My day, was terrible. 😭
Mr.Yarnell (He's my history teacher in first period, I HIGHLY dislike him.) Let each person in my History class pick a Supreme Court case, from a list he'd made. I chose a case about free speech/offensive speech. Snyder v.s. Phelps. Then, when everyone had picked there's, something happened.
I was researching my case, when I saw Mr.Yarnell's computer screen displayed on the board. 'What's going on?' I saw him type in 'Snyder vs Phelps', and then click 'Search'. Then, he clicked 'images'. And all hell broke loose.
There were pictures of people holding signs, signs that said stuff like 'Go to hell', 'God hates Fags', 'You will eat your children', and 'Thank God for dead soldiers'. And then everyone laughed at some of them. People pointed at me, saying rude things, and whispering behind my back, where they thought I wouldn't hear it. And that's why I'm crying on my bed with a box of Tissues.
Snyder, was a gay father, who's some had just died fighting in a war. He was about to attend his sons funeral.
Phelps, was a member of a church (may have been a pastor), and had a large group with him.
Phelps, and his group, arrived half an hour before Snyder's sons funeral, protesting, and waving those signs around.
Snyder and Phelps went to court about it, it was a case about freedom of speech.
Eventually, it came to the Supreme Court, and Phelps won the case. It was indeed, legal and 'fair' for Phelps to say that, because he was also 'excersising his belief.'
Don't get me wrong, I completely and totally agree in having 'freedom of speech'. But what Phelps did was just so plain cruel and wrong and disrespectful in so many ways.
And of course I haven't history teacher to thank for all of this. When all the kids were whispering, he just watched the whole class while they were pointing and laughing and teasing, and he smiled. And that's when I had to hold back tears.
So, yeah. All in all I haven't really had a great day.
And, no, I'm not looking for attention. That's wrong. I'm just venting, because right now all my friends are taking off for Spring Break trips and I ahve no one to talk to.
Hope your day was better than mine!
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