My english is shocking
I'm not editing this Chapter spelling will be whatever it turns out to be how fun
So I have to give an answer to a guy who likes me and idk what to say because hes a nice guy but like..?
I probs wouldnt date him not because hes a bad guy but 1. Because I'm not interested in dating atm and 2. Because if I were to date him then that would be unfair because I find other guys cute and crap and sksksks
Anyways hes not even asking me out he just told me he liked me 🤷♀️
But it's still hella stressful to answer him idk how I could possibly tell him that I'm not into dating atm and I think he and I have a good friendship atm idk what even is English
I cant flat out say "I DONT LIKE YOU" cause that's mean and it's not that I dont like, I do like him, just not like romantically and I like the conversations we have.
Is this friendzoning him..? Maybe.
Is it a bad thing..? 🤷♀️
I'm just rambling at this point because I'm locked out of my phone diary app because I set a number password and idk what the password is. Which is upsetting as HECK because I wrote in it during a breakup and I could get some bombass lyrics out of it.
I might like honestly download another app and write everything down in there.
So I've tried getting into the app but the password is incorrect each time grrr but i do remember mucking around on my phone at like midnight one night and i got into the diary, i made a mental note to remember the password and log in in the morning but that mental note escaped while I slept and now its bugging me because i HAVE been able to get in before when I was just stuffing around so now I know that I do know the password its files safely away in my brain, so safely even I cant access it and I'm not going to delete the app because then all those painful diary entries will be GONE
And I will have no lyrics 😗
I'll keep trying tonight and maybe I'll write down the codes I have already tried and then every night I'll keep trying until i get in because i am determined to get those lyrics.
For now I'll download another app and use that to write down my confusing and kinda sad thoughts atm but it's fine, I'm fine.
Because if I dont write down my thoughts then they'll cause me to self destruct and that's not good.
I was in such a shit mood today absolutely no reason why but before that I had been super hyper because i had coffee
I'm actually dead tired but whatever
I need a new sketchbook and I may buy an illo sketchbook (depending on prices and shipping) I just really need good paper sketchbook (I was using recycled paper previously, I just found out)
Not really much to say, we made a teacher cry because we were playing a game of 20 questions and we were talking about relationships and dating and it's typical teenage stuff but our teacher started crying and we stopped but like idk what was so bad..? I never wanted to hurt her or do it maliciously, none of us did. Our class was just bonding and not even lying our class gets along so well! We were just asking questions we cant just ask on the regular and our answers would not leave the "circle" meaning it would not be shared with anyone outside of the group we were talking in. (Forgot to mention not everyone in our class was playing, just most of us were)
Enjoy this picture of the border I want to get (Sun Conure if you were wondering)
-Jules 💫
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