Land Ho!
*Jacklyn's POV*
I woke up with the feeling as if I was falling from the sky. I didn't move, didn't open my eyes and gave no indication of being awake. I may not have many talents or skills, but sneaking around unheard and acting like I'm asleep while keeping a straight face is one of them. To say the least, I pride myself in it. Turns out it can be very useful. Like the time I pretended to fall asleep on the bus after a band performance at the Meyerson Symphony Center. My friend thought I was dead and poked me with a pin, you know, the ones on buttons that you can wear on your shirt or jacket and stuff, then asked my other friend next to me to punch me to see if I was still alive. She did punch me, just not for that reason. Anyway, let's get back to the reason why I was awake. The plane was landing and leave it to the effects of Tylenol to wear off right at that moment. Oh goody. Looking through slited eyes I could see Avis pressed against the window, watching as the ground rushed up to greet us, a sight I was more than happy, not to see. Pretending that I was merely shifting my position while still asleep I rolled away from her and nearly jumped in shock. Who in the blithering blazes was this next to me? The plane chose that moment to jerk in what felt like a violent movement to me and the thought of the boy next to me disappeared. This must be what Halt felt like when he got on a ship. I closed my eyes again and thoughts of a plane falling from the sky in flames was constantly playing in my head. Expect the worse so you can never be surprised by it. Leave it to me to think of the worst. For what seemed to be decades, the plane finally landed and a felt relief flood throughout my body. I just wanted to jump out of my seat, out the door and dance around singing "I'M ALIVE!!!" But I didn't, instead I decided to be mean and scare the boy next to me and Avis. I shot out of my seat and into the isle, nearly bouncing up and down in place but I wanna get there ASAP. I smiled delightedly and out of a small feeling of cruelty. If only they could have seen the looks of stunned suppose on their face. Avis was the quickest one to recover her composer by giving me a look of suspicion.
"Just how long were you awake?" I shrugged, still smiling at them both.
"Long enough to get ready to go, so let's go!" Without waiting for a response, I grabbed the bags that were in the compartments above our seats and followed the last of the other passengers out the door and practically flew down the steps and onto the ground. Oh such sweet solid ground! Turning, I waited as Avis and the-still-a-mystery-to-me boy got off the plane and walked to the gate leading inside the airport. It took awhile since there was a crowd, but we got the rest of our stuff and slowly made our way to the front of the airport. Not surprising at all, I had the most stuff. A suit case for clothes, a duffle bag for emergency stuff, a hobo sack for extra clothes and finally, a mail bag full of extra things. My family travels a lot so the load wasn't difficult to carry. Just as we got to the escalators, Avis pointed to a figure holding a sign by the doors, "There's our ride," she said. I frowned and unconsciously leaned forward and squinted my eyes. Even with my glasses it was hard to see what was on the sign. Shaking my head I watched as the ground came closer then stepped off, following Avis to the guy she had seen with sign. Stopping in front of him, I looked at him an attempted raised eyebrow. He was tall, thin, with light brown eyes and vivid red hair with crazy curls. His skin was a deep tan after working in the sun for years and his teeth were only slightly crooked.
"Hullo, I'm Eddie. I'm guessing you three are the Americans who won the entry?" All three of us nodded simultaneously. "Great! Welcome to England. I hope you had a nice flight and if you could please, follow me to the car so we could leave for your final destination." The boy next to me groaned as we followed Eddie to the car, which turned out to be a 2013 black GMC Suburban with black leather seats. Fancy. We quickly loaded our things in the back of the suburban and then liked into the car. The boy went in first, then Avis in the middle and ending with me on the far right handed side of the car.
Eddie climbed into the drivers side, which was on the right side of the car. I leaned forward fascinated at the thought of the drivers side being the right side instead of the left and watched as he started the car and navigated the roads, soon getting us out of the airport parking lots and onto the open highways which soon gave way to the freeways. Leaning back comfortably in my chair, I looked at the two people next to me with curiosity. Avis had long brown hair, much like mine and a lighter skin tone. Freckles dotted her face and her teeth looked perfect, completed with friendly blue eyes. Though at the moment she looked a bit white in the face and looking at everything but the windows of the car. I blinked at her. I've heard of car sickness and people absolutely despising being in one, but I couldn't understand why. Looking past her, I looked at the boy closely. He was tall, pale and had black hair. From what I could see, his eyes were a dark green and his features thin, gangly and to say the least, a bit stringy. He turned and met my gaze and smiled a bit.
"I'm Josh," he said. So that's what his name was.
"I'm Jacklyn." He nodded and replied, obviously trying hard not to grin as he spoke.
"I know, Avis introduced me to you while you were sleeping on the plane." I shrugged.
"What can I say? I'm not a fan on heights." At that, Avis looked at me and asked a question of her own.
"What exactly did you take that made you sleep for that long anyways?" I grinned and spoke in a light tone, "Oh you know, just a few pills of Tylenol." Josh snorted.
"A few?" He scoffed. I nodded.
"By Texas standards, yes."
"Texas standards? What does that mean?" That was Avis.
"Haven't you ever heard the saying 'everything is bigger in Texas?"
"Does that include the ego?" Josh asked a bit to innocently. I frowned and Avis laughed a bit.
"For most, but it also includes the memory." I replied a bit stiffly. Maybe he was smart enough to pick up on the note of warning in my tone. Most don't know it, but I have a very good memory...sometimes. I also tend to be forgetful. Mainly about homework and school assignments.
We fell into an easy silence with nothing but the sound of the tires on the road; a sound I loved. It must have been late since it was dark outside and the lights of London cast shadows through the windows of the car. Not to long after we pass most of the skyscrapers and commercial areas of London and into a more country looking scenery, I notice that both Avis and Josh were sound asleep. I grinned. The perks of sleeping all day is that you get to stay awake all night. It was quiet. Real quiet in the car. I kept my mouth shut, Avis and Josh slept while Eddie drove. I would have struck up a conversation with him and all but, I had no idea if he was the kind of person to only concentrate on driving or the ones who multitasked by doing practically doing everything while driving. But the mater was soon taken out of my hands. Unnoticed by me, we had crossed into the Redman County a good twenty minutes ago and now pulling up to a nice looking hotel. I gasped and leaned forward, gripping the back of Eddies seat until I was certain that nail marks would be left in the leather. For standing at the front waiting for our arrival, was John Flanagan.
Hello again! So sorry for the late chapter, but for this update, you have Avis to thank for. Without her, chances are the chapter would have been updated a lot later. The way Avis portrayed me in her chapter was a tad bit scary. I mean, it was spot on...except the snoring XD. Just shows how great of a writer she is. Anyway, hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter.
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