Hamilton Incorrect Quotes
Hercules: Lafayette! MONSIEUR LAFAYETTE!
Laf: Quoi? (what)
Herc: How do you say 'thick' in French?
Laf: What-
Herc and John: How do you say 'thick' in French?
Laf: 0-0
Laf: T-that's inappropriate- get back to work-
✨ a g g r e s s i v e l y ✨ t a l l ✨ h u m a n
Peggy: *pointing across the room to Jefferson*
Peggy: Do you see that aggressively tall human over there?
Alex: ...No?
Peggy: *sighs* the aggressively tall human with the pink hair?
Alex: yeah, what about 'em?
Peggy: I like his costume.
horse jokes
Laf: A horse walks into a bar-
Herc: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Alex: *snorts*
Laf: *glares at Herc* ... The bartender asks, "why the long face?"
Herc: *falls on the ground*
Alex: *dies*
John: *confused smiling* w-what...?
math is i c o n i c
Alex: JEFFERSON mOvE! I can't see the board!
Thomas: *turns around* then maybe you should grow a few inches.
Class: OHHH
Alex: *huffs* *folds arms*
John: *a few seconds later* OH! I just got the joke- *laughs*
Washingdad: *trying to teach* *sighs*
tuba? nah. i have a sax.
Washingdad: The melody is in the tuba.
Alex: *looks back at James Madison*
James: *holding a sax*
James: *smiles*
my fries.
John: *reaches out to steal fry from Alex*
Alex: *plays on his phone*
Alex: *not looking up; smacks John's hand*
John: *whispers* ouch-
Alex: ...
John: ...
Alex: *smirks*
Washington's children: *screaming*
Washington: *has given up on life*
Washington: *looks at camera as if in the office* wine?
Alex: *laying on the couch, staring at computer*
Laf: *cross-legged on the floor with a cat in his lap and a French book*
Washingdad: *in recliner grading papers with his feet up*
Alex: *looks up from computer*
Alex: ya know, with all the research I do on these people-
Washington: what?
Alex: research has become more than a hobby. It's become a way of life.
Washington: uh...
Alex: and ya know what's even weirder?
Washington: do I even want to know-
Laf: *shrugs, still engrossed in his book*
Alex: with the amount of research I've done, it feels like I actually know these people.
Washington: *mildly concerned*
Laf: I mean you're not wrong-
Alex: *rolls over onto back* like, Lin-Manuel Miranda is mAH HOMIE, DUDE-
Washington: *listens with increasing discomfort*
Five minutes later
Washington: let's be reasonable, we all know that christophER JACKSON WAS THE GREATEST FOUNDING FATHER OF ALL TIME-
Martha: *walks in, unfazed*
Martha: *looks at the camera*
Martha: this is normal.
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