Top 10 worst Tv show episodes of all time!
Hello everyone, as you may all know, I love Tv entertainment, but here, it's another story... These 10 episodes are the worst of the worst I have ever seen as I lay my eyes upon... I'm Henryhawk88, and welcome my top 10 worst episodes of all time... These episodes can go to the bloody depths of hell...
Number 10...
Now some people might argue that the new Family Guy automatically sucks because of the way the creators put there commercials or they have actually seen an episode of the new Family Guy isn't just as the same as the old family guy, and I can say I like the new family guy too, sure there can be some holes inside these shows but I still like them, except I cannot say the same thing with Brain Griffins House of Payne from Family Guy. Why can't I protect this episode you may ask? Because this episode was SOOOOO BOOOOORREIINNNG! At least the episode starts out interesting, and it slows down when Brain talks about how good his Tv show is and that is literally like 2 minutes later! This episode slows down even more when Brain tries to get his damn Tv show up on Tv, I mean, who would want to watch that?! I came here to watch how Chris, Meg and Peter trying to find how to help Stewies head concussion. But no, we just get to see arguing, acting, AND A USLESS EPISODE!!!
Number 9...
This next enter my doesn't mean I hate this Tv episode, in fact, I find a lot of hilarious moments in this Tv shows new seasons, but the how much the characters development and personalities had changed throughout this episode, just makes me realize how stupid, unlikeable, or useless there characters were back then, and that's Season 1 of The Amazing World Of gumball. If you liked any of the characters back in the day, that is totally fine, but I can't stomach spending a year with this people! Now if you ask me, "Hey what's the matter with the old characters? Why didn't you like them??" Well like I said they were useless, stupid or unlikeable, I'll list some examples:
Banana Joe: Useless character with an annoying laugh
Allen: Just that kid with no hands
Tina Rex: Just the Bully who was used for painful slapstick
Darwin: God I hated darwin in this series... Everything bad had to go to Gumball... Plus he was just so... Facepalming...
Tobias: Somewhat of a bully who was only user for
Principle Brown: the detention giving character trait
Granny Joe Joe: that disgusting old lady with the nasty lips
Richard: He was actually unlikeable with weak jokes, but now he's one of the funniest characters to my opinion.
That's about it, I'm not going to explain how their so much better then in the newer seasons, so you check them out and analyze the character.
Number 8:
Now let's move on to a Tv I like to watch somewhat on a regular basis, Icarly, you may like it or not, but I do, but for most of you who don't like it, it's probably for the annoying characters and dumb plots or something. But like any other Tv show, it's has its problems, the first seasons have to go to deep exclamation on plans or something else to get the viewer on track, the newer seasons seem to be ignoring some plot devices to create a plot hole. What episode has the modern season problem? Itoe Fat Cakes of course! My problems with this episode is SAM PUCKET HERSELF!!! Omg, you wouldn't now how much I hate this character... She's rude, obnoxious, overrated, and I'm not exaggerating when I say, EVERY SINGLE JOKE SHE CRACKS UP FALLS FLAT ON THEIR FACES! This episode just has Sams unlikeable traits... When it comes down to Jokes and her obnoxiousness, like in the factory when Sam was crying teas of joy when she says, "MAMAS HOME!" I keep saying, "shut up Sam, this is a snack cake factory, not your hometown." More poorly made jokes, and really writers?! "Please let me go... I'm just a poor little girl..." *facepalm* you fucken almost broke a back for a snack cake... Your an idiot Sam... When with the plot whole part, Sam didn't have a passport, idk why but she didn't, then she ends up in Japan, I wished she died over there...
Number 7...
The Cleveland Show! A Tv show with mixed feelings! I say this because Seth McFarlin wanted to make Cleveland just like Peter Griffin, and the result was too... Meh... Cleveland fells out of character here, but what do I have to say about this Tv shows other characters? I like them for at least like a handful of characters at least. Donna and Arch are examples I don't like, but Roberta can get on this list alone, Solving Problems Like Roberta! Why? Why would you make a bratty bitch Seth? Just why?... I'm pretty sure if we didn't have Roberta, I would've liked this Tv show a little more. So the school is having a carnival and Donna wanted to sing with her daughter but she just goes, "Ugh mom! I don't sing anymore! I'm too cool for that!" Something like that, after some scenes which increases my rage, Donna throws her daughter to Cleveland to watch, I also don't like Donna that much either... The only think I don't like about this episode, is Robertas black heartedness, I mean she is going down the line willing to hurt her own family to get what she wants! And when she finally does learn her lesson at the end, I guess things go back to normal? I'm just moving on...
