Be Prepared To Want To Kill Someone
Warning: This chapter is very infuriating. If you think it's possible that you will smash something, get a map of the US and you will be able to smash that. Remove any living things from your surroundings.
Okay. Are you guys ready? I actually heard about this last night but didn't have time to do research or rant because it was late and I was tired.
"The United Nations approved Friday condemning the use of the death penalty in a discriminatory fashion, including its use to punish "apostasy, blasphemy, adultery, and consensual same-sex relations." But the United States joined a minority of states who voted against it."
(I'm going to attempt to add the link that I got that from to this chapter but just in case it didn't work, just highlight this link, press define or search, then when nothing comes up press search the web and you'll find it: )
So in other words, countries voted on whether or not they think the death penalty for people with different religions, who are homosexual (Or love their same gender in any way), someone who offends that country's main religion, or if someone has sex with someone they're not married to.
And the US said they shouldn't ban it.
Along with about twelve other countries.
Now, apparently the US had "broader concerns".
Please explain to me why we're going backwards. And I also don't understand how we can be such a great place to live when we're voting for the death of about 5% of its people (I could not find the numbers for 2017 so I rounded 2016's number up a little). And if our population is 323.1 million, that's about 16,155,000 people.
Why are we supporting this? Now, to be clear, this is not saying people in the US will be killed for being gay or bi or pan, or whatever else you could think of. It is, however, saying that we're a country with too much power that it doesn't have the smarts to use so we go around making dumb decisions that makes everyone here look like horrid people.
Why can't Britain just take us back? Everything would be so much better and I would have to type out long rants so much less.
And another thing about America. Why is everyone so big-headed? Everyone believes they know everything and that they're gonna do better than everyone else and that if you're of a different ethnicity than them you're not worth their time and I'm just so done.
It also doesn't help that if I were to label all the towns around mine, mine would be America. We think we're so good at everything and if any school does something differently then they're wrong and if you do this then you're an idiot and people from this town are lower than us and if we lose a football game we automatically get angry at them. Like, why? Why do we feel the need to do that stuff? The school system in general sucks ("Today's school system is more about passing than learning" -Unknown) but I especially hate schools that think they're so much better than everyone else.
Okay. I think I'm done. Btw, I forgot to tell a most of you that I got my phone permanently taken away. I'll no longer be on in the summers, but I'll write down updates and story ideas in notebooks so when I come back you can have a huge spam of Sunny when I get back. Of course, that'll be awhile and I'll probably tell you guys again before I have to go, but just to let you know.
How are you? Fuming? Did you smash the map of America?
Have a nice day.
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