New Years Tag
I know it's late but I still wanted to do it.
I was tagged by CupcakeMarshmellow12 a long time ago😂
Biggest thing that happened to me this year in my life?
I switched schools which was really hard but it was for the better because my anxiety levels have gone down drastically. Well for the most part... my volleyball coach is a bully too.
What was the biggest thing that happened this year on the internet?
I got over 150 followers in under a month on my Key fan account on Instagram.
What are you sad to say goodbye to as we enter the new year?
Um I'm not sure. 2017 was kind of a sucky year😂
What are you happy to say goodbye to as we enter the new year?
Again I'm not sure... it may have been sucky but 2016 was worse. I guess I might be quitting volleyball for this season because my coach has crossed way too many lines. So i'd be happy to say goodbye to her. (I'm gonna try to find another team tho)
What are you most excited for in 2018?
I'm really into photography so I'm gonna try to have more opportunities for that. And then same for playing the ukulele. Also I'm going to Washington DC in April which is supposed to be fun.
What are your New Year's Resolutions?
•Be less anxious
• (Time to be a basic white girl-no offense to girls who aren't basic and/or white and actually do) Go to the Gym more.
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