Me ranting about myself... Wow
I'm sorry, this ain't no rant. It's just That I need to tell you all something. As you can see, this is a rant book. RANT book. This is my opinion about things and stuff I don't like. But, people could be offended by this, so I'm trying not to rant about people anymore. Also, I erased some parts that have to do with people in real life.
I'm truly sorry if you were offended by any of my rants. I tried really hard (not really but I tried) to make this as general as possible, so no one would be like "uhm... Are you talking about [name]?! I'll tell her!". Of course, I don't want that to happen.
As someone (I won't tell you so don't ask) told me, internet has an effect that makes you act braver than you are in real life. Yup, it does. Sometimes, in my rants, I out things like "ugh, I hate her!" And stuff like that. I would never ever say something like that to someone in real life. I would never say "yeah well uh I hate you." NEVER. Its rude. But I noticed I do that a lot in my rants. I'm a hypocrite, I know.
That same person told me that everything I write here is public. Everything. If for example, I write something like "her real name is Margarita", (there's no one I dislike called Margarita btw) that will be on internet forever. I can't take that back. Me saying I hate Margarita will be there until zombie apocalypse comes and the internet is destroyed.
The person also told me I have to be careful about giving personal information or information about someone. If I give somebody's name to someone, then an other person I know my tell her and then there's hate, hate, hate. And stuff. I never put real names, but... Yeah, it's a warning.
I don't really mean to offend any one in particular with my rants, it's in general. Sometimes I say things like "there's this girl..." And stuff, but it's not like I want her to get Ebola or something. That's cruel. When I do that, most of the time I end up erasing or changing it because I end up feeling pretty bad...
This is only my personal opinion, wat I think, my point of view, me talking (typing), you hearing (reading), you saying "lol I hate that too", me answering "IKR". I didn't make this to make people feel bad, KAY? I made this so I didn't have to keep my anger to myself. It's annoying. Yup, it is. It may not look like it, but I don't like to talk bad about people in real life. Again, I'm a hypocrite. I'm just writing my thoughts, nothing personal.
Please let this be my last paragraph...
The person also said other things but its a lot and this is boring for you. I'm sorry if this was too long, I ranted about authors note being too long. IM A HYPOCRITE! If by any means you feel offended by something on this rant book, don't hesitate to tell me so I can change or erase it right away.
Longest rant and author's note I have ever made... I'm kinda ranting about myself in a way... Sorry to bother you people and your souls. Bye.
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