Hillary Clinton
Now I'm not going to lie to you all and pretend like I know everything about politics. In fact, I'm not from America and their political system does confuse me at times. But I do have an opinion on Hillary, as the person who requested this rightly put 'the lesser of the two evils'.
So, when I heard that Hillary Clinton was running for President, at first I was excited. A female president would be an amazing thing for a country like America, one of the most influential (if not THE most influential country in the world). But the more I researched, and the most I heard, I knew that Hillary would not be the right first woman president. But she was still better than Trump. Hell anyone was better than Trump.
As I said before, I'm not an American. I'm British, so my views on the election were not as strong as people living in America (other than my views on the piece of scum known as Donald Trump, I think everyone has a strong opinion on him). Even though I didn't like Hillary, I just assumed she would win.
I wanted her to win.
I wanted anyone to win but Trump.
It was a sad day to walk into school and find out that Donald Trump, a man who possesses many of the things that are wrong with this world, beat a woman who would have at least kept America safe until the next election.
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