Abortion. Ideally I shouldn't even be speaking about something that doesn't concern me or my body in the slightest. But since male-dominated governments have decided that they have the right to impose sanctions and laws that they would never have to face the consequences of personally, I feel I must speak out in the defense of free will, if not of anything else.
I'm sure you have saw all the arguments for and against abortion. It all depends upon whether you see it as a clump of cells or an unborn life. The potential argument is bogus, since potential runs both negative and positive, a decent rejected artist today may become Hitler tomorrow. Keep in mind that humans are the only species that have the ability to control their birth rate, and what use is a power if it cannot be used...
Its ironic how a nation with gun rights thinks about banning abortion. Hypocrisy? "Guns are used for defense" Well, isn't abortion a defense against a infectious tumour that sucks on your vitals until it turns into a hideous creature of the living? What, life is a disease alright. It is the root of all diseases, if you think about it. But I digressed, didn't I? Sigh
I'd just like to add something that sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory but is actually true. A ban on abortion is just another device to take rights away from the economically oppressed and keep them with the rich, into which pro-lifers are giving in naively.
Explain? Well, let's evaluate the consequences of a state or country-wide ban. Of course we may have a black market without health regulations, endangering more lives possibly. A ban doesn't stop demand. What would you do if the general hospital in your city shut down? You won't abandon science and healthcare and become an occult healer, would you? Or die without your medicine/surgery? No, instead, you'll go to another hospital. Same thing will happen here.
Someone wanting abortion now has to travel out of state or country, to get the service they need. And for whom do you think such traveling costs and lost work time actually make a difference? The poor ones of course, for the rich it is but a token. Someone who earns 80-100 a day will have to think more about saving the finances for the trip than someone who earns 800-1000 a day and has more saved up.
Even if somehow pro-lifers manage to ban abortion on most continents, realistically speaking at least 1 country will be offering abortion, just for the economic benefits of having a monopoly on a service if not for anything else. Even if that doesn't happen, the rich can just create their own abortion clinic setup and get the service in high quality and safety, while the poor will have to rely on existing black markets which may either be exorbitantly priced and/or of dubious quality.
And thus, the regressive nature of the law will always prevail.
Perhaps you might feel I'm obsessed with finding a capitalistic angle in everything. But you all say it yourself, money makes the world go round. Since money is needed for literally about everything on this Earth, it is natural that capitalism and its ideas would pervade into our ideologies, discussions, and even morality itself. Like business is often considered a grey area in terms of morality, as all things equal it is not considered good or bad in terms of morals. Yet, perhaps in other world systems, a profit may be illegal and/or immoral, and entrepreneurs may have fixed salaries and businesses may have fixed margins.
There's no way to fight capitalism as of yet, only way is to work around it. Like a game. The rules and obstacles are given to you, you always find ways to work around them and deal with it. Same here. So long, until I find the next idea to taint with capitalistic interpretations.
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