I was tagged by my girl CollinsandDevan2 ! Love ya girl!!😊💗 (im so tired right nowwww)
20 facts about me:
1. I was going to be named Alexis Grace but then it was changed to Grace Alexa
2. I have never met my biological father or any of my step siblings from him, but I really dont care to
3. Ive been on a no carb diet for 5 months and last time I weighed myself I lost 28 pounds in 3 months and went down 3 sizes in pants. I feel great but I wanna lose more😂😂
4. I've had many celeb crushes in the past but Devan Key is the first one I've been really into
5. I really want to explore Gods calling on my life because I've been prophesied over and now I speak in tongues of the Holy Spirit. Some people think its weird but Im so happy im able to spiritually grow with my Lord.😊😊
6. I hate when people are dishonest. Im a very vulenerable and open person so when someone feels the need to cover up apart of themselves for a dumb reason, its hard for me to trust them.(My Finding Love: Key Bros Story is sort of centered on that theme😂😂 GO CHECK IT OUT!)
7. Im not a coffee person but I love frappes and frappechios(i cant spell lol)
8. I love feedback and opinions to grow connects. Im almost a people pleaser but I just want people to like my works
9. Straight up Im a very emotional person😂😂💗
10. I like to start things but dont finish them
11. My lucky number is 7
12. I hate when people put theirselves down when you know its a huge lie cause God made them so amazing💗💗
13. I want love and Im such a sucker for it😜😊💗
14. Im so insecure of my body and acne I feel so ugly all the time but I hate feeling that way
15. I dont consider to have a best friend that I feel comfortable to tell things about without being judged, except one friend and Ive just felt this way recently
16. Im such a drawn teachers pet but lately Ive slacked in my work
17. Ive had internet crushes but they didnt end well(i dont recommend it)
18. I live deep conversations, if you want one with me id love to have one with you
19. People call me popular but I dont feel like it lol
20. Ive had so many haters and one still is in my midst.
-DiscoSara- fluffydixon fly_honey 17_fan_girl Collins_Devan_AreBae collinsgirl_1 _Editor_ umi_suriya02 archer921 MClityhe
I wanna rant but im faling asleepppp
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