Ship Games:
District One:
Chressica (Chris Teen_Shadows and Jessica GalaxySnowLover )
Chrogan (Chris and Logan ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI )
District Two:
Penviel (Pennie and Naviel someone tag her)
Parrow (Pennie and Sparrow Teen_Shadows )
District Three:
Sisaac (Sirena and Isaac shadxw-wolf )
Lalin (Lexi Darkflames99 and Zalin tag her)
District Four:
Mall (Mars Darkflames99 and Fall GalaxySnowLover )
Ryviane: (Ryan Darkflames99 and Viviane)
District Five:
Juna: (Jack tag them and Luna Darkflames99 )
Spogan: (Sparrow Teen_Shadows and Logan ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI )
District Six:
Spaviel (sparrow and Navi)
Marsicca (Mars and Jessica)
District Seven:
Talec (Tesley and Alec)
Thailey (Thomas and Hailey OzOfMun )
District Eight:
Medward (Mia and Edward DmitrusXavierWalker )
Lorroyo (Lily ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI and Arroyo DmitrusXavierWalker )
District Nine:
Kolary: (Kovo book_nerd_54 and Clary Teen_Shadows)
Tyristian: (Tyra and Chris Teen_Shadows)
District Ten:
Ashviel (Ash Teen_Shadows and Navi)
Ashviane (Ash and Viviane)
District Eleven:
Penssica: (Pennie and Jessica GalaxySnowLover )
Kaya: (Kovo book_nerd_54 and Maya Darkflames99 )
District Twelve:
Tarett (Tyra and Grrett Akihokami )
Jorena (Josiah The_Wild_Celery and Sirena)
The Bloodbath:
Talec grabs a jar while Lalin gets fishing gear
Thailey scares Lorroyo away from the cornucopia
Parrow runs away from the cornucopia
Kaya runs away from the cornucopia
Juna runs away from the cornucopia
Medward finds a backpack filled with camping equipment
Jorena severely injures Chressica but puts them out of their misery (1st death)
Ashviane runs away from the cornucopia
Tyristian grabs a spear
Chrogan grabs a jar of bait while Tarett gets fishing gear
Ryviane runs away from the cornucopia
Marsicca runs away from the cornucopia
Mall grabs bait while Sisaac grabs fishing gear
Penviel runs away from the cornucopia
Kolary runs away from the cornucopia
Ashviel runs away from the cornucopia
Spaviel runs away from the cornucopia
Penssica gets a handful of throwing knives
Spogan gets alcohol and a rag
Day One:
Kolary fishes
Medward stalks Jorena
Marsicca, Talec, Juna, Pensicca, and Spaviel hunt for tributes
Tarett, Spogan, Ashviane, Ryviane, and Sisaac hunt for tributes
Mall makes a spear
Lalin practices archery
Thailey injures themselves
Parrow and Kaya work together for the day
Chrogan makes a shack
Lorroyo dies from an infection (2nd)
Tyristian, Penviel, and Ashviel get into a fight. Penviel kills them both. (NOOOO 3rd and 4th)
Night One:
Medward cries themselves to sleep
Ashviane convinces Talec to snuggle with them
Chrogan begs for Penviel to kill them but they refuse.
Spogan, Tarett, Juna, Mall, and Kaya sleep in shifts
Pensicca attempts to start a fire but fails
Lalin quietly hums
Ryviane receives a hatchet from an unknown sponser
Spaviel is awake all night
Sisaac and Parrow run into each other and truce for the night
Kolary and Marsicca run into each other and truce for the night
Jorena questions their sanity
Day Two:
Mall makes another spear
Spaviel questions their sanity
Ryviane and Parrow split up and look for resources
Kolary receives fresh food from an unknown sponser
Ashviane is pricked by thorns while picking Berries
Marsicca and Pensicca hunt for tributes
Lalin overhears Tarett and Penviel talking
Thailey makes a spear
Sisaac discovers a cave
Spogan thinks about home
Talec, Kaya, Juna, Medward, and Jorena track down and kill Chrogan. (5th)
Arena event: a cloud of poisonous smoke fills the arena
Tarett survives
Lalin survives
Talec slowly pushes mall into the cloud until they can't resist (YES! 6th)
Thailey and Sisaac agree to die together but Thailey pushes Sisaac in without warning (WTH Thailey! 7th)
Parrow survives
Ashviane and Pensicca agree to die together but Ashviane pushes Pensicca in without warning (8th)
Kaya slowly pushes Ryviane into the cloud until they can't resist (9th)
Spogan survives (ugh)
Kolary and Spaviel run into the cloud together (10th and 11th)
Juna sacrifices themselves so Marsicca can get away (12th)
Penviel survives (whyyyyy)
Jorena and Medward agree to die together but Jorena pushes Medward in without warning (13th)
Night Two:
Parrow receives medical supplies from an unknown sponser
Thailey climbs a tree
Tarett screams for help
Jorena tries to treat an infection
Marsicca, Penviel, and Lalin ambush and kill Kaya, Talec, and Spogan (14th 15th and 16th)
Ashviane thinks about home
The feast:
Thailey decides not to go
Tarett decides not to go
Ashviane decides not to go
Parrow kills Jorena with a hatchet (17th)
Penviel, Lalin, and Marsicca go but avoid conflict
Day 3:
Everyone survives
Arena Event: a tsunami rolls into the arena
Lalin defeats Marsicca then tosses them into the water to kill them (18th)
Ashviane holds Penviel underwater and drowns them (19th)
Parrow is swept away (20th)
Thailey fatally injures themselves (21st)
Tarett survives
Night 3:
Lalin receives a hatchet
Tarett shoots a poisonous blowdart at Ashviane killing them (22nd)
Day 4:
Lalin shoots an arrow into Taretts head (23rd)
The winner is Lalin!!!!!!
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