Feeling like . . . nothing
Hmm . . .
Where have I heard this before?
Oh right, now I remember,
Someone told me that before in a way
And I kinda believe it to be true . . .
I have seen it, read it and watched it
It sucks when people tell you what you already know.
You struggle with trying to be optimistic about yourself . . .
Then someone makes a comment that lowers it beyond what if was before.
Some people agree with that person, then you feel worse than before . . .
You say your feelings and try stand up for yourself
Only to be put down, told to suck it up, it will always be that way, your no special.
Well, of course I'm not special . . .
That is why no one cares.
. . .
After all
Is a real phobia.
It isn't fake.
I have it, it isn't hard to see . . .
You may think I'm only trying to get attention . . . so what of I am? . . . I only do it because then I will be remembered by it . . .
Otherwise I will be just forgotten . . .
People who make marks in life get remembered like something dramatic or something to happen for people to remember you.
Those who don't have any of that, probably never will, always get forgotten.
. . .
I'm not "special"
There are a lot of people like me
You just haven't looked hard enough to find them . . .
I'm not a great person
I miss up all the time and no matter what I do I get yelled at . . .
I'm always getting pushed down
And attacked by saying simple things
People can easily throw your feelings away.
You don't matter to them.
You're a toy that they use then discard when they don't need you anymore.
It seems that is happens more now than before.
One auto correct mistake . . .
Ruins your life.
One little slip up . . .
People hate you for what is said even if you do correct it.
One small opinion . . .
You get shredded to pieces before you can explain.
One thing you can't remember . . .
You're told your a liar.
But do they care?
It is easiest to point fingers and talk.
Than it is to listen and remain quiet.
No one cares to let others explain why they do something.
They are quick to judge and throw shade and shame.
You end up deleting your comment,
They don't care to listen or read your reason why.
You're not respected.
You get told your something that your not.
If only people used a dictionary . . .
It is wrong for people to accuse you of being someone you are not, all because of a misunderstanding on their part.
. . .
Society tell you to be yourself . . .
But when you do, you get attacked for it or you get shamed for it . . .
People don't like it unless your a certain way.
Why would I want to be myself?
When I hate myself for who I am.
When I'm told I don't matter because I can't be a model or pretty.
When people say only the pretty ones make it in the world.
Personality doesn't matter.
Looks apparently do.
Then your one of those people who has everything but looks and yet no one gives you a second look.
It is easiest to act like someone you're not, a person people like and accept.
It isn't easy to be yourself . . .
I struggle with that on here.
I saw what happens when you are who you are and it never turns out good.
You will never be "perfect" in most guys eyes.
I seen it
I heard it
I read those words
Knowing you're not cared about because your not "pretty" sucks big time.
What can you do?
. . .
And now the final part . . .
I am done getting involved with others problems.
I can't deal with being threatened with mass reporting for doing nothing . . .
I hate being put in the middle of things.
I hate people telling me I am stupid.
My education is that of a fourth grader.
My grammar is that of a kid starting in school.
Who cares I have dyslexia.
Who cares my auto correct is wacked.
Who cares that you still can't say most words right no matter how much you practice.
Who cares if you try to remember everything and can't because your life is hectic.
Who cares about you?
Sometimes people can't take it . . .
The end question of the day is . . .
{No, don't even think what you are thinking. If you do, you do not know me. After everything I say, do you really think I would do it? No. I just need to rant my problems because it is the only way I feel better but yet again I get attacked for saying my feelings as well . . . it is easier to act like nothing is wrong and keep it to yourself. But I won't because I have way you h stuff I am keeping to myself and this isn't one that I can keep in side.}
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