Hunger Games Again!
District One:
Darkflames99 aka Dc😇
Teen_Shadows aka Teen 😀
District Two:
-chimslilac- aka Kawaii 😎
shadxw-wolf aka wolf 🐺
District Three:
Me! Aka Pennie 😊
ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI aka Madi 🍥
District Four:
The_Wild_Celery aka carrot stick 🤗
_SweetChoco_ aka chocolate bar 🍫
District Five:
-Itachi-Uchiha- aka Itcahi 🔥
KLEPTO69 aka Klepto 😈
District Six:
booklover4lifes aka book 📖
Halebella aka Hale ♥️
District Seven:
1purpleflower aka flower 🌺
Dewdrop_fairy aka dew 🌹
District 8:
emo-melody aka melody 🎼
dafavhoe aka fav 💃🏻
District Nine:
amazing_jellyfish aka Jelly 🐬
annabethgranger1403 aka Anna 🤓
District Ten:
HarryPotterEmo aka Hp 😯
DmitrusXavierWalker aka Dmitri 😐
District Eleven:
bluenessa aka nessa 👩🏻
Call_Me_Malfoy aka Malfoy 👍🏻
District Twelve:
CalumGirl_15 aka calum
ECav04 aka Ecav
Anna attacks book, but fav protects them killing anna. (1st death)
Melody snatches a bottle of Alcohol and a rag.
Klepto runs away from the cornucopia.
Madi snatchs a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
Pennie runs away from the cornucopia.
Calum runs away from the cornucopia.
Dmitri overpowers Kawaii killing her (2nd death)
Chocolate bar runs away from the cornucopia.
Carrot stick runs away from the cornucopia.
Nessa runs away from the cornucopia.
Ecav runs away from the cornucopia.
Dc and Itachi fight for a bag. Itachi gives up and retreats.
Hale runs away from the cornucopia.
Malfoy runs away from the cornucopia.
Dew, flower, and teeb work together to get as many supplies as possible.
Wolf finds a bow, some arrow, and a quiver.
Hp breaks Jellys nose for a basket of bread.
Day 1:
Nessa constructs a shack
Dc thinks about home
Klepto runs away from Hale
Madi pushes teen off a cliff during a knife fight (3rd death 😵)
Fav constructs a shack.
Dmitri and flower split up and search for resources.
Carrot stick searches for a water source.
Ecav and Calum work together for the day.
Wolf camouflages themself in the bushes.
Pennie collects fruit from a tree
Dew injures themself
Hp begs for chocolate bar to kill them but they refuse
Malfoy recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.
Itachi makes a slingshot
Jelly hunts for tributes
Malfoy makes a shack
Book recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.
Night 1:
Hp, flower, klepto, and dew sleep in shifts.
Book, Dmitri, and malfoy discuss the games.
Calum attempts to climb a tree but falls on jelly killing them both. (4th and 5th death)
Dc looks at the night sky
Pennie and chocolate bar huddle for warmth
Itachi and carrot stick talk about the tributes alive
Ecav and Fav run into each other and truce for the night
Wolf, madi, hale, and nessa sleep in shifts.
Melody thinks about winning
Day 2:
Book is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Flower thinks about home
Nessa sets off an explosive killing chocolate bar and Ecav. (6th and 7th death, :( )
Hp and Madi fight Dmitri and Malfoy. Hp and Madi survive. (8th and 9th death)
Pennie picks flowers (lmao)
Dc makes a slingshot
Klepto practices archery
Itachi, fav, carrot stick, and melody raid wolfs camp.
Dew picks flowers.
Hale explores the arena.
Night 2:
Wolf dies from hypothermia
Fav is awoken by nightmares
Klepto is awoken by nightmares
Dc tracks down and kills book (10th death)
Itachi thinks about home
Hp looses sight of where they are
Melody sets up camp
Madi, flower, hale, dew, and carrot stick sleep in shifts.
Nessa goes to sleep
Pennie cries herself to sleep (thats sad)
Day 3:
Dc goes hunting
Melody recieves clean water from an unknown sponser
Hp discovers a river
Fav discovers a river
Flower and Klepto work together for the day
Dew, pennie, and nessa hunt for tributes
Hale, madi , and itachi hunt for tributes
Carrot stick practices archery
Night 3:
Melody passes out from exhaustion
Klepto, hp, and dew discuss the games
Dc, nessa, madi, and carrot stick sleep in shifts
Itachi, pennie, and hale cheerfully sing songs
Flower is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth
Fav cooks his food before putting out the fire.
Day 4:
Madi strangles Hp with a rope (11th, stop killing madi!!)
Flower travels to higher ground
Hale is pricked by thorns while picking berries
Dew, nessa, pennie, and dc raid Itachis camp.
Klepto, Melody, Fav, anx Carrot Stick hunt for tributes.
Night 4:
Dew passes out from exhaustion
Itachi, nessa, and klepto discuss the games
Melody and Madi huddle for warmth
Flower fends Pennie, Hale, and Fav away from their fire
Dc thinks about winning
Carrot Stick climbs a tree
Day 5:
Fav shoots a poisonous blow dart into nessas neck, killing her. (12th)
Itachi picks flowers
Hale recieves a hatchet from an unknown sponser
Pennie. Flower, carrot stick and madi hunt for tributes
Klepto finds a cave
Dew, Dc, and Melody fight but Dc runs away as Dew kills Melody. (13th)
Arena event: the tributes hallucinate
Hale survives
Fav drowns Itachi thinking he was a shark trying to eat them. (14th)
Madi eats a scorpion thinking its a dessert. (15th)
Dew eats a scorpion thinking its a dessert. (16th)
Carrot Stick hugs a tracker jacker nest, thinking its a pillow. (17th)
Klepto survives
Pennie survives
Flower hugs a tracker jacker nest, thinking its a pillow. (18th)
Dc hugs a tracker jacker nest, thinking its a pillow. (19th)
Night 5:
Hale tries to sing themself to sleep
Klepto tries to sing themself to sleep
Fav is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth
Pennie is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth
The feast
Fav decides not to gi
Klepto ambushes Pennie and kills her (20th, how could you!!!!)
Hale falls into a pit and dies (21)
Day 6:
Klepto silently snaps Favs neck
The Winner is Klepto from District 5!
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