Best Dream Ever!
Warning: This might be Fuckin Weird. And It Is a real bad ass dream not imagining it is my dream!
So I was walking to go to school then suddenly Someone bumped onto me When The other one said "Oh come on Phil Help her" so I was stood there shocked so I stood up and look at their faces Then I saw Dan and Phil Worried Like Im just ok I only Fell down but Dan said "Oh Im so sorry I didnt me-" "It's Ok Dan and Phil!" I was smiling at them like I am a fan of yours Then Phil said "You watch our videos?" Said Phil and I was like "Half of the school Watches you guys!" Said Me so "Speaking of school nice to meet you guys Or I be Late!" Said me Walking Then Someone Grab my hand then It was Phil "Oh here's our number if you need anything or me And Dan hang out with your Friends some time..." "Oh sure but I gotta go I dont want to be late at Class..." "See yah Around but we dis not get your name by the way...." Said Dan "Oh Im Myles I am A grade 7 Student at PNJK-IS!" "Oh a japanese school nice!" Said Phil "I need to go ok See you around!" So while was Walking Some one Called my Name "MYLES!" when I turned Around It was Sam I was like "Oh dagan na ta basing Mangita pa tag verse sa bible!" "Yes yes!" "Sam You Me one on one Mamaya reases Talk ok?" Yes Yes pero pabasahin mo ako sa Wattpad mo!" I was like "Sure why not!"
So I told dream Sam what happened Then she was like squealing plus IRL Sam only watches Dan And Phil on my phone so eh...
So Dan and Phil knows my school Right? So this what Happened...
Math class with Saheda sensei:
"Class today our lesson is Metric measurement so-"
*Knock Knock* "Im going to take that..." she opened then door and It was them They where like "Is this Myles's Classroom?" My classmates where all like "MYLES!?!?" I sit behind all the sits actually with my Forever Trishia so I said Shylly "H-hey Dan and Phil..." Hoyong was like "you know them?" "Yes..." then Lee was like "They would not like you piggy" *He all ways says that* So I threw my Bad ass Math book at his Face And Dan and Phil said "Wow I thought she was a Straight Girl but She is A bad ass Girl" Sensei Saheda was like "Thanks for making this class room A little Quiet Diba Hoyong!" Hoyong nodded "Sensei Saheda Can I talk to Dan and Phil for a sec Out side?" "Sure!"
So we went outside and I talk to them
"Guys what the heck are you doing here?" Phil said "to visit you" "Why?!? You heard Lee what he said to me!" "Yeah we know but that was not true..." "But please Dont do that Again You dont know My classmates They are might be kinnd childish Meet us at the study area later so You can have a fan meet up or what you called that?" "Panel?" "How The School's Head doesn't Know you guys!" "Right..."
A week later...
"Mom can I go to Dan and Phil's Apartment With My bros?" I asked my mom ahe was like "Yes if that is your classmates" And I lied "We are gonna practice for the Recorder club" (Trivia about me I am a good lier) "Ok" so I went to our secret spot and My squad and Dan and Phil was there and was influenced by K-pop "24 36-" said Dan and Phil Making a whistle of blackpink acapella with Sam and Sophia "Really?" Said Sophia then I laugh because A.Really blackpink Do they need a girlfriend "So Dan and Phil you love K-pop huh?" "It is the best!" Said Phil "So Dan where are we guys Gonna hang out?" Said me "At our house of course!" Said Dan Me and my friends werelike "Cat whiskers or Your Gonna make a video?" Said Sam "Maybe..." Said Phil
So it was RP Japan festival at school and Dan and Phil became the Host of the Event And it feels like Pax After the program they will go to classrooms Like a school tour or something so me and My friends was Wearing a Yukata but (Did you know that there a Placing of the neck but if it is at the left side your a dead person if it is in your right your still alive)
"Dan Phil Why is your Neck piece isnt in the right place it means your a dead person!"
Said me
"Nice going Spaniel!" "Oh come on!"
Im gonna skip it!!!!
So that day ended and this Happend
"Myles,Dan & Phil we need to go home now" said Niko "Ok bye guys" "Bye!"
Did you know how I woke up?
Phil Kissed me on the cheeks (like Trishia Did to me on intramurals) as a friend and I was dumb found And the both of them smiled and They said to me "See you Again Myles..."
Then I was Awake...
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