Nominated! I'm still not sure whether I like these things or not x)
Okay, so I was nominated by captain-spider-flash to do this, and uh, yeah, I might be warming up to theses things ... (Don't tell anyone I said that)
1. Right now, I have two favourite songs. First of them is Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath. It's an awesome song and it's so epic and beautiful and perfect I encourage you all to listen to it. I love Dio too, so the fact that it's one of the songs in the Ronnie Dio era of the band makes it even more awesome!
The other song I absolutely love at the moment is Swoon by this band called Beach Weather. If you know them, that's awesome! But they aren't very big yet. They were one of the opening acts of the Sleeping With Sirens concert I went to a few weeks ago, and I fell in love. They only have an EP so far, so they could really use all the support and they are really good. I personally found them to be better live as well, and they are just great!
(This one is actually inaccurate because now the one of the far right isn't in the band anymore ...)
2. Okay, so this one is a hard one because I have a lot of OTPs so narrowing them down to 3 will be a challenge.
One of them has to be Johnlock though. When I started watching Sherlock I was still really innocent and I didn't really know about shipping yet, but I always felt like Sherlock and John were just made for each other. I'm very passionate about that ship, and I often discuss it with one of my best friends who is a Sheriarty shipper xD
(Sorry for all the pictures, I just really find this new feature fascinating)
Another ship has to be Clexa. Honestly, I saw them so much on my tumblr dash that I started watching the 100 and I quickly fell in love with the show because I found Clarke so relatable and I quickly fell in love with Lexa. I I've only been in the fandom for about two months or so, but I shipped them passionately and I am now also very disappointed in the show after the last two episodes. But I've found that the Clexa fandom is wonderful, and I loved the brief time of happiness I had in that fandom.
Aren't they just perfect together?
Last one has got to be Faramir and Eowyn. I was mildly upset that the only moment they had in the movies was that little smile during Aragorn's coronation, so when I watched the RotK Extended Edition for the first time and saw the House of Healing scene for the first time and got to see my beautiful babies together a little more, I actually cried. Love Tyler's singing didn't help.
During my time in the Tolkien random I've become perhaps way too invested in his fictional world, and I have many ships, at least half of them in the Silmarillion, but this one was the first of my Middle-earth ships, and they are wonderful together.
3. I have both tumblr and Pinterest, but not Twitter. And I'm also not currently using my Pinterest, so definitely tumblr!! (If anyone wants to check out my blog, my url is thetwotreesofvalinor)
4. Save the world in anonymity. If I was the hero And everyone would know I would feel nervous because of the attention and mess up somehow.
5. Evil genius! I mean, yeah, I'd be evil and I'd be defeated against all odds in every single movie, book and comic book, but half the time I shouldn't even be because I'm the genius here. I'd rather be super intelligent than super strong, even, apparently, if that means using my intelligence for the evil. Wow I really am a bad person.... Oops.
6. Is that even a question??? Arda all the way! (I say Arda because of course I want to go to Middle-earth, but I don't want to exclude Valinor or Beleriand, and the question doesn't say what age of that world I'd like to be in, so that saves me a lot of trouble.)
7. Cats!!! Cats all the way! I'm currently living with a dog because my host family has a dog, and I'm warming up to dogs, but I'd chose cats over them any day without hesitation. I have a cat myself and she's the best.
8. Out of those genres, action. As log as it has a good plot though. I'm my a dam of mindless explosions with shallow characters. I also like drama, as long as it's not cheesy. I actually quite enjoy watching movies that don't have a happy end. Idk what that says about me, but half the time I bawl my eyes out when I watch them.
9. Hier soll es nächste Woche schön werden - which translates to "next week, the weather is supposed to be nice here" and I sent it to my mum because she told me how nice the weather in Germany is at the moment while it was raining in England over the weekend.
10. Apple? Or android maybe. I've had both an apple and an android phone, and I liked them both. Computer wise I prefer Windows over Apple.
11. Team Cap all the way.
12. Book over movie anytime, definitely.
13. Love it! One of the fandoms I've been in longest.
14. Play instruments? Idk, I play the keyboard, but I'm not very good at it, so I'd like to be able to donut really well. I'm just not musically talented. I'd also love to be able to play really awesome guitar solos and guitar riffs on the guitar.
15. Star Wars. Haven't seen Stargate, and only the most recent Star Treks movies.
16. Hmmm... Hard choice, but I'd have to say Tom Hiddleston.
Oaky, now, here are the questions:
1. Favourite song?
2. Top three OTPs?
3. Tumblr, Pinterest, or Twitter?
4. Save the world in anonymity or be the hero.
5. Evil genius or superhero?
6. What fictional world would you live in if you could choose one?
7. Cats or dogs?
8. Horror, drama, comedy, romance or action?
9. Last text you sent? To whom?
10. Samsung, Apple or android?
11. Team Cap or Team Iron Man?
12. Book or Movie?
13. How do you feel about Sherlock? (The show)
14. Would you rather have the world's most amazing singing voice or be able to play any instrument?
15. Star Wars, Star Trek, or Stargate?
16. Favourite actor?
(Now onto my question)
17. Languages or sciences?
Okay, now onto people I'm tagging!
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