My Opinion On LGBTQ
(No, I'm not gonna rave and rant about how terrible they are, don't worry.)
Over the last few months, I've had several nasty (I'd rather not talk about them, thanks) and nice encounters/scenarios/meetings with LGBTQ+ people, that have cause me to change my opinion on the LGBTQ+ community.
A lot of people think, at last subconsciously, that you either support, your nuetral, or you hate LGBTQ+ people.
Just, no.
I'm gonna type my long explanation about why I am none of those people.
Reminder: None of this is intended to offend anyone, this is my straight up opinion and thoughts, I don't filter anything.
Okay, so I don't hate LGBTQ+ people (let's get that straight), in fact, I don't hate anybody. I made it a life goal when I was eight, to never hate anybody. I'm older than 13 now, and I'm still sticking to that goal.
Now, I highly dislike some people. Yes, some of those people are LGBTQ+, but it's not because they're part of LGBTQ+. There's a difference, it's hard to see, but it's there, I promise.
Actually, I highly dislike a lot of people. That's one of the things I struggle with, one of my main faults.
I find it hard to love someone (I'm a Christian, it's my job to love people, no matter what, and I admit, I fail, a lot) who just goes out of their way to not love me.
And frankly, some of those people are LGBTQ.
I think it's sort of ridiculous that people give LGBTQ+ special treatment. Like, it's illegal to be rude at all to a member of the LGBTQ+ community. I'M NOT SAYIG THAT'S AN EXCUSE TO BE MEAN TO THEM. It just REALLY bugs me that LGBTQ+ people are given that special treatment.
I mean, come on, they're humans, surrounded by humans. They're going to be hurt at some point or another, they're not babies!!!
Okay, I hope I got my point across, now onto the next segment.
And now for the reason why I don't hate LGBTQ+ people.
I. Am. A . Christian.
It is my job to love all people. Yes, being gay, or trans or any of that stuff is considered a sin, according to the Bible (I'm still curious about that...) but I am determined to live them, despite their supposed sins.
What's really sad is when I meet a new person (who's LGBTQ+), I get to know them a little, you know, general information. But when I say I'm Christian, they back of, and get all cold, and sometimes rude, sometimes they'll say things like "Well, you're not gonna convert me!"
This makes me really sad. I'm not here to convert people, I'm here to love people. Sadly, not a lot of fellow Christian's have set this example, so that's not what most people think.
Here is my opinion on LGBTQ+ people:
If you are LGBTQ+, I am totally 100% fine with that. I promise I will never, ever say anything like "Oh, well, that's a sin, but I'll live you anyway."
I will love you, period.
If you are my friend and LGBTQ+ (assuming you didn't get scared off by me saying 'Im a Christian'), I live you as you are.
I support you, as an individual. If you are an artist, I support your art! If your gay/lesbian/all that other jazz, I support that! I'm here for you, I promise.
And one of the reasons why I don't support the whole community, is because, well, I'd rather not say, because of private reasons.
But there's like, boys that will identify as girls, and they'll go play a sport that's for girls (because that's allowed) and they will totally dominate the sport! There's a reason (sometimes) why there's those teams only for girls, because it's challenging!
Some boys who identify as girls, do this on purpose and some don't. It's tricky, because I hate being a hypocrite, where I say I support it, but I don't support some parts.
So, as a conclusion, I support the individuals, not the community. 😊
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