Where did these suddenly come from??
I got tagged for 3, but one is a one-shot, so that will be in my one-shot book when I've finished it.
For the first one, tagged by may_and_drew
1. Sexuality
2. Gender
3. Happy?
4. Last song?
"Villains theme" BNHA (honestly it sounds so cool and I really want to use it for a video for one of our projects (we have to film and edit stuff for a grade (I already used a Pkmn song once (route 10 BW))))
5. Hair colour?
6. Zodiac
7. Last person you kissed?
One of my friends (on the cheek)
8. Fav colour
9. Fav food
10. Battery %
11. Celebrity crush
Cole Sprouse
12. Fav vegetable
13. Eye colour
Brown -_-
14. Shoe size
15. Dream job
I always wanted to be an interior stylist or writer.
You know what? You are tagged for both of them if you're tagged after this next tag.
And the second one, I was tagged by LapisLazulli2 and EeveelutionBrandi
Vanilla or chocolate?
One bad habit?
I can get really exited when I play any sport, and shout things that I regret afterwards...
Something you hate?
Anime boys or real?
Anime boyzzz
Secret talents?
I don't really have one?
Favourite food?
Three pet peeves?
1. Loud chewing. My brother does this a lot and it drives me crazy! It sounds so disgusting.
2. Slow walkers. But who doesn't hate them?
3. When people mis-pronounce (?) my name. It happens a lot. My brother said it wrong till he was 6 or 7.
Favourite anime?
Three facts about you?
1. I like ducks and birds, but they're not my favourite animal.
2. One of the things on my bucket list is that I want to pet a bird. I have to do that at least once before I die.
3. Last Saturday I played friendly a hockey match against the team of my friend (she wasn't there sadly). One of the people in that team said they were gonna destroy us. We won with 10-2. (I also scored once because of a mistake of the one saying that they were gonna destroy us lol)
Tag 15 people
If you're tagged, you're tagged for both.
Okay, I'm gonna do it different again, because I feel bad if I keep tagging the same people.
You're tagged if you have a Halloween related pyjama (I have one lol).
You're tagged if you were reading a book in the last hour.
You're tagged if you can see a vegetable somewhere.
You're tagged if it's between 7 and 8 PM wherever you are.
That's enough I think.
Kay bye.
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