Spud babies!
@CrystalisedTem tagged me!
0. I love Thomas Sanders, and ship Prinxiety, Logicality, and Receit (fight me!)
1. I wasn't allowed to dye my hair until... January or so, and since then, I have died my hair... a few times.
I was born with blond hair, btw.
first, I bleached it.
And then purpled it.
that faded real fast, so I bleached it again and it was kinda pink.
And then I dyed it reddish-brown, because my mom got the dye without me, and it was only 4 dollars (I asked for brown)
I dyed it brown pretty recently.
It's still brown, and I love it.
2. I have Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder, along with ADHD, Insomnia, and probably other things I don't remember
3. I possibly am still grounded, I'm not sure, because I have a serious problem with waking up, where,
A. It's really freaking hard for me to wake up
B. Sometimes someone 'wakes me up', and I respond, open my eyes, sit up, talk tell people I'm awake, all that stuff, but I have no conscious memory of it whatsoever and I honestly wasn't conscious of my actions at the time, or my memory was somehow erased.
My mom believes me somehow, and usually, it's not a huge issue, but today, I slept until 5 pm because of it, with her 'waking me up' more than 3 times.
4. I have six cats, a dog, a lot of fish, a foster rabbit that we share with my neighbors and resides in their house, birds that live in my chimney, the occasional lizard, frog, or other fun creature that gets into our house or yard, and scares the heck out of my sister
5. I have an older sister, and twin half almost-2-year old brothers (big age gap there)
6. My parents divorced because my dad cheated on my mom, and now lives somewhere in... I think Colorado with(?) the woman he cheated on my mom with, her husband, and child. Yep. I also have a stepdad.
7. My next-door neighbors are really close with my family, and we call them family. We quarantine together and eat dinner together basically every night. The people who actually live next door are grandparents, and their grandkids are near my age, so when I say my next-door neighbors, I also mean them. I'm really close with their granddaughter, who I call my cousin since we're basically family. I never know how to really talk about her, since she's my friend, cousin, next-door neighbor, and next-door neighbor's grandkid. She doesn't like Sanders Sides that much since she was expecting it to be 'more funny'. I'm a bit disgusted, but I still love her, even though she's like 4 or so years younger than me, she's really mentally mature.
8. I love Percy Jackson, Sanders Sides, Dan and Phil, and other stuff I can't remember.
9. I get really easily hooked on 'kids shows', so I have binge-watched My Little Pony, Miraculous Ladybug, Phineas and Ferb, Avatar (not a kids show, but whatever), and other things I don't remember
10. Did I mention that my memory really sucks?
11. I play the clarinet, and I suck at it.
12. I am pan-romantic asexual, and if you need a definition, google exists, and so does my description.
13. I did not come out of the closet, I came out of the cabinet like all the other pans
14. Screw the rules
15. I don't know what my gender is, someone please explain gender to me, help.
I feel to female to not be female, and not female enough to be female, and once, I tried to be female, and I hated it.
16. I was born female. Thought that was worth mentioning.
17. I was also born straight. Weird, right?
18. I've drawn lots of Pokemon in the last few weeks, and if anyone wants, I will post pictures since they didn't turn out awful.
19. I'm going to post pictures either way, most likely.
20. I don't care who you are, or what you've done, I will give you another chance, and I will yeet love and support at you.
21. Unless you're my ex-boyfriend. In that case (warning: expletives) Fuck off, and never talk to me again, you dick. You don't go around cheating on people by fucking someone who's 11.
22. (more expletives, because I hardly ever use them unless I'm talking about this.) My ex cheated on me by fucking an 11-year-old girl (he had just turned 14)
She had had a crush on me, and once asked to play spin the bottle with me at 2 am when no one was awake, and it was a scout camping trip, and she wouldn't get the hell out of my tent. I told her my boyfriend was sleeping about 100 feet away (it was boy scouts) and she said "So?"
I had just gotten out of a mental hospital a few days before, and I was in there for being suicidal, so I'm sure that helped.
He said he loved me. Before he did it, he said he loved me.
He was a bit younger than me, and I was his first girlfriend.
I should have seen all the flags before that. They weren't red, but more dark pink.
I'd list some of them, but I'm a bit too embarrassed at still having dated him, even knowing them.
He sent me a hallmark text when it happened.
He said so much absolute shit in it, and he never actually admitted to having fucked her, even when I asked directly, multiple times.
When I asked one more time, he said "im sorry"
And I broke up with him.
I don't know, to this day, if I loved him.
I felt more for him than anyone else, but I'm young, so that doesn't mean much.
I'm scared I did.
I'm scared that that's all I'll ever get, and it ended like that.
I'm scared that the one time I actually loved someone, it was him.
He didn't deserve my love, so I hope I never loved him.
23. I used to have pet turtles!
24. Mental hospitals are hell, and if your parents ever consider sending you to a residential treatment center, especially one in Texas called Ceder Crest, fight them tooth and nail, because no one should ever go through that.
This isn't letting me do stuff...
Maybe this works better
never mind.
It isn't letting me tag people for some reason.
Every time I do it, it erases the person in front.
I'll just put them in comments in the blank space!
So... read those, and if you get tagged, you don't have to do this, but I will find a way to punish you, even if it is calling you a doodoohead.
Yeah... no pressure.
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