Hunger Games
Inspired by OzOfMun and Darkflames99
District One:
District Two:
District Three:
District Four:
District Five:
District Six:
District Seven:
District Eight:
District Nine:
District Ten:
District Eleven:
District Twelve:
Broken grabs a backpack, not realizing it was empty.
Itachi grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
Jinxy runs away from the cornucopia.
Halebella runs away from the cornucopia.
Kawaii stays at the cornucopia for resources.
Chocolate bar runs away from the cornucopia.
Favhoe runs away from the cornucopia.
Malfoy takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.
Chaos takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.
Jellyfish runs away from the cornucopia.
Pastel steps off the podium too soon and blows up.
Dark chocolate gathers as much food as she can.
Potter runs away from the cornucopia.
IWriteTheLight runs away from the cornucopia.
Annabeth gathers as much food as they can.
Carrot stick and everfree work together to get as many supplies as possible.
Teen runs away from the cornucopia.
Booklover4lifes runs away from the cornucopia.
Purpleflower runs away from the cornucopia.
Ella runs away from the cornucopia.
Emo-melody finds a bag of explosives.
Pennie runs away from the cornucopia.
Dark chocolate makes a wooden spear.
Booklover4lifes severely slices IWriteTheLight with a sword.
Carrot stick tends to Pennies wounds (aww thanks)
Emo-melody searches for firewood.
Potter, favhoe, Halebella and Annabeth hunt for other tributes.
Chocolate bar attacks Itachi but Itachi escapes.
Kawaii tends to Jellyfishes wounds.
Purpleflower dies from an infection
Everfree runs away from Teen
Broken attemps to climb a tree but falls and dies.
Malfoy, Chaos, Alissa, Jinxy, and Ella hunt for other tributes.
4 cannons go off:
Purpleflower: District Ten
Broken: District Five
Pastel: District Seven
IWriteTheLight: District Five
Dark chocolate looks at the night sky
Malfoy begs for Annabeth to kill them, but Annabeth refuses keeping Malfoy alive.
Carrot stick recieves medical supplies from an unknown sponser.
Itachi stays awake all night.
Halebella passes out from exhaustion.
Potter quietly hums.
Pennie begs for Favhoe to kill her and Favhoe refuses, keeping her alive.
Kawaii thinks about home
Booklover4lifes looks upat the sky.
Alissa is woken by nightmares.
Jinxy stays awake all night.
Ella and Chocolate bar talk about the tributes still alive.
Chaos goes to sleep.
Emo-melody is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Everfree attempts to start a fire but is uncucessful.
Jellyfish stays awake all night.
Teen screams for help (oh no)
Everfree, Halebella, Chocolate bar, and Malfoy raid Chaos's camp when hes not looking.
Alissa explores an arena.
Jinxy discovers a cave.
Anna recieves clean water from an unknown sponser.
Booklover4lifes picks flowers.
Itachi recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.
Emo-melody makes a wooden spear.
Jellyfish sees smoke rising in the distance but doesn't investigate.
Ella, Kawaii, Potter, Favhoe and Teen hunt for Tributes.
Dark chocolate repeatedly stabs Pennie to death. (Dark, whyyyyyy!)
1 cannon goes off;
Pennie: District Three
Teen questions her sanity.
Chaos looses sight of where he is.
Malfy, emo-melody and booklover4lifes cheerfully sing songs together. (What the heck)
Everfree, Itachi, Carrot stick, Ella, and Jinxy sleep in shifts.
Alissa sees a fire but stays hidden.
Kawaii cries themself to sleep.
Halebella questions their sanity.
Chocolate bar passes out from exhaustion.
Jellyfish and Anna tell stories about themselves to each other.
Potter starts a fire.
Favhoe and Dark chocolate run into each other, but decide to hold a truce for the night.
Anna discovers a river.
Dark chocolate sets off an explosive, killing Potter.
Chaos collects fruit from a tree.
Teen recieves fresh food from an unknown sponser.
Favhoe convinces carrot stick not to kill them, only to kill carrot stick instead. (Nooooo)
Ella picks flowers.
