Person A works in a bookstore, Person B can't find what they are looking for and asks Person A for help. Person B thinks Person A is cute, rest is up to the writer.
Person A and Person B work at a high school together. Plot could be determined by the writer.
Person A and Person B are on a college tour and get lost together. Plot could be determined by the writer.
Person A is at a bar with someone hitting on them, Person B comes up and acts like a BF/GF to Person A out of pity, or Person B could think he/she was cute, up to the writer.
Person A is put next to Person B, a stranger to Person A, on a flight, Person A falls asleep on Person B shoulder, Person B says "It's okay because your cute, and I was cold."
Person A and B we're partnered up for a school assignment, both forget about it, then they must do an all-nighter at Person B home.
Person A and Person B try out for a (romantic) play for school, Person A and B got the leads, as well as romantic interests for each other, play is up to the writer.
Person A works at a café, Person B comes in frequently and they become acquaintances/friends, Person A writes notes on Person B cup.
Person A and Person B are in dorms next to each other, Person A sings in the shower every day at 6:30 A.M. and Person B can here. Person B chases Person A to tell that Person A is amazing at singing and if they want to sing together sometime.
Person A and Person B parents are good friends and they secretly try to set Person and Person B up together.
Person A went on a cruise with his bf/gf then got kicked out of the room because of a fight, Person B allows Person A to stay in the room until the fight gets resolved.
Person A and Person B are ensemble in a play, but act like husband/ husband or husband/wife or wife/wife, the plot could be decided by the writer.
Person A and Person B were signed up for a week sleep-away science camp, neither wanted to go so they hangout and stuff, plot is up the the writer.
Person B is bored at a college party and sees a cute (Person A) doing Beer Pong and they start talking and become friends by the end of the night.
Person A and B are with their friends at a theme park, the cue is an hour long so both of their groups start talking, then both groups start shipping Person A and B together.
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