Angel With A Shotgun (Chapter 2)
(I got bored in class, so y'all can have this. Here. Enjoy.)
As John led Alexander to a local bar, the angel couldn't help but wonder if he could even get drunk. He highly doubted it, though he was also curious as to why the humans liked alcohol so much. Did it taste special? Or was it because of what it did to their minds? It was kind of upsetting, knowing that he couldn't taste what they tasted. To him, anything he ate or drank just tasted like a bunch of molecules mashed together. The best way to explain it was simply: disgusting.
But as the human dragged him into a bar, he let the man order him a drink that he would manage to choke down. So when they got their drinks, he hesitantly took a swig, and sure enough, it had no real effect on him, though it did leave a bad taste in his mouth. But John seemed to be enjoying his drink, so it must taste fine to the humans.
"So, Alexander, where are you from?" John asked after a little while.
"Uh, what?" the angel tilted his head, confused. Wow, he did that a lot.
"Well you aren't from here, so there's gotta be a place you grew up, right? Where are you from?"
"Oh, um, right... uh..." He hadn't even thought of that! He didn't know Earth's geography that well! And he couldn't just give where he was really from! He was starting to wish he had declined the invitation. Okay, but he needed to give an answer. But what was he supposed to say? "Uh, I... I don't really like to talk about where I'm from." Surely this human understood privacy, right?
"Oh, yeah, I get that. You don't have to tell me then." The human man gave a friendly smile as he took another drink of his alcoholic beverage. "So tell me something about yourself, then."
"Um... there's really not much to me. I don't know what to say," he replied honestly.
"Oh, come on. There's gotta be something interesting about yourself," John tried.
Well, yeah. I'm not human, like you, but I can't just tell you that. "Um... I can read people pretty easily."
"Oh really? Read me then." He gave a challenging smile.
"Do you want me to? You'd be surprised how much I can actually learn about you." Because by altering your memories, I learned your entire life story.
"Yeah. Show me what you've got."
The angel didn't speak for a moment, pretending to observe John and find things out as he thought of what to say. "You had a rough childhood. Abusive father. He'd hit you daily, probably because he blamed you for something. It only got worse when he found something out. Probably dealing with sexuality, if I had to guess. After all, it's pretty obvious you're a homosexual. He most likely didn't approve. No matter how much you tried to make him happy, he hated your entire existence, I bet. Your mother left because of him. She tried to take you with her, but he wouldn't have it, would he? School life was no better. Nowhere was safe for you. So you ran away. You settled down here, and have lived here ever since." Did he say too much? Probably. Dammit, he really didn't want to alter his memories again.
"Wow. You're good. Anything else?" John ordered another drink for himself before looking at the angel again with eyes full of curiosity.
Alexander let out a sigh of relief. "Um... you have a pet turtle."
"Yyyyep. How'd you figure all that out?"
"I told you, I'm good at reading people." Please don't question it any further.
"Well, can't argue there." Oh thank Father. "Well you basically know my life story. But I'm still in the dark about you."
"Believe me, you don't want to sit through my life story," the angel said with a soft smile. "It's rather tedious."
"Oh, but mmm curioooouuuusss," John whined, his words starting to slur. Well, he had drank around a pint of alcohol already, and he was about to finish his second one.
"Don't think too much about it," Alexander said, taking a small drink from his own bottle. The only reason he did that is because he didn't want to look strange.
"We should probably get you home, John," he said, noticing that the human looked a little out of it.
"Nah, I'm fine, mm fine." He tried to wave him off. "I've had waaaymmmore than thisssbefore."
"You're running your words together. I don't think that's a normal thing to do. I'm going to take you home. Where do you live?" He already knew, but it could come off as strange if he didn't ask.
John slurred out his address before saying "But I'm fiiine. I canssstill have more."
"No, I'm going to take you home now. Do not argue." The angel stood up.
"Okaaay, Lexi. But only if ya let me finisshh that," John said, pointing to Alexander's barely touched bottle.
"Um... Alright, fine." He handed John his beverage. He wasn't going to drink it anyway. John grinned and pulled out his wallet, putting some money down on the table. Alexander let John use him as a support as they started walking to his place. The drunk human handed the angel the keys to his apartment and, when they got inside, Alexander sat him down on his bed. He moved to leave, but John grabbed his arm.
"Stay?" he asked.
"Um, what do you mean?"
"Stay here tonight."
"Oh, uh..." Well I guess it couldn't hurt. "Okay."
John gave him a huge grin before grabbing his arm and pulling him down next to him. "Wow, you're so warm," the intoxicated homosapien said, cuddling against Alexander.
He isn't thinking clearly, that's the only reason he's doing this, the angel told himself as John hugged him.
"Warm, hot, mysterious, you're a real catch, Alexander Hamilton," he mumbled. What did that even mean? Whatever. It didn't matter. He was simply intoxicated. There was no way he knew what he was saying, and in all honesty, he probably wouldn't remember most of this night due to the alcohol he consumed. The angel could probably leave the moment he fell asleep, and he'd never even know the name "Alexander Hamilton." Yet, when John Laurens held him closer as he fell asleep, he found himself not wanting to get out of his grip. For some reason, it was oddly comforting. Perhaps he'd stay, at least for the night.
"Xaphan, what are you doing?" a familiar voice asked, causing the angel now known as Alexander to look up and around the room. "Why are you in the arms of a human?"
"He was intoxicated, Zachariah. He grabbed me and fell asleep," the one in the bed replied coolly.
"You know very well that you can get out of that position, though," Zachariah said, raising an eyebrow. "Just as you know that you should not form attachments to the humans." I'm not forming attachments, and even if I was, I wouldn't care, since it's you that's telling me.
"Is there a reason you're here?" Xaphan... Alexander glared at the angel standing in front of him. "Or are you just here to yell at me for this positioning?"
"I was told to remind you that you're here for punishment. Not for playtime with the humans." He gestured to the sleeping John Laurens.
"You think I don't know that? You think I do not want to be back in Heaven right now, watching from afar?" Though at the same time, he did like this positioning. Despite that, though, he'd much rather be back home.
"Well, if you didn't want to be here, then you shouldn't have-"
"Shut up, Zachariah," Alexander cut him off, rolling his eyes. "You don't have to remind me about what I did."
The winged dickhead (as you'll see later) known as Zachariah scoffed. "Watch your tone around me, Xaphan. You know I hold more power than you do."
Alexander sighed. "Yes, I'm aware. And while on Earth, it's Alexander. Now if you could please just leave me alone and let me serve my punishment..."
"Yes. Fine. I don't want to be seen in your presence anyway." There was a woosh as the air shifted, and he was gone, leaving Alexander alone with a human cuddling against him through the night.
(It's not that good, I know, but I was bored and wrote this. I might rant a little bit later today, but eh. I might not.)
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