Kawaii collects fruit from a tree.
Malfoy fishes.
Halebella spears everfree in the abdomen.
Booklover4lifes is pricked by thorns while getting berries.
Alissa hunts for tributes.
Jellyfish recieves medical supplies from an unknown sponser.
Emo-melody practices their archery.
Itachi and Chocolate bar hunt for other tributes.
Jinxy fishes.
3 cannons go off:
Potter: District Twelve
Carrot stick: District Ten
Everfree: District Nine
Jinxy and Chaos hold hands
Booklover4lifes recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.
Teen tends to Favhoes wounds.
Annabeth and Dark chocolate hold hands.
Chocolate bar and Ella work together to drown Malfoy.
Jellyfish cries themself to sleep.
Itachi is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Alissa recieves a hatchet from an unknown sponser.
Kawaii cooks their food then puts the fire out.
Halebella recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.
Emo-melody cooks their food then puts the fire out.
1 cannon goes off:
Malfoy: District Eleven
Anna searches for firewood.
Itachi injuries themself.
Ella makes a wooden spear.
Chaos questions their sanity.
Kawaii questions their sanity.
Alissa steals from booklover4lifes when they arent looking.
Favhoe diverts Dark chocolates attention then runs away.
Emo-melody searches for firewood.
Halebella recieves clean water from an unknown sponser.
Chocolate bar shoots an arrow into Teens head. (Noooo)
Jellyfish discoversa cave.
Jinxy falls into a frozen river and drowns.
2 cannons go off:
Teen: District Three
Jinxy: District Four
Emo-melody lets Itachi into their shelter.
Chaos passes out from exhaustion.
Jellyfish screams for help.
Halebella and Kawaii huddle for warmth.
Booklover4lifes starts a fire.
Dark chocolate defeats Ella in a battle but spares their life.
Alissa tries to sing themselves to sleep.
Chocolate bar and Favhoe hold hands.
Anna starts a fire.
Chocolate bar kills Halebella with a hatchet.
Ella and itachi work together for the day.
Emo-melody kills Chaos with a hatchet.
Favhoe searches for firewood.
Kawaii tries to spear fish with a trident.
Anna recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.
Alissa recieves clean water from an unknown sponser.
Booklover4lifes injures themself.
Jellyfish constructs a shack.
Dark chocolate searches for firewood.
2 cannons go off:
Halebella: District Six
Chaos: District One
Itachi dies from dysentary.
Emo-melody dies from an infection.
Dark chocolate looses sight of where she is.
Chocolate bar and Anna run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Jellyfish recieves a hatchet from an unknown sponser.
Favhoe thinks about home
Ella, booklover4lifes, and Alissa sleep in shifts.
Kawaii recieves a hatchet from an unknown sponser.
The Feast
Jellyfish sobs while gripping photos of their family and friends.
Kawaii decides not to go to the feast.
Dark chocolate convinces Chocolate bar not to kill them only to kill Chocolate bar instead.
Favhoe decides not to go to the feast.
Ella overpowers booklover4lifes killing them.
Alissa decides not to go to the feast.
Annabeth decides not to go to the feast.
Alissa picks flowers
Favhoe injures themself
Anna makes a wooden spear.
Jellyfish overhears Ella abd Kawaii talking.
Dark chocolate dies from dysentary.
5 cannons go off:
Itachi: District Two
Emo-melody: District Eight
Chocolate bar: District One
Booklover4lifes: District Six
Dark chocolate: District Two
Jellyfish tends to their wounds
Anna injures Alissa and puts them out of their misery.
Kawaii defeats Favhoe but spares their life.
Ella bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Anna stabs Favhoe while their back is turned.
Kawaii thinks about home.
Jellyfish explores the arena.
3 cannons go off:
Alissa: District Twelve
Ella: District Nine
Favhoe: District Seven
Kawaii quietly hums.
Anna poisons Jellyfishes drink and they die.
Anna taints Kawaiis food, killing them.
The winner is Annabeth, fron District Eight!!!
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