Acne Update: There Is Always Hope
So in October last year (which feels like yesterday), I made a rant about my acne and how much it aggravated me, and I realised today that I haven't updated you on the freaking miracle that's happened to my skin since making that rant. In December, my skin was at its worst that it's ever been and I was growing restless and impatient. I wished that there was a quick fix, and I decided to scour the Internet for about the millionth time for acne cures.
I was faced with the classic 'cures' like putting toothpaste on your face or using teabags. Now I'll admit something, I'm the type of person who likes to do things by themselves so the idea of going to a dermatologist never even went across my mind when thinking about curing my acne and I really believed that I could cure my quite severe acne with face washes and toothpaste.
Somehow I found myself on the NHS (the healthcare system in the UK) webpage about getting rid of acne and it was there that I saw something new being suggested. Instead of complicated DIY face masks and ice cubes, I was given an actual suggestion. That suggestion was Benzoyl Peroxide, which has honestly changed my life.
I did my research, and I was at my local pharmacy that very day picking up my first tube of cream. It was £10, and when you first look at the tube you think it's a rip off but honestly it lasts for so long. I've been using this cream for like four months now, and I've only had to buy two tubes in that whole time!
Anyway, back to the story. So for the first maybe two months I noticed very small changes and I was quite ready to give up, but gradually my face cleared and then all of a sudden I looked in the mirror and my whole face was clear! I still can't believe it now, that when I look in the mirror I no longer see the acne that made me so self-conscious and so self-hating.
Of course I had learnt to accept my acne by then, but I felt a huge relief come off my chest when I realised that I had finally found something that worked for me. The only side effect I've had is dry skin, which can be annoying but for the results I've got I couldn't ask for more. What's more, the cream has faded some of my scarring as well so my complexion is becoming more and more even.
I haven't worn makeup in months, I no longer feel like I need to hide behind that. I get the occasional spot every now and then, but that's just hormones I guess. It is tough on skin, so if you have sensitive skin I don't know if I would take the risk.
But the moral of this story is that there is always hope when it comes to acne! I know you think it will never go away, but believe me there are so many cures you've never heard about which may just work for you.
The reason this chapter is so long is purely because I'm so happy with the result. I cannot tell you how much self confidence this cream has given me. I love reading about people finding cures for their acne, so I thought I'd share mine and maybe it might help some of you- remember to consult your doctor before using any strong creams like this one.
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