Number 6...
For any old Cartoon Network fans may remember this episode growing up, Everyone thinks it was Bendy, I don't even thing I need to explain why this episode is hated upon us, all it is, it's Bendy... He's the reason wrong with this Episode... Next!
Number 5...
I'm pretty sure everyone can realize how differently bad the new episodes of the Fairly Odd Parents had become this far, so the episodes from the first episodes until down to the first episode with the new animation were good and creative, but for these episodes are just plies of shit, let's be honest. It feels like now, the writers will have to do anything to get the plot moving even if it made no sense, and every time Cosmos and Wandas Wands there either disabled or taken away by someone or something always pissed me off, the characters are stupid as hell, the plots make zero sense, and that's why it's a posterboy of 2015 Nickelodeon...
Number 4...
If you are a follower of mine, you know what's gonna come next, Best night ever... You seen my rant in my Top 10 worst Mlp episodes, you would now how much I hate this episode, but something funny came up to me, I could've chose the Return of Harmony or Cutie Mark Less, because the two episodes have the same problems in my opinion and made me mad at the same time, but what about an episode with 6 different stories that go nowhere, but fall down from the opposite direction and instead of solving the problem at the end of the episode, they make up a bullshit solution and somehow call it the best night ever?... That's what I thought...
Number 3...
Seth McFarlin... Why are you doing this? Why? Seriously, that Christmas episode that included krampus was awful.... My first humungous problem with this episode is Steve by himself, idk but he doesn't act like an idiotic bitch in the most part, he usually just acts like a big baby or a pertvert, but the only reason why he acted like this was ONLY BECAUSE THE DAMN PLOT SAID SO!!!! And I actually felt so bad for the talking household objects dying like that, they seem so innocent... And why did you have to make Santa the villain and krampus the good guy?? I know it's comedy and all but why??? And after all that, those lost lives are because of Steve...... Himself is the reason why he is my least favorite loser son in the 4 most famous animated families, I'll take Bart, Jr and Chris anytime!
Number 2...
SpongeBob! Easily the best Tv show growing up as a kid! I've grown up with spongebob all my life too! Because spongebob and I were both born in the year of 1999! (Well at least his show first aired in that year) but sadly as I grow up in this year, I can now see SOME bad episodes in the modern seasons, but the worst by far is a tie, grandmas kisses and little yellow book! But why isn't grandmas kisses on the pic above? Because I find the other episode much much worse... First, the first one.... Now, this episode was actually entertaining and heart warming too, the reason i hate so much was the scene in the krusty krab, where everyone acted like asses just because he cares for his grandma, I now go, THATS BULLSHIT!!!!!! I beat they do the same thing with their families so there all a bunch of retarded Hippocrates! The ending was a big slap in the face too, every time I see that, I just want to flip the bird at squidward... Little yellow book was another pain in my chest, Squidwards stupid curiosity peeked in his diary and started to torchere him and at the end, His dumbass smirk gets what he deserves that the ending, but the last scene MAKES ME WANNA CHOKE HIS FUCKEN THROAT UNTIL HE IS OUT OF THE TV SHOW FOR GOOD!!!!!!! One more spot... Let's go...
All of the other entries here have at least one redeeming quality here so even though there are steaming piles of dogshit, I can look up past them, while I can do the same here, it's not gonna get out for being THE WORST TV EPISODE I HAVE EVER SEEN... And that is The Breadwinners vs The Pizzawinners... This is the laziest Tv episode I have ever seen in my entire life... It was so cliched!!! Here is how this episode goes!:
1. Swaysway and Buduce were about to finally get there successful delivery until THE PIZZA WINNERS LITERALLY POPPED OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. They race each other and the pizza winners win!
3. they take away Swaysways stuff, including Buduce (I think)
4. Swaysway tried to rescue Buduce but gets caught by the girls and angers some monsters
5. They team up to beat all of them and lol happy ending!
You watch the episode yourself and I'm pretty sure you'll understand why this is concerned to be the laziest episode in my opinion is!!!
What is a Tv show that pissed opinion off? Leave a comment in comment section and tell me! More randomness coming soon!
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