Tagged by LapisLazulli2
Eeh... I don't really get it but I'll use the last screenshot I made?
Thirteen facts
1. My room is yellow (very important).
2. The cushions on our couch are yellow (very important).
3. The towels in our kitchen are yellow (very important).
4. Our fridge has a lot of magnets (most of places where we've been). There is one yellow smiley (very important).
5. We have two small yellow vases in the living room (very important).
6. We have a yellow blanket lying on the couch (very important).
7. We have a yellow candle (very important).
8. I can't find anythinf yellow left in my sight.
9. I call my glasses my cow-glasses. On the outside they're black, on the inside there black and white.
10. I'm tired.
11. I like ducks, but they're not my favourite animals.
12. On those new Instagram story questions, I usually ask people's opinions on giraffes.
13. It's too hot here in the Netherlands.
Aaand more questions
Answer the 13 questions your tagger gave you
1. What's your favourite flower?
Rose. Orange rose.
2. What's your opinion on the Hunger Games
Haven't seen.
3. Are you more into cartoons or anime?
4. What's you're favourite Disney movie?
5. What country do you live in?
The Netherlands, or Holland. Whatever you wanna call it.
6. If you encountered a genie, what would you wish for?
Unlimited wishes.
7. Do you like chocolate?
Hell yeah.
8. What's your opinion on Pokémon Black & White?
Love it!
9. What's your favourite emoji?
10. Are you mostly on Wattpad to read or write?
11. What time is it for you now?
Eeeeh 22:25
12. How badly do you want to be done with these questions?
13. Do you like da Lenny?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Okay, done!
Make 13 questions for the people you will tag
Make... make... make 13 questions?
You think I'm capable of that?
1. Opinion on giraffes?
2. Do you like yellow?
3. I already am short of questions so let's just skip this one?
4. Are you hungry?
5. Favourite season?
6. Question 5: Why?
7. I don't like the answer you gave on question 2, answer it again.
8. Is this question 5?
9. How many minutes have you been spending on this tag?
10. Do you think Taco is an acceptable pet name?
11. Are you Draco Malfoy?
12. Do you think Draco Malfoy is a good guy in the end?
13. Don't care what you answered at 12, Draco was a good guy end of discussion.
Tag 13 people
Tag... tag... tag 13... 13... 13 people... 13...
Well I didn't make those questions for nothing
Must complete this in a week or under
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