Oh look! An Author jumps on you! Use Persuade on them. It was effective!
Alright! Alright! I'll speak! Spare this misfortune soul! You know that I know that you loved me and would let me speak without having to use Pokemon reference to attack, right!? Right!?
Yeah, I'll never know.
Sheesh, I feel so out of place due to being left out of all the fun within the internet that it makes me feel...
Well, ancient.
I mean c'mon! Sure, I get to come back here at Wattpad from time to time but on a temporary basis due to having actual no permanent wifi which is a sucker and work is pulling my leg. Not to mention, I'm writing this without having no idea when I could actually publish this. How fun!
Oh wait. I forgot that they finally established the router here.
Bless Thy Soul!
Okay, I'm just rambling further away from the main topic. Foremost, congratulations to me I guess for having this Randomness book to it's 50th chapter. All those stupidity or important info and cookies have been earned whether we all like it or not.
No, seriously. Earn the cookie before I change my mind and eat all of it.
So, back to what I was saying...
1. *Eat cookies.* You never ask for one!
2. Poetry Making is up again! Seriously, why do I keep unpublishing then publishing it once more. Make up your mind. Either way, guess I'm back to writing poems of very random topics and such.
3. Reviews left and right when I'm bored. As much as I would say "(Reference in Reviews.)" Just gonna remind maybe then that I'm open to do any genres of such like Poetry Making. Yeah, just that. Wow, that was short.
4. Well, uhm, apologies to forgetful me as I'm sure I have the audacy to say I would publish two new fanfics called Diamond Shards and Hide and Seek. Whoops. Give mercy! It's not procrastination's fault this time. I swear! Rather, it was more of an offset of jumbled feelings that wouldn't let me. Like, I wanted to write it for you guys but something is holding me back to speak what's really in my head especially when Hide and Seek takes more of a psychological approach about the purpose of life. So, that's currently both cross out at the time being.
5. Speaking of the first confession or issue I suppose? I somewhat have the tendency to burst with ideas that this tends to be the problem with me. You see, if I plan out story board and even the sequence of chapters, what happens is that it ends up being delayed or never getting the chance to show up for others to read. I don't think it's laziness, well obviously a part of it, it is, but also it's hesitation. Now I know as a writer, we all have our own insecurities when writing and it's a common issue doubting oneself that I end up reading, chatting or doing work to get off some steam about the issue. Which concludes, I'm probably gonna have a hard time getting that fix in the meantime.
And then there's the other issue. When writing because you have a spark of inspiration that ends you publishing it then get lost along the way because writer's block, busyness or work. Then it hit me. Writing can be somewhat a hard job to do.
6. Board: Anime Edition or simply Board. Yeah, somewhat I feel like removing the entitle Anime Edition on it but eh, gonna need to ask keitsune if she wouldn't mind making a new cover and ask a few more in advance. Either way, Board is going well for both version of Nicholas and Paige. Reminding everyone who may have or haven't yet read Board, Board takes place as the sequel of Arcadia X by Altair_Nobunaga and prequel of Fate X by Manwithoutpurpose, having Nicholas's POV in my account while Paige's POV is on NanoriHoshimi. So shameless promotion whether it works or fail but do hope you get the time or chance to read it.
On an additional note, yeah, go Board for having most attention, no worries, we'll try updating Board soon enough considering the voting for Chapter Six.Four: Aftermath have been tallied and then proceed to continuation. However, we would like to announce after finishing it we would stop at Chapter Six.Five. No. No. Don't get the wrong idea, MWP-sensei and co. would probably kill us if we stop midway after all the planning and heck I'd feel like a downgraded writer doing that after saying I'd want to be a Reader's Writer (Reference is on More Work Chapter) and not to mention the epic fail Tarot Fate happen. Ah, yep, totally need to repay myself some slacks for at least trying. Ahem, right, meaning to say is just that we'll be doing a bit of tweaking here and there on every chapters and I still have yet to put visuals on it like I've said to myself for the I-don't-know-how-many times now. Well actually we've been rewriting the chapters already in a draft but that can wait. Or maybe we could just do that and let others wait... Eh, either way, there's no changes to the route that have been made just a bit of addition and subtraction that's all.
7. Surely you've noticed some time to time of recent updates on different books like this Randomness book, One Shot Series and well Board. Now, another shameless promotion to hope is maybe read the latest One Shot Series. Technically, Kitty Love is for Bang Dream fans out there if they ever notice or like AuliveSofya Fujo-Chan002, Sirdiamond and Pickletoad if they do so. Not to mention the latest chapter that revolves me and MinTo_Be, aka my little sister, Aria. Adding that there are a few more to add on that one shot so look out for it and suggest anything if you like.
8. Now I know what I said about using II or known as Imaginative Invention (Reference in Two New Fanfics Chapter) can be very enthusiastic yet devasting at the same time. When ideas pops out, you either go do it or plainly drop it. Like me! And some others writers out there that I clearly understand how they feel like Luccato_san cause work, procrastination and sweets; specifically cakes and cookies, am I right? So I know I have a lot of old books than needs to start moving yet is stuck at the same place like Maki's Cliche Story, Once Upon A Time, Kouzai Hime and My Master Is A Reaper (For this case, I'm blaming wifi considering this is a collab project that needs to be talk about.) I deeply apologize for like a couple of times already in this chapter and keeping this lengthy that I'm surprised myself I can create 1000+ words of randomness unless I've made some in the past excluding of course the one shots I made for some friends.
Wow, I really am good at getting side track. No wonder I get myself into issues when walking right too them. Face it, I'm misfortune. Ahem, sorry. Again. So I'm writing a new book. Yes, you get that. Probably another long series that I seriously need to put my dedication in like Board before everything ends for me. Don't mind it. It'll be like another snowflake when touch it would disperse and then another one would follow. Was that a bit too dark? Think of happy thoughts like farting rainbow cats, listening to an optimistic yet scary looking axe or being defiled by a Reigndeer.
Cough. Anyway, I'm not spoiling that book of what it may be. Not even the title, genre or whatever that hints a book since I like to keep stories in cliffhangers and full of surprises that may or may not be obvious but is either way fun and amusing for readers to read.
9. Well, obviously I'd been reading books left and right for inspiration, research or plainly to intrigue myself. Even got myself into a roleplay called A White Disaster by star_gypsy_town, the story board samplings which was quite interesting if she ever notice. Course not to forget A World To Understand and Another Side by Lu, Fate X by MWP and Emina, Arcadia X by Altair, Nicopocalypse by Dia and Fujo.
Then found myself to books like A Tale of Two Feathers and The Bespectacled Drifter by Zetsugami as an example for time to pass. Not to mention there was also books that I always kept within my heart that I truly loved coming from MisakaLovesYou and her other companions. Shock Therapy's. RIFT (Railgun In Fairytail) and RIFT NXT. Anna and Ranko. ACMF (A Certain Magical Fate). Ultimate Gamer Guide, and many more! I'm those sneaky silent readers, okay? I have trouble communicating with others whom I idolize like a certain man without purpose maybe? Hmm, probably the lack of time and topics to talk about aside Board. People have been pretty busy with stuff nowadays.
Phew. Finally got that off from my chest. Now it almost does feels like a confession. Kidding. I just realized this part became another promotion for other books to be read out there. Mhm, always the supportive person for everyone out there.
10. And to end it all, applause yourself as we eat cakes and cookies once more as our reward for our hard gained work. Even to people who likes to Pro(crastinate) a lot. At least they're also trying their best.
Until then, I bid farewell and have a good day/night. *Throws smoke bomb and fled*
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