "I am the queen of the *hiccup* ham! C..can I be the queen of your ham, Hawky-porky..?" I batted my eyes at the captain of scraps disposal, and he puffed a warm shot of air into my face.
"If it isn't as dirty as you made it sound, fine!"
I took the liberty of sticking my tongue out at Ban as I sat upon Hawk's back, feeling triumphant as he trotted around the room, weaving through tables, chairs and amused Sin members.
"Careful, you're gonna give yourself a concussion if you fall..." Meliodas mumbled, trying to say it quietly enough so I wouldn't hear him. I did, though, but I chose to ignore it. I didnt want to pay attention to a single word that came out of his mouth.
"Faster, Hawk! Show me your powerrr!" I laughed, grinning stupidly up at King from over my shoulder as he hovered above me, following with his arms at the ready, in case I did decide to fall off and break my skull.
"Hey hey hey heeeeeeey~" Ban wobbled, catching himself on Gowther's shoulder as he tried to catch my attention. "Let's...let's go tip some sheep! There's a who..whole field of them in that direction~" Ban pointed in about five different directions, and I snorted loudly, falling back and laughing some more as King caught me under the arms.
"Stupid, you're s'posed to tip cows, not sheep!" I wheezed, grabbing hold of King's hands and spinning the poor fairy around in a circle.
"'s gotta be don't get hurt when ya tip 'em cuz they got that built in padding!" Ban argued, now all-but crushing an indifferent Gowther as he leaned over him.
Everyone; except Ban, became a little concerned when I didn't respond for the longest time. I just stared into space, (E/C) eyes seeming dead to the world until I leapt out of King's arms.
"I have been standed corrected...ed!" I announced loudly, marching towards him, only to begin veering off to the side. In an effort to catch me, Ban dragged Gowther out of his chair by the force of his chest, falling into me, then right on top of me.
"Fatty fatty fatty!" I shrieked with laughter, smacking at him with limp wrists as he guffawed, pounding his fist against the ground.
"Okay, that's enough..." My laughter petered out as Ban was rolled off of me by a boot. Connected to that boot was a leg. Connected to that leg was a torso, and connected to that torso, above two arms and a neck, was Meliodas' joy-killing face. "You need to go to bed."
My cheery expression darkened into a defiant scowl.
" can fuck right off, S..Smellyodas...This right here is You're-Not-My-Dad-sville." I spat, though I was positive I didn't sound the least bit threatening. "And you said you weren't gonna talk to me unless doody calls, or whatever it was that you said. I dunno, a lot of shit spews out of that..that stupid shit spewing mouth of yours..."
The only sounds to cover the silence that followed my verbal attack were my involuntary hiccuping and Ban's low snickering as he tried to roll his way to the counter to grab more booze.
"This is my bar, so duty does call, (Y/N)." Meliodas said rather curtly, giving me a look I hadn't really seen all that often when I had been around him in the past.
"We'll take them upstairs so they're out of the way." King suggested, picking me up by the underarms again and lifting me to a stand, taking the majority of my weight as Diane fetched Ban, easily slinging him over her shoulder with all of that cooped up Giantess strength.
"Yeah, I mean, together these two are chaotic when they're drunk."
"Just leave Ban down here. I don't want them alone in the one room..." Meliodas said sternly, and I gritted my teeth.
"But Gilthunder and the others were gonna come over and discuss the last few things that need to be sorted before the ceremony, right?" Diane pointed out, wincing as Ban tugged on one of her pigtails. "This asshole will just annoy everyone. I'll just dump him on the floor by the dresser."
"Yeah, and by the looks of them, they'll be completely comatose the second they're somewhere dark and quiet." King added, chuckling a little as I wiggled the back of my head against his chest. Meliodas, though, didn't seem the least bit impressed, his arms folding across his front.
"They're drunk. Leave Ban down he-"
King yelped in surprise as I lunged forward, and he only just managed to stop me in my tracks when I reached Meliodas, my lip curled back viciously, only inches from his face.
"You. Are. Not. My. Dad." I growled, pure hatred seeping through every drawn out word. "You lost that fucking right." If he was hurt by what I had said, he didn't show it, and he just stood there and stared back at me. His eyes, however...Those emerald eyes were making me feel disgusted with the way I had just spoken.
