haha so yEsTeRdAy
I was chilling with my friends on Discord
aNd ThEn
someone says "I added [insert name of homophobe] to hit list"
and we were all "yOu HaVe A hIt LiSt"
and some of us were also like "who doesn't"
so thEn
the original person posts her hit list
which includes me and my best friend on it
they were near the top and I was a few people below them, near-ish the middle
and I ask why the fuck are they on there
and she said that they (actually, they used she/her pronouns for them bUt) yelled at them for suggesting we be polite to a homophobe
here's the context: we confronted the homophobe in a group chat, and then asked them why they don't support LGBTQ+. they said it was against their religion, and that we shouldn't talk about it. then they told me - SPECIFICALLY ME BECAUSE I TOLD THEM THAT PEOPLE SELF-HARM AND KILL THEMSELVES BECAUSE OF HOMOPHOBIC COMMENTS - that it was stupid to self-harm because of an opinion. and then we had a fight where the same person with the homophobe hit list (let's just call her A) said that it's okay to be a homophobe if it's against her religion.
so that happened.
anyway then I asked her why I was on the list and A said that "you supported her [my bff], and you're kind of rude."
and my Sunday sucked, how was yours?
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