hA That's me( Ha Caillou could never)
Anyways since I see that in some misc they do quick bios I figured why not
• Names Aisha (not gonna give you the last name cause that's weird and I'm already getting way to personal especially when you keep reading lol)
• I am African American since my mom's from Gambia(which I am currently staying at) and my dad's from Senegal and I was born in America
° I am 16 and it currently sucks honestly since I have to be responsible, organized , think about school and stuff but can get tiring since I'm going through my "teenage girl blues" and I'm lazy
• If I can describe my personality traits in 5 words it'll be kind-hearted, offbeat at times, caring, quirky (which is weird to use without coming off as those girls who are like I'm sO rElAtaBlE), and humorous
° I honestly tend to overthink or not think at the wrong time and can be too nice if that makes sense
Gosh since when did this turn into a self reflecting moment
• I'm currently staying in Africa right now and I'm trying to learn more about the culture , which I'm all up for but it's still kinda hard for me since it's me first time being here
° Following with that I have to learn the language and I'm still bad at that and will always get annoyed with "YoU'vE bEEn heRe FoR a YeAr tHouGh" but hey still learning and got time ✌🏿
• I'm an ambivert even though people think I'm an extrovert
° I tend to daydream and like to be imaginative which can sometimes get me into to trouble lol
• I love talking and meeting new people but I'm also still awkward as hell and sometimes don't know what to do in some situations
° I'd love to help people and make a difference in the world one day and I'd like to do that with either art or something else
• Speaking of Art , I was always interested in the film,media and entertainment industry (thanks to Mom 💞) and also wanted to know what it felt like to be a director, screenwriter or even an actress
° I can be sensitive which I believe is a good and bad thing honestly
• I love marvel, DC, it, stranger things and many other movies and TV shows that I want to name but can't before this turns into a whole book lol
Reason for that is because they honestly help me to escape and let my weird imagination go loose
• I love my family and friends or anyone who steps into my life that I connect with really
° I am a Muslim but is accepting to any other religion
• School makes my have a bag if emotions (I know doesn't make sense but whatever)
• I tend to Care very deeply for others
° Tend to talk a lot even when it doesn't make sense which is a lot
• I make bad titles even though I think about being a writer one day ..... Oof
And that is pretty much it for today before this turns into a biography (and since I don't want to lose my credit) but if you guys want more I guess just ...tag me lol
Anyways thank you so much to anyone that read this, to the 167 reads which is just awesome!! And to unhallows and milevendarling for the votes and the comments really appreciate talking to them and reading their work(which you should go read since they write amazing, original books especially for the it/St fandom ) and have much love for them (and to anyone that reads this an follow me ig) alright have a goodnight/day 💞✌🏿
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