So, I'm debating whether to leave wattpad or not.
The reason is because tomorrow I will be posting a chapter, saying all that I have wanted to say bit have been to sacred to say it
No it's nothing bad.
Just personal beliefs and sruff
I'm scared beyond everything's on posting this chapter
I don't want to lose friends over it, yeah, yeah, I'm a desperate person to keep everyone one I call a friend.
But I've been quite for so long, it's just, I've let things go I should have, I have beat around the bush...
If I get one rude comment about the chapter, I will leave, I'm tired of everything someone says get labeled as hate
I don't see how believing something different than everyone else can be called hate
But it does, I ways try and do the right thing
No one ever cared, it's like I'm here but not really here
I don't even know who I am anymore, for a small bit when I first joined I was so candid about my beliefs and so forth
Not, I'm to sacred do say anything because I've seen what happens when you do
So yeah, plus my phones being a butt and won't hardly connect to my data so yeah,
I just hope after I publish the chapter we can still be friends,
It doesn't matter who you are or anything, nothing will change that fact where friends, no matter what you do, I will always be your friend, NOTHING will ever stop me from being friends with you
I just thought I'd say that because it's true
So um, yeah, I do hope the chapter goes good, but I'm not to sure it will... but I can always pray and hope it goes good.
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