"Fine." That was all he said before turning away, making his way back behind the counter. I hung there for a while, only snapping myself out of it when I heard King speak.
"Hey...Are you okay..?" Again, I must have scared the living daylights out of the fairy king when I sprung up, turning to Ban and giving him a wide, goofy grin, which was immediately reciprocated.
Once we had reached the room, King carefully tucked me into the bed, making sure there was a pile of clothes beside it in case I decided to roll out and break my neck. Ban, however, was unceremoniously dumped on the floor with a loud thud, Diane nodding to herself for a job well done.
"Sleep it off. We don't wanna hear you complaining about a hangover tomorrow." King said sternly, though there was a soft roundness to the way he spoke as he patted me on the head, turning to float out after Diane. I huffed as the door closed, sprawled out across the bed with a leg off the side already.
Stupid fucking Melly...Had to ruin my stupid fucking night...Stupid fuck...
"You lost your tempy-emper~" I blew a raspberry as I felt Ban begin to bat at my dangling leg. He must have shimmied himself across the room.
"He deservy-erved it~" I sang back sarcastically, muffling a startled cry as I began to be dragged off the bed, grabbing the sides of the mattress. Ban, using my leg, pulled himself up, kind of laying his top half over my upper legs with my shin digging into his front.
"Yeah, but, that was next level hate back there, toots. It looked like you *hiccup* wanted to rip his face off and wear it like a...uh...thing you wear on your face...Mask!" I snorted at that, blindly reaching down and poking him in the cheek, which turned out to be his eyeball.
"Ew, why would I wanna look like that cu-nfffft?!" My hazy (E/C) eyes widened as Ban pulled the rest of himself up into the bed, right over the top of me to the other side, where he almost fell off, all the while keeping a hand over my mouth.
" your profanity, girlyyyy~" He tutted with a chuckle, rolling onto his side. He let his hand fall when I shifted to face him, my cheeks puffed out in a pout.
"This is myyyyyy domain. Be gone, lanky muscle strumpet..!" I said in my best; and failing, attempt at a regal impersonation.
"The fuck is a strumpet..?" Ban questioned, turning his head away for a moment to belch.
"You." I said as I jabbed him in the chest with my finger, ignoring just how hard his pectoral muscles were. "You're a *hiccup* strumpet..! Va..vacate my premises, and leteth me mopeth in...uh...peace...eth..."
He's...really close...
Scoffing quietly, Ban didn't budge, his carnelian eyes almost glowing in the dark, along with his opal-esque hair.
"You think you're the only person in this room who always feels like the shittiest shit..?" He asked rhetorically, a strong slur to his voice. "Just let me be comfortable and we can separately mope together~"
I stared at his silhouette, searching those faint points of colour in momentary sobriety.
"Why are you sad..?" I asked in a whisper, hoping he wouldn't deflect my question. Ban just stared back at me for the longest while, and I started to suspect he had fallen asleep with his eyes open.
"Nun'ya." He finally responded, and I blinked in confusion.
"What the fuck does nu-"
Mid-word, my open mouth fell prey to Ban's, his tongue just barely grazing against the tip of my own as he struck me with a kiss. Without even thinking, I kissed him back, though my eyes were as wide as he was tall. The feeling of his pointed cuspids dragging along my lower lip sent shivers down my spine, but the moment I began to really fall into the rhythm of it, he pulled back, flipping me over to face the opposite direction in one swift movement. A little too swift for a drunk.
"Nun'ya business..." He whispered into my ear, curling his arms around me, just like he had when I had tucked him into bed the week before. My heart was palpitating, and the warmth from his much larger body was sending places I didn't want to focus on into a frenzy.
"I..I'm not a spoon..." I complained, but even I knew I wasn't serious. In my drunken state, I was more than happy to be his spoon. Heck, even if I was sober I probably wouldn't have really minded too much.
There was no response. The only sounds that came from the fox sin of greed were the light in and outakes of his breath, and the slight crinkling noise of the sheets as he pulled me in just a fraction closer. I found myself smiling to myself, feeling all too comfortable in those arms of his, but that comfort was short lived once I came to a distressing realisation.
Holy fuck on a knight...I'm falling in like with Ban..?!
***Dear god, I love/hate writing drunk people.
Also, strumpet means prostitute.
Also also, I obviously can't do slowburners very well. I get too impatient.***
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