Cinnamon Matthews
Name: Cinnamon Matthews
Age: 17 (About to turn 18)
Birthday: February 15th
Gender: Female
Crush: WheelJack or Smokescreen (I prefer Wheeljack but if you don't want to play him then Smokescreen is my crush)
Faction: Neutral but becomes Autobot
Family: Jack Darby (Adoptive brother), June Darby (Adoptive mother), Phillip (Biological Cousin)
Enemies: Decepticons, Silas and his men, and Vince.
Looks: She has different forms but they do have a slight downside so she isn't too OP
(This is one form: it isn't her main one, This one usually happens when she feels threatened or scared)
(This is her full Jaguar form but imagine it nearly as big as Arcee)
(Here is her human form)
(Here is monster form, it usually is right before she goes Full jaguar)
I don't expect you to memorize these forms. I'm just showing you in case my describing isn't enough.
Personality: Cinnamon is observant. She is very sweet and friendly, sometimes she is too trusting but can be naive. Though she believes so easily, she can hold her ground and blackmail someone fiercely. She is observant and can discover secrets easily. Cinnamon is clueless about some things unless they're said though her observant trait can sometimes detect body language and words to analyze them much more closely. Cinnamon is adventurous and loving, her trusting behavior is a major weakness. She trusts too easily and be persuaded sometimes.
Likes: Country music, artwork, sketching, birdwatching/Biology.
Dislikes: Silence, water, gore, death, and the sound of metal scrapping metal (Just imagine Arcee scrapping her arms against the wall just to get on Cinnamon's nerves- that would be hilarious). She hates A serious mood or tense atmosphere.
None of the videos belong to me, and the artwork is traced so I don't get full credit. And the stock image definitely isn't mime.
She has a genetic mutation that affected her DNA. She is able to transform into a huge jaguar, that is about the size of Arcee. (Not quite). It is activated when Cinnamon feels scared or in danger. The full Jaguar form is activated by anger or loss of control of emotions. Cinnamon can get stuck in her mega form due to it being so hard to get in and out of.
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