Valentines' Day
Nobody comments on it but everyone was aware the difference in Ranpo's mood the moment he entered the office. He was normally cheery and loud upon entrance—though he still did yell a loud "Good morning!" earlier—but the moment he walks to his desk, he was surprisingly quiet, smiling happily. Obviously, he was in a good mood and majority of the people in the office knew why.
It was Valentines' Day.
Of course, it wasn't so clear if Ranpo and Elly had a thing for each other but with the many times they've interacted and the moments they've shared since Elly's birthday last year, they wouldn't be surprised if Elly did give him chocolates today.
Everyone was also aware that Elly was starting to develop a crush on Ranpo as much as she denies this. Ranpo, being the great detective he so claims to be, already knew but decides not to push Elly into confessing if she wasn't comfortable about it yet. That was probably something surprising about Ranpo, but considering how dearly he treats Elly, it was understandable.
To think out of all the people Ranpo has encountered with, it would be their new recruit who could capture the great detective's heart and change him.
"Ranpo-san, you seem to be in a good mood today." Atsushi brings up as he places some paperwork on Ranpo's desk.
"Oh! You've noticed? As expected of Atsushi-kun! Yes! I am in a good mood, but I won't tell you why. Now, what do you have for me?" Ranpo cheerily responds, looming over the paperwork on his desk.
"Uhm, a serial murder has been happening by the port and the police handed us some files asking for your help to crack it." Atsushi explains.
"Contact the Chief and tell him to check his mail. I've messaged the details about it and they can continue on investigating from there." Ranpo immediately says, grabbing a pack of chips from his drawer and opening it.
"Already?" Atsushi couldn't hide the surprise in his tone.
"Yeah. It's been on the news lately so I went over to investigate before coming here. I had Kenji-kun bring me there and then back here." The raven-haired explains, a little muffled by his mouth filled with chips.
Atsushi hums "By the way, where is Kenji-san?" he then asks.
"Ah, he's sleeping in the café. I treated him to lunch in return." Ranpo explains "More importantly, Elly-chan isn't coming to work today, right?" the older male brings up all of a sudden.
"Eh? Ah, yes. She just messaged Kunikida-san earlier calling in sick." Atsushi replies.
"So she's sick, then. That's quite a bad excuse, I thought she'd be better at this." Ranpo hums, checking his phone before he grabs his hat and hops off of his chair.
"Ranpo-san? Where are you going?" Atsushi asks the man as he watches him walk to the door.
"To the scene of the crime. I got a signal of distress. Some people just can't work without me, can they? I wonder what it's like inside their boring brains." The older male muses, not really stopping as he says this and before Atsushi or anyone could stop him, he was out of the door.
"Wait, but Ranpo-san doesn't know how to commute, how will he get there?" Atsushi then asks, realizing the fact.
"Best to let him be, he'll probably bother Kenji downstairs to get him there like he did earlier." Kunikida then mentions, eyes on his laptop screen as he continues writing his report.
Atsushi nods to that, looking at the door once more before heading back to his desk after Kunikida reminds him of the work he has still yet to finish. He had to finish up Dazai's own report because the suicidal was suddenly MIA—though half of the people in the room assume he's hiding in his ex-partner's apartment.
Ranpo hums to himself as he gleefully skips through town. Of course, the excuse that he was going on the case was definitely a lie. He has more important plans than that and the plan is named "Elly". Elly calling in sick was as much as an excuse as he was going to the crime scene so he decides to drop by and say hello to his favorite brunette.
He would've brought someone along to help him but maybe it was his pride and stubbornness that told him he'll be fine on his own.
"I already have her address with me and have been there once so it's a piece of cake, haha! Nothing a great detective can't handle! I bet Elly-chan will be so surprised when she finds out I made it to her house on my own!" Ranpo exclaims to himself, not even minding the passersby that eye him for talking to himself.
With that goal in mind, continues on his way. Maybe it'd be quicker if he went by cab.
Elly wipes the bead of sweat that cascade down her forehead before going back to her work of decorating the pieces of chocolate she had just finished making. It's already taken her the whole day—not to mention the many attempts she had done and failed this morning—she even had to call in sick to work.
It was a dumb idea to make Valentines' chocolate last minute. She really didn't have plans but her friends, Jullia and Pamela, wouldn't stop bugging her yesterday after school. She had also received some spams from Pamela last night about it. Jullia offered to help since she made one for her own boyfriend, Chuuya, but Elly kept telling them she has no plans making anything for Valentines'.
Not like there was anyone she was going to give them to.
Okay, maybe there was one.
But, it's not like they were official or anything. Besides, not one has Ranpo even mentioned he likes Elly. All he did was tease her with all kinds of stuff. She appreciated the effort he had done on her birthday last year, but to be hundred percent sure he did that out of whatever corny feelings he has for her was hard to trust.
Ranpo was annoying, at most. He was stubborn, self-centered and kind of arrogant. Though, he was also pretty nice, and it sometimes surprises Elly how he decides to lower his esteem when it concerns her. Even the moments when Ranpo, who does things only when it was convenient for him, actually does things for Elly was enough to raise suspicions.
Again, however, as much as everything he has done pulls at her heartstrings, until she's given an actual, verbal confirmation whether Ranpo was serious with her or not, she's not gonna be the one that gives in.
"Gosh, what am I even doing?" the brunette mumbles to herself with a sigh after she finishes decorating the last piece of chocolate in the box.
Elly says that and yet here she was, skipping work to make Valentines' chocolates. Well, she could just give them to Atsushi tomorrow. At least she knows Atsushi will accept them wholeheartedly. Sadly, reciprocating her feelings isn't something she'd expect given how cold Ranpo treats Atsushi whenever they were together.
She didn't wanna think ahead of herself that Ranpo was actually jealous of Atsushi but she also won't deny that's what it looks like. Not to mention, Atsushi had feral eyes targeting him and she wouldn't want to be caught pierced by the other man's ability just because she tried to confess to Atsushi.
The ringing of her phone almost shocks her and she grabs the device from the kitchen counter. She finds that it's Kunikida calling her and wonders since she did call in sick today. There was no need for Kunikida to be calling her out of business context. Or maybe he just wants to check on her as a concerned colleague. Maybe.
"Hello?" Elly answers the call.
"Hello, Elly. How are you feeling? Has your fever gone down?" Kunikida asks from the other line.
"Ah, yeah. I'm feeling much better after a whole day's rest. Thank you, Kunikida-san." Of course, that was a lie.
"I see. Well, I called also to ask if Ranpo-san has been to your place." This piqued Elly's curiosity as well as got her a little confused; why would Kunikida ask that?
"No? He hasn't been here at all, why?"
"I see. Well, he left earlier to finish a case and it's already been more than 8 hours, which I understand it probably took them a day to comprehend the killer. However, we were assuming he had taken Kenji-kun with him but..." Kunikida trails off and Elly could hear the child-like tone of Kenji's voice saying Ranpo had never asked him to come with him after he brought him to the Agency.
"So what you're saying is... Ranpo left the Agency on his own? As in, he went to the scene of the crime... by himself?" there was a hint of worry in Elly's voice just imagining the possibility. Anyone who knew Ranpo knew he doesn't know how to commute for a guy already in his late 20s. As much as there was room for improvement and everyone knew Ranpo was smart enough to figure his way through, perhaps, but Elly couldn't help think of the worst case scenario.
"Yeah. The thing is," Kunikida paused "he was never at the scene of the crime in the first place."
Elly's eyes widen at the news "What do you mean by that?"
"When we contacted the Chief, he said they were done with the case hours ago and that Ranpo-san never arrived. They did manage to solve it thanks to his help but they never met with him today."
"Have you tried contacting his phone?"
"Yes but there's no response. We've contacted Katai-san for help but he's still busy helping with another serious case. It rang hours before but later on we couldn't get a hold anymore. I assume his phone died."
Elly held back a shriek when a flash of light illuminated the room for a second and the loud roar of thunder followed. Looking out the window, she caught the glimpse of the raindrops gradually falling from the dark sky.
"Oh, crap, it's raining now. Ranpo-san, please be safe. Well, I'll hang up now. Good bye." Kunikida ends the call after Elly's response of "Good bye." Meanwhile, the brunette has her eyes stuck on the falling raindrops blurring almost everything in view.
It wasn't so hard to be called a storm but it wasn't just a drizzle either. Either way, a weird tightness was felt inside Elly's chest at the thought of Ranpo out there in the cold rain, who knows where he is or what he's even doing. She tries to call him despite Kunikida had already told her about how useless it is but it was best to be sure.
It didn't even ring so surely the phone was off.
Elly debated with herself in her mind whether to also go out to look for him or stay and wait for news. Surely the latter seems more appropriate given she doesn't even know where to start looking. Why would Ranpo even go alone and where could he have gone that he had to go alone in the first place?
It was kind of nerve-wracking. Whatever reason could Ranpo have that would make him leave on his own? Elly can't really find an accurate response to it. She wants to stay and wait for any news but part of her is itching to go out, unable to stay in place.
After a while, the brunette cursed under her breath and finally moved from being glued on her spot by the window. She rushed upstairs to get her umbrella and jacket as well as her spare house keys before rushing off. When her mom asked her where she was going, she simply yelled back "To look for something!" and left.
Scurrying over the street, not even knowing where to look first, she decides to take the route that leads to the Agency. She didn't rush, carefully scanned the surroundings in hopes to find a small raven-haired man with a brown hat and poncho, probably wet or taking shelter somewhere.
"Please be okay, Ranpo. If you dare put yourself in fucking danger, I will murder you, you useless man-child." Elly mutters under her breath, probably a habit from the frustration at how much Ranpo was inconveniencing everyone right now because of whatever selfish reason he has.
It didn't really take her long before she notices the man seemingly like a wet, stray cat taking shelter underneath some boxes in a nearby alleyway. Elly could only express her relief seeing him with a sigh as she quietly walks over to the freezing man.
"So this is where you've been." Elly casually says as she moves her umbrella a bit to give shade to Ranpo as well.
Ranpo looks up from crouching in his place to find Elly looking down at him with an almost worried expression on her face. In an instant, however, as if neglecting he had just gotten lost and wet from the rain—not to mentioned dirtied by trying to find shelter perhaps—his lips turn into a wide smile and his entire expression seems to glow in joy.
"Elly-chan ~ you came for me!" Ranpo exclaims, getting up on his feet and attempts to brush off the mud from his clothes but his dirtied hands only makes the stain worse "I was just about to go to your place." He adds.
"With who?" Elly decides to ask even if she knew the answer.
"By myself, of course! It's simple being the great detective that I am!" Ranpo exclaims proudly.
"Great detective my ass, do you have any idea how worried everyone is for you?! Nobody could contact you for hours! You left off on your own when clearly everybody knew you barely know shit about commuting! Not to mention we had no damn idea where you were even going in the first place!" Elly couldn't hold back her anger. The frustration built up and mixed with her worry it was hard to keep the emotions in.
She won't admit it out loud but even she felt worried out of her mind.
"Eh ~ could it be even Elly-chan was worried about me?" Ranpo grins.
"Of course I was, you idiot!" okay, she stands corrected. But the shock in Ranpo's expression was worth the trouble. The rare sight of Ranpo seeming to have no hold of the situation was indulging.
His expression gradually turns into a smile, one that was of pure fondness Elly denies it to herself how her heart seemed to have skipped a beat. Ranpo raises his hand in an act to pat Elly in the head but the brunette immediately grabs his wrist to stop him. The raven-haired looks at her in wonder "Your hands are filthy. We need to get you cleaned up and dry." She tells him.
Ranpo blinks before he scoffs "Alright. I'll be in your care ~"
After taking Ranpo back home, Elly took liberty of explaining to her parents who he was and why he was there and they seemed highly skeptical and suspicious about him but surprisingly left it with that. Elly let the other borrow some of her clothes, thankfully in a way, they fit him.
Ranpo lounges with a cup of hot chocolate in the living room to heat himself up after his bath and he has to admit, he expected the day would end badly since earlier this morning but this was a good ending nonetheless.
"So, mind explaining why you took the liberty of coming to my house on your own, Edogawa Ranpo?" Elly then mentions, sitting on the couch across the one Ranpo was sitting on.
"Isn't it obvious? I wanted to see my precious Elly-chan of course!" Ranpo smiles in response "Also, my deduction skills have picked up that you have something to give me so I made the effort of coming over for you ~" he then adds.
Elly hums to that. Guess she can't really hide it now. She stares at the box in her hand for a while, sighs before reaching out to hand it to the man in front of her "Is this what you mean?" she still asks.
"Yes, yes! Exactly what I mean! Ah ~ Elly-chan made Valentines' chocolate for me! I'm so happy!" Ranpo surely wasn't faking the joy in his tone as he puts the cup of chocolate on the table before grabbing the box from Elly's hand.
"Who said anything about making the chocolate? I just bought it at a nearby store earlier before I found you. Just so happens I was outside so I joined the search for you." Elly says as an excuse. She knows she's been found out anyways but she doesn't want to directly give Ranpo the satisfaction.
"You can deny all you want, Elly-chan, but in truth you really like me, don't you?" Ranpo winks at her.
"Do I? Is that what your Super Deduction tells you?"
"Of course! You know how my deduction is never wrong."
Elly hums in response before she holds up her other hand holding Ranpo's glasses "I got them from your coat. Let's see how accurate Super Deduction is." She grins at him.
Ranpo watches in amusement as Elly puts the glasses on and with the most adorable—according to Ranpo—imitation of "Super Deduction!", the raven-haired was almost sure no one would be able to pique his interest and pull at his heartstrings more than Elly could.
"I see." Elly mumbles, pushing the glasses up by the middle with her finger.
"What have you deduced, detective Elly-chan?"
"I've deduced that you, Edogawa Ranpo, may have fallen head over heels for me, there ir no mistake!"
"Ah, you caught me red-handed! As expected of Detective Elly-chan! Yes, I have a confession to make." And then Ranpo stands from his place to approach the brunette on her feet, watching as he came closer to her. He makes a stop just about a feet away from her and leans only a bit until their faces were mere inches away from each other "I like you, Elly-chan. So much." He practically whispers to her.
Elly doesn't let their proximity get to her, however, and she puts Ranpo back in his place with a peck on his lips. Ranpo's eyes widen a bit in surprise, not really expecting to receive that kind of kiss again and yet there it was.
Just a moment, a short moment of lips grazing against each other but it felt like the most important moment of his life. Could this really be the start of something special between them? Oh god, he hopes so.
Hello, world!
Now, I apologize if there are any mistakes with this, I haven't proofread this tbh but it's 12:32 AM and I need to sleep xDD will check back on it tomorrow or anytime soon
But I hope you like it! And I'm sorry it took me until your birthday to make this! uwu
That's all! Byeesshhh!
Lots of luv